DaCookie is turning into the Cookie Monster-2nd run, 1st log

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Post by DaCookie »

I finished my diet thing for Day 6.

Day 7 morning weight in 161lbs(Think its water weight from carbs??)

Overall well being/alpha male feeling, I feel alert, really motivated.Both my mind and body are like this.Not sure which supp/supps to be honest...I think the tbol trib, adaptogen n, multi-life and alkaplex.

With the deadlift question I ment which type should I do for the program(as in adding it in) and at what sets/reps
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Post by Hank! »

Hey Cookie did you take a week off after cruise in to the second run?

I dont feel burnt out so I thought id just slip back into famine.
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Post by DaCookie »

Yeh I did like a 6week cut so.
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Post by DaCookie »

Day 7 diet

1 30pm: 2 Mexican chicken wraps

3pm: 2 bags of chrisps, one popcorn

5pm: 2 burgers with cheese, bun and bbq sauce

9pm: chicken, roast potatoes, peas, coliflower

10 30 pm: ice cream

12am: Protein shake

Ok now no more carbs except the waxy maize or at least low carbs.

Are carbs in fruit/veg okay?
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Post by RobRegish »

Sure, carbs from fruits and veggies are OK..

Q. With the deadlift question I ment which type should I do for the program(as in adding it in) and at what sets/reps

A. I like the romanian deadlift, cycled for reps in the following fashion:

1st workout 20 reps
2nd workout 15 reps
3rd workout 10 reps

Obviously with heavier weights on the lower reps. Doing so ensures a nice rep spread, intensity threshold without burning you out in anything close to the 90th percentile.

Hope that helps Cookie. You sound like you're setting yourself up for another MONSTER bulk!
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Post by DaCookie »

Day 8 morning weigh in 161 lbs

Yeap, im gonna get huge.
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Post by DaCookie »

Todays diet went like most other days.Just gonna write questions/workouts from now on...

But today as a whole went really bad.I played tennis with my dad today for about an hour and I was literally on top form.Felt great.

So later on at about 10 pm I made that peri workout drink of yours but a few modifications.200g waxy maize 1.5scoops of protein and 2 intrabolic scoops and 25g of BCAAs.This was ina 25oz bottle.Well I had some of it and it tasted like crap, so thick and such a bad after taste.So I took a few sups and then filled more with water.I did this a good 3-4 times before starting my workout.I tried 70kg on squat and thought I for sure wouldnt do 20 reps of it so after 2 reps I went down to 60kg.I did 20 reps of that and was wreaked, I decided to take a big few gulps from the drink.

Wasnt such a good idea.I had this shit feeling in my stomach so went down to the kitchen and had about 500mls of water.Then I felt like I was gonna throw up, spent about 5min wondering from toilet to weights room wondering if I was going to.Then my stomach decided for me and I got sick in the toilet, I threw up very little, only liquid and not even that much.No actual food.

I debated with myself whether I was gonna keep working out or not and decided I was.So I picked up the 20kg db and went to do a few pullovers.I wasnt going to be able to do 20 reps so I stopped.My energy was low but I wasnt shaking or anything.I felt now wasnt the time for the gym so here I am writing this now.

How am I to proceed from here?
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Post by RobRegish »

OK Cookie.. tough to tell whether it was the drink or something else. You do need to flavor the drink...

In any case, next steps are relatively simple:

1.) Get another good day of eating or two behind you
2.) Cut those drink ingredients in half and see if you can tolerate that OK
3.) Base workout #3 of off 60kg x 20 reps (meaning add a bit of weight)

Lastly, remember this: We all have bad workouts. Great lifters come back from them to achieve even more.

I believe you to be just such a man.
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Post by DaCookie »

Alright yeh.Im 99% sure it was the drink.Il take today off and workout wednesday.
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Post by SudburyBaller »

That's gotta be the drink, made my stomach turn just thinking about it lol.
Kick some ass in the gym tomorrow.
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Post by DaCookie »

I think I know what it was.Its cause the drink makes my stomach bloat like a mo fo and its not used to it.I didnt get sick today though, almost did though.Had probably the worst nightmare/nightmares last night.It was so real and depressing.Woke up about 3 times covered in sweat and then each and every time its just like the dream resumed from when I woke or something?Wtf?

Ok so here was todays workout in order with some notes:

Workout #1.2(2) :D

Bench 12 reps 2 sets 55kg: Was sorta easy, gonna move up to 57.5kg.

Deadlift 20 reps 67.5kg, 15 reps 72.5kg, 10 reps 75kg: Was really hard, especially the second set, kinda did it wrong.Should have gone up in 2.5kg increment for 2nd set and then 5kg for third instead of other way around.Gonna try for 2.5kg more next time.

Squat 20 reps 62.5kg, was kinda hard, seeing as I did this third and last time I did it first, also the deadlifts absolutely killed my legs but I managed it.Think I might leave it at 62.5kg and then raise it the workout after that.

Pullover 20 reps 15kg: Pretty easy, gonna try 16 or 18kgs next time.

Bent row: Tried 40kg, did about 4 reps of it and it was too much cause i wasnt stopping at the top(flexing the bicep) so I moved down to 37.5kg.Might move up next workout, not sure.

Abs: Did like 60 sit ups and 10 leg raises or something I dunno what they are called.

Is it okay to take massive breaks inbetween sets/excercises?I took a huge break from the deadlift to squat because I was damn tired, I had to prepare the weight which takes awhile, and my dad was ment to spot me and it took him ages to come to the weights room.
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Post by DaCookie »

Oh and I did the same for the drink except I did 80g of waxy maize starch and used the berries and cream mass protein instead of the vanilla.And now im having my post workout shake before bed.I add 10g glutamine to the drink too.I add the glutamine to the peri workout drink I mean.
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Post by RobRegish »

OK Cookie way to come back with a vengence! Answers to your questions below..

I think I know what it was.Its cause the drink makes my stomach bloat like a mo fo and its not used to it.I didnt get sick today though, almost did though.Had probably the worst nightmare/nightmares last night.It was so real and depressing.Woke up about 3 times covered in sweat and then each and every time its just like the dream resumed from when I woke or something?Wtf?

A. You using Adaptogen N? If so, it gives CRAZY dreams!

Ok so here was todays workout in order with some notes:

Workout #1.2(2)

Bench 12 reps 2 sets 55kg: Was sorta easy, gonna move up to 57.5kg.

A. Good man, and bench should remain first in the rotation.

Deadlift 20 reps 67.5kg, 15 reps 72.5kg, 10 reps 75kg: Was really hard, especially the second set, kinda did it wrong.Should have gone up in 2.5kg increment for 2nd set and then 5kg for third instead of other way around.Gonna try for 2.5kg more next time.

A. I should have clarified prior... you do 1 set of 20 reps. Next workout one set of 15 reps, next workout 1 set of 10 reps. Then repeat. No worries though.

FOR SURE though, you want to put these later in the rotation. Your 20 reps squats should come AFTER bench presses.

Squat 20 reps 62.5kg, was kinda hard, seeing as I did this third and last time I did it first, also the deadlifts absolutely killed my legs but I managed it.Think I might leave it at 62.5kg and then raise it the workout after that.

A. Here it is... you answered your own question. GREAT work on getting all 20, especially considering the circumstances!

Pullover 20 reps 15kg: Pretty easy, gonna try 16 or 18kgs next time.

A. Excellent. Strength really sounds like it's rebounding nicely

Bent row: Tried 40kg, did about 4 reps of it and it was too much cause i wasnt stopping at the top(flexing the bicep) so I moved down to 37.5kg.Might move up next workout, not sure.

A. Do me a favor and try switching to one are DB rows or another, chest supported row. You've already hammered the lower back via squats and deads so I'm just looking out for your lower back health.

Abs: Did like 60 sit ups and 10 leg raises or something I dunno what they are called.

A. Good. Important to keep the abs strong, especially when running hard when doing squats and deads as you are..

Is it okay to take massive breaks inbetween sets/excercises?I took a huge break from the deadlift to squat because I was damn tired, I had to prepare the weight which takes awhile, and my dad was ment to spot me and it took him ages to come to the weights room.

A. Yes, absolutely. This is a very advanced routine with heavy weights being lifted for extended periods. You absolutely need to rest long in between sets to recover, in particular the CNS..

Good log by a great man. He's undertaken one hell of a challenge here and I have every confidence The Blueprint will return the favor..
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Post by DaCookie »

To answer your questions :

Yeh im using adaptogen N but im doing 5 days on, 2 off like you said.

i did the deadlifts like you said.3 sets total.


My dbs only go up to 30kg, and I think I could get to that after like just a few workouts...whats a chest supported row?My back is pretty sore today, but a doms sore, not actual pain.But more particularily the middle of my back just below that wing like joint.


Diet still going strong.Although im not using the drink like I did in my last run because its quite heavy on carbs.Just eating tons of meat with high fat/protein content.
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