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Post by RobRegish »

Here's how I'd schedule it:

First 3 days of Feast - Eat and sleep. Let's assume that's M, T and Wed.

Thursday would be your first workout, F-S off and Sunday would be your next session. Take M,T off and go back in Wednesday. Then take Th, F, and Sat off and go back in Sunday. Take M, T and W off and go back in Thursday. Take Friday, Saturday and Sun off and go back in Monday. Stick to that 1 one/3 off schedule until you observe a slowdown in weights progressing OR you're noticing other subjective feelings of over-training like nagging pains, dis-inclination to train, not sleeping well etc.. Then you'd move to a one on/4 off schedule if needed.

On the workouts, here's how I'd structure the jumps:


Bench press or Dips - 2 sets of 12

A. I'd look at increasing 5lbs a session here, with the goal of achieving that for the same reps in at least the first set. Once you can complete both sets for the same reps with added weight, increase the weight another 5lbs.

Squat - 1 set of 20 supersetted with

A. You may be able to add 10lbs to the bar early on (first 3-4 sessions). If not, suggest 5lbs jumps. Certainly will have to move to 5lbs jumps later in the program. When in doubt, play it conservative. Much better to get them easily (or at least get them) than to miss with too much weight.

Pullovers - 1 set of 20

A. These should be a non-issue as Strossen wants them to be lighter. Just enough to cause some light rib-cage stretching. Don't turn them into another religious experience like the squat :)

Bent rows - 2 sets of 15

A. I'm inclined to recommend the Tbar or 1arm dumbell row here and I'll tell you why. Your back has already taken a tremendous hit with those 20 rep squats. I'm hesitant to put it into a compromising position given those conditions.

Final work on the squats/pullover. Remember these are BREATHING squats. HUGE gulps of air (as much as your lungs can hold) and go down with a full take of air, exhaling SLOWLY on the way out. Same thing on the pullovers.

This is a VERY important part of the program and contributes A LOT to the final results. It's for this reason I'd like you to invest in that little book (SS). He goes into great detail about how to do it. Far better than I ever could.
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Post by KEissawi »

that was a crystal clear explanation, im kinda short on cash this month so itll be hard to get the book

i have the liver tabs and the alkaplex, i just wanted to know if those are things i take during the first three days only or feast phase only or all the time?

Just wanted to thank you for being a great inspiration and support center!
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Post by RobRegish »

Appreciate your comments, really do.

The Alkaplex/Liver tabs you can certainly take throughout. Each offers unique benefits and will certainly lend themselves well to supercompensation during this time.
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Post by KEissawi »

i also wanted know about the lenghts of rest like how long is an appropriate time to wait between sets?

and i know doing 20 sets of your 10 rep max is going to be brutal is there anything about not taking too long after reps like if i need a breather instead of just banging out the 20 reps 1 shot?
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Post by RobRegish »

Rest pause. SS was really a forerunner of this, with the deep breathing between reps. It takes a LONG time. Worse comes to worse you can rack the weight, but I wouldn't leave it there longer than 10-15 seconds...

Another reason the hip belt wins...
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Post by KEissawi »

just updating have only did the 1st day of the supersquat set but feeling really good the girlfriend says she already sees growth in my body width and more muscle fullness (hope she wasnt lieing)

just wanted to know to i start lowering the calories after the first week starting with the three day feast or after the three day feast or do i stop after the first week of working out?
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Post by Big.jazayrli »

KEissawi wrote:just updating have only did the 1st day of the supersquat set but feeling really good the girlfriend says she already sees growth in my body width and more muscle fullness (hope she wasnt lieing)

just wanted to know to i start lowering the calories after the first week starting with the three day feast or after the three day feast or do i stop after the first week of working out?
good way to test her honesty if you dont live with her; tell her you're off the diet and still see if she makes the same comments ;)
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Post by RobRegish »

I'd play that by ear. Get at least 10 days of training with this routine behind you and some traction first. Then gradually (very gradually) consider lowering them.

Let's re-evaluate that part of it in two weeks!
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Post by KEissawi »

hahaha good one Big J!

i kinda had a feeling youd say that Rob, good i wasnt ready to give up all the calories!
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Post by KEissawi »

after session 2 of the workout im feeling great the results are shocking me im gaining muscles and losing fat i dont even know how

one problem tho is i cant find myself able to add weight on the bench press im adding in all the other workouts tho...

im doing the supersquat progam by the way
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Post by KEissawi »

its two weeks before the 30th day of my feast phase

how do i know to make it 30 days or 42 days?

and is there any other form of maintenance workouts other than the one in the bp i did supersquats for mass and boy did it work so is there a diff maintenance workout for those who wanted to add mass instead of those whose goal was strength gain?

and yesterday was one of my workout days i had the extrememly hectic day i missed like 3 meals cause one of my meals messed up my stomach i know thats horrible but i just wanted to know how bad and if i can make up for it today?
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Post by RobRegish »

"after session 2 of the workout im feeling great the results are shocking me im gaining muscles and losing fat i dont even know how"

A. I know how :)

its two weeks before the 30th day of my feast phase

how do i know to make it 30 days or 42 days?

A. Simply keep going and continue doing what you're doing. You'll likely need to insert extra rest days for as your strength grows, so too do the stresses on your body. Keep that in mind..

and is there any other form of maintenance workouts other than the one in the bp i did supersquats for mass and boy did it work so is there a diff maintenance workout for those who wanted to add mass instead of those whose goal was strength gain?

A. You are free to experiment but I'd suggest sticking to the plan. 5 x 5 is a SUPER way to regain bar volume across a broader range of sets without disrupting things. In fact it allows you to keep gaining while establishing a new, higher level of homeostatis.

Custom made for the objectives of Cruise, as I outline in The Blueprint.

and yesterday was one of my workout days i had the extrememly hectic day i missed like 3 meals cause one of my meals messed up my stomach i know thats horrible but i just wanted to know how bad and if i can make up for it today?

A. No worries. Feel free to repeat if it's weighing on you :)
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Post by KEissawi »

so should i stop at 42 days or should i do a specific number of workout sessions like 15 and have that be my last day? because i dont want to cross the line btw feast and maintenance and overwork and deplete my gains.

how should my diet change in the maintenance phase? im doing the supersquats diet so im guessing id cut the milk and at least half of carb intake?
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Post by Hank! »

I ran my first run out to about 39 days..listen to your body you can stretch it out longer if your still making gains but homeostasis will kick in soon
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