Big.Jazayrli's first BluePrint Run

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Post by Big.jazayrli »

So I'm glad i got yesterday out of my system. Gonna be a bit more in control today.

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if i hit the 4000cal mark yesterday.

NEEDLESS TO SAY! that won't be happening again any time soon.

I did still hit the important points supplementation wise yesterday though

45g BCAA (more than recommended, but im testing out the stuff i got)
4 caps (3g) Kre alkalyn
At least 5 tabs UniLiver
5g GABA before bed

I slept like a baby last night and oddly enough, though i went to bed with a realllly full stomach, i woke up feeling ok (i would usually wake up with acid indigestion). totally weird for me.

I also went for a long walk before bed last night, is that ok?

another question came to mind today when cruising, how would an AI like novedex XT serve as a pre-bed product with GABA for my next run of BP? Thus far im looking at at least Kreanabolyn and Adaptogen N for my next run
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Post by RobRegish »

5g GABA before bed

I slept like a baby last night and oddly enough, though i went to bed with a realllly full stomach, i woke up feeling ok (i would usually wake up with acid indigestion). totally weird for me.

A. Not uncommon to hear this with GABA at all...

I also went for a long walk before bed last night, is that ok?

A. Sure is..

another question came to mind today when cruising, how would an AI like novedex XT serve as a pre-bed product with GABA for my next run of BP?

A. Really depends on if a test for total/free T says it's warranted. Generally, I'm not a fan of the stronger AI's unless something like AN doesn't work for you.... which I'd be surprised if it wouldn't. I didn't think Gaspari was making XT anymore...

Thus far im looking at at least Kreanabolyn and Adaptogen N for my next run

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Post by Big.jazayrli »

So calories today were still on the high side, but they were much closer to where i want to be.

I'm just unaccustomed to eating without measuring.

I have been focusing on sourcing many of my calories from complex carbs though. I had oat bran twice today and 2 cups of broccoli with lunch.

Managed not to eat anything but a bite of bread tonight at work as well! movement in the right direction if you ask me :)

Any rate, can't wait for tuesday when i can finally hit some weights and walk on the treadmill, i feel so fat just sitting around, eating, and sleeping. Though i do understand its part of the process.

Question: Is it ok to do cardio on my off days between lifting? What would the preferred cardio style be? LISS or HIIT?

Also, what are your thoughts on jump roping?
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Post by RobRegish »

Great start!

Question: Is it ok to do cardio on my off days between lifting? What would the preferred cardio style be? LISS or HIIT?

A. Yes. HIIT would be much preferred but LISS is acceptable.

Also, what are your thoughts on jump roping?

A. Certainly acceptable
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Post by Big.jazayrli »

RobRegish wrote:Great start!

Question: Is it ok to do cardio on my off days between lifting? What would the preferred cardio style be? LISS or HIIT?

A. Yes. HIIT would be much preferred but LISS is acceptable.

Also, what are your thoughts on jump roping?

A. Certainly acceptable
OK i'll probably do LISS on lifting days (or perhaps jumprope)

and on off days i'll do HIIT
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Post by Big.jazayrli »

Got my diet all set up today! Training days are going to be approximately 2100 calories and off days are going to be approximately 1600 calories. My meal plan is as follows Please, by all means, give any criticism! I'm open to change! Im excited to hit the weights tomorrow, i feel like its been forever. And oddly enough im kind of excited to follow a set meal plan again.

I will be downing my krealkalyn intake on off days to only 2.25g, spread throughout the day with meals 1, 3, and 5

On training days i will be taking 3g in doses of 1.5g pre-workout and 1.5g post workout.

I'm also gonna give 0.5g PEA a try pre-workout (until my ultima arrives) as a focusing agent, since I'm off caffeine for a stint.

I have some Ultima in the mail, as i need something to get me going for the gym and im attempting a stim break, i will also be using 1 scoop of that preworkout whenever it shows up.


Meal 1:
¼ Cup Quinoa
2 Scoops Whey
½ Grapefruit
1 cup milk

Meal 2 (Post-Workout):
2 Scoops Whey
2 Slices whole grain Bread
2 tbsp natural peanut butter

Meal 3:
4 oz Chicken Breast
1 cup broccoli
2 slices whole grain bread

Meal 4:
1 Scoop Whey protein
2 slices whole grain bread
2 tbsp natural peanut butter

meal 5:
4 oz chicken breast
1 cup broccoli
½ grapefruit


Meal 1:
¼ Cup Quinoa
2 Scoops Whey
½ Grapefruit
1 cup milk

Meal 2:
2 Scoops Whey
12 almonds

Meal 3:
4 oz Chicken Breast
1 cup broccoli
1 slices whole grain bread

Meal 4:
1 Scoop Whey protein
12 almonds

meal 5:
4 oz chicken breast
1 cup broccoli
½ grapefruit
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Post by RobRegish »

Awesome work!

You're putting a lot into it, and I assure you.... you'll get alot out of it!
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Post by Big.jazayrli »

RobRegish wrote:Awesome work!

You're putting a lot into it, and I assure you.... you'll get alot out of it!
awesome. glad the diet turned out okay.

and im STOKED to hit some weights today!
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Post by Big.jazayrli »

Hit the weights today and MAN did it feel good.

Workout was as follows, and i added a PR zone thing to the end, though i don't know if i did it right or whether they are supposed to be included yet :P

Benchpress: 225x10 w/ dumbell pullover: 80x9

Squat: 325x10 w/ SLDL: 225x8 (the 9th and 10th reps of the squats were some of the hardest reps ive EVER done)

I finished up with a nonstop set of 500 Jump Rope. Got a good sweat going there.

on a sidenote: i just referred to the EDT sticky and i definitely did it wrong.

Rob: Is it ok if i include the EDT training in my first 5 days of workout during feast?

feels good to be back on the diet again, weird.

weigh in today = 201.8 lbs Not my favorite number to see, but lets make that smaller :)
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Post by Hank! »

Strong numbers man
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Post by Big.jazayrli »

Hank! wrote:Strong numbers man
thank you sir :)
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Post by RobRegish »

Awesome work! Keep rollin' man..

Rob: Is it ok if i include the EDT training in my first 5 days of workout during feast?

Yes, absolutely...
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Post by Big.jazayrli »

RobRegish wrote:Awesome work! Keep rollin' man..

Rob: Is it ok if i include the EDT training in my first 5 days of workout during feast?

Yes, absolutely...

I feel that an EDT block with chins/french curls will hit my bis and tris pretty well and might throw one in with calves.. and something else

could i include abs in an edt block?
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Post by RobRegish »

You could but take care not to place them before any core lifts like deadlifts/squats etc.

Weakening the abs prior to these lifts is dangerous as the lower back is left to pick up the slack.
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