Hey guys, so let me say first off, the reason alot of changes have been made is due to the fact i workout at home.. only really have acess to barbells dumbells and body weight exercises.
so i cant really superset barbell things (squat/deadlift) but can easily SS from barbell to dumbell.
So here are my draft workouts!
My famine workout:
squats 6x1 s/s
dumbell rows 6x1
(2min break)
squats 6x1 s/s
dumbell rows 6x1
(2min break)
squats 6x1 s/s
dumbell rows 6x1
standing barbell curls 6x1
(2min break)
incline db curls 6x1
(2min break)
Dumbbell Prone Incline Curl 6x1
- Wide grip bench press for 8-10 reps immediately into
- Seated DB shoulder presses for 8-10 reps
Rest 1 minute
- Close grip bench press for 8-10 reps immediately into
- Seated DB shoulder presses for 8-10 reps
Rest 1 minute
- Incline bench press for 8-10 reps immediately into
- Seated DB shoulder presses for 8-10 reps
Rest 1 minute
- Decline bench press for 8-10 reps immediately into
- Seated DB shoulder presses for 8-10 reps
Rest one minute
- Decline close grip bench presses for 8-10 reps
REST 1 minute
- Skull crushers/lying tricep extensions for 8-10 reps
REST 1 minute
- dumbell tricep extensions 8-10 reps
Repeat Monday's workout but with this time with 5 sets and just 30 seconds between sets.
- Select a weight that puts you in the 12-15 rep range.
Help with my Famine, Feast and Cruise workouts
Feast workout.
workout 1 - 5 (decreasing as per BP)
warm up
bench 10x1
dumbell pullovers 10x1
EDT sets,
incline DB presses s/s with
standing barbell row or dumbell rows
warm up
squat 10x1
SLDL 10x1
EDT sets,
romanian deadlifts s/s with
DB lunges OR BB deadlifts
German loading pattern #1
bench (as per loading pattern)
EDT sets for streches not to failure,
incline DB presses s/s with
standing barbell row or dumbell rows
decline barbell static holds 5-10 seconds x 2
squat (as per loading pattern)
EDT sets for streches not to failure,
romanian deadlifts s/s with
DB lunges OR BB deadlifts
workout 1 - 5 (decreasing as per BP)
warm up
bench 10x1
dumbell pullovers 10x1
EDT sets,
incline DB presses s/s with
standing barbell row or dumbell rows
warm up
squat 10x1
SLDL 10x1
EDT sets,
romanian deadlifts s/s with
DB lunges OR BB deadlifts
German loading pattern #1
bench (as per loading pattern)
EDT sets for streches not to failure,
incline DB presses s/s with
standing barbell row or dumbell rows
decline barbell static holds 5-10 seconds x 2
squat (as per loading pattern)
EDT sets for streches not to failure,
romanian deadlifts s/s with
DB lunges OR BB deadlifts
Cruise wkrouts
Day 1
bench 5x5 80% 1rm max
shoulder press 5x5
close grip bench press static hold 6-10 seconds 20-40% of 1rm max
Day 2
squat 5x5 80% max 1rm
static hold BB squat 6-10 second
dumbell rows 5x5
Dumbbell Prone Incline Curl static hold at top 6-10 seconds (extend as long as possible)
Barbell calf raise (in rack) hold at top for 6-10 seconds
weighted situp static hold 6-10 seconds
focus on extending static hold times... do not exeed 90% max 1rm...6-7 workouts
Day 1
bench 5x5 80% 1rm max
shoulder press 5x5
close grip bench press static hold 6-10 seconds 20-40% of 1rm max
Day 2
squat 5x5 80% max 1rm
static hold BB squat 6-10 second
dumbell rows 5x5
Dumbbell Prone Incline Curl static hold at top 6-10 seconds (extend as long as possible)
Barbell calf raise (in rack) hold at top for 6-10 seconds
weighted situp static hold 6-10 seconds
focus on extending static hold times... do not exeed 90% max 1rm...6-7 workouts