Hank's 2nd Run

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Post by RobRegish »

Wow. Great going Hank. Hearing about these Black Cats alot lately. I'll have to look into them...

EC makes you grumpy. Wow. They actually make me lively. No easy task... :)
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Post by Hank! »


1318 kcals
16gms fat
280gm carbs
31 fiber
21gms protien

feel surprisingly good

Today I ate
2 bananas
1 pop tart
seeds of change quinoa
1/2 slice of bread

yeah i am hungry
5 clemintines
2 sweet potatos
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Famine 2 Day 4

Post by Hank! »

Famine 2 Day 4

RHR 66
Weight 249.7

It is our quater end at work so been insanely busy and havent had a chance to do cardio, I may take the night off..

Macros for the day
51g fat
243g carbs
24g fiber
18gm Protein
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Post by RobRegish »

Almost there Hank!!
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Post by Hank! »

Famine II Day 5

Went to bed late last night, slept about 4 hrs grrr

BP 118/68
RHR 69

Workout 5 today , my RHR coming up slow, next time i have to buy the test strips..anybody want to mail me a few?

I will report back weight later, HAPPY FRIDAY and guys here is some stuff that, when I am down I watch..and keep myself in check.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sb_tEOkc ... re=related

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Post by RobRegish »

Probably the most inspirational videos you'll ever see!
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Post by Hank! »

Last day of famine with the squat workout I almost puked and or passed out,

All i had eaten today before the 75 rep squat routine was a packet of Kashi Oatmeal and a cup of coffee maybe 300cals total

Squats superset with Tbar Row
185x15 / 185x15 x5 in under 20mins I didnt wear my HR monitor but I was cranking

Did my curls and got out of dodge, total cals so far today about 800

Looking forward to a nice meal tomorrow, and a long weekend to follow
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Post by RobRegish »


You made it through... again. And now time to eat! You timed it so right, with Memorial day cookouts here. Ahh and 3 days off to rest/relax as per The Blueprint.

You may be onto The Blueprint Memorial Day cycle!
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Post by Hank! »

Yeppers Famine 2 is in the books took it a lot deeper this time dropped 7.5lbs as of this am but I have already had my golden grahams in protein milk as an appetizeer

Macros Yesterday
1405 Kcals
39g Fat
240g carbs
22 protien

Oh did you all know they make M&M's with Pretzels built in? Oh yeah!!
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Post by RobRegish »

Great job man, GREAT job...

Curious as to if you found it easier this time around and if so, why? It's never "easy" I know but I find I actually crave the detox feeling it delivers, likely due to the fact I've incorporated more "live" foods/juices..
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Post by beachpirate »

Hank, I was gone for a week and you are already done with famine. Great Job!!!

I'm looking forward to your second run.
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Post by Hank! »

I did find famine easier and am considering a true fast at some point, i certainly consumed less calories this time around and really push hard in the gym, my hammys are so tight from Fridays W/O i feel like i am 100 yrs old.

Beach thanks for the support, I rekon you are right behind me..catch any sharks?
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Post by Hank! »

Feast 2 Day 1

I hate to dissapoint but I could not get to 3700 calories yesterday , was too busy to eat more

I even had a Milk Shake with Starbucks ice cream..

3257 kcals
149g fat < thank you Milk Shake
825mg Choles
4101mg Sodium
311g Carbs
153g Sugar
21g fiber < lol no veggies for me!
211g protein
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Post by Hank! »

Man this is a dirty feast so far

macros yesterday
3474 cals
191g fat
225gm carb
36g fiber
213g pro
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