Mars' 1st shot at the Blueprint

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Post by mars88 »

Oh and i went over the blueprint periodic again and this is perfect for my goals so i will def be using that approach so from what i understand after the 1st loading pattern i'll do the 2nd one and then run famine again and then the next 2 loading patterns which will all take about 6 months or so.. now with that said initially we were talking about using cbol creatine during cruise phase but from what i understand there is no real cruise phase in blueprint periodic correct?

So then when i start feast next monday do i take my cbol creatine with my e-bol and tbol trib or what do i do for cbol creatine?
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Post by RobRegish »

Correct. No cruise phase in BP Periodic. I'm toying with adding it but you've interpreted correctly.

I'd suggest running Ebol, tbol trib and cbol creatine separately in each cycle to optimally guage effectiveness. Here's how I'd do it:

German #1 - Ebol only

German #2 - tbol trib only

Russian - cbol creatine only

10% solution - Re-run whichever one gave you the best results

I think that makes the most sense, both from a practical and financial perspective...

My $0.02...
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Post by mars88 »

That sounds interesting but I did want to try kre anabolyn and adoptgen n so I was thinking I run the ebol tbol trib cbol creatine stack for the first 2 cycles then famine then adtaptogen n and kre anabolyn for the 3rd and 4th loading patterns.. I responded well to activate xtreme which leads me to believe great results if tbol trib snd ebol taken together
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Post by RobRegish »

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Post by mars88 »

Lol kk
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Post by mars88 »

Finally back in the gym!! And DAMN i am not used to that quick of a workout, im normally in the gym for an hour- hour and half sometimes even 2 hours i was finished the workout in 15 MINUTES!! I couldnt believe how quick it went by but i felt good, the week off def was a good idea.

1st set: Squat 185x6 superset with cable rows 140x6
rest 2 mins

2nd set: Squat 205x6 superset with single arm dumbell rows 75lbx6
rest 2 minutes

3rd set: Squat 225x4 superset with widegrip lat pulldowns 140x6

Rested a few mins and went straight to biceps

Preacher Curl 85x6
rest 2 min
Standing Dumbell Hammer Curl 30x6
rest 2 min
Standing Barbell Curl 80x6

At the end i did some abs to finish off, got to the gym at 10:30 after warmups started the routine at 10:40 and was done by 10:55 am truly amazing lol. I feel like i could have gone heavier or more reps for my 3rd squat set but i hadnt worked out in a week or legs in almost 2 weeks so i took it easy. Could have probably done moer weight too for hammer curls and preachers but was still good workout.

Diet so far: 1 Bananna preworkout, 2 bananas post workout
Lunch: Strawberries, 1 large apple and a bottle of v8splash berry blast.

Im currently on lunch break from work actucally going back now but i'll be having a plate of veggies and a tbsl of natty peanut butter for dinner and thats pretty much it for the day. So far i feel good just getting back in the gym was great and im not too hungry either.
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Post by RobRegish »

2 hour workouts in the Famine I couldn't even imagine. I'm not that heartless :)

Nice work!
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Post by mars88 »

lol so dinner consisted of veggies and this peanut brittle thing hs about 140 calories 10 grams of fat 14 carbs and 4 grams of protein.. now in regards to diet again the whole thing is to limit calories and protein right? So is anything else allowed like bread cereal or things like that or is it strictly fruits and veggies?
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Post by RobRegish »

You can have breads and cereals, yes. I like to think of Famine as a detox though, and fruits and veggies certainly serve you better in that respect...
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Post by SudburyBaller »

Mars, Rob, ....

I just read this entire journal and it has been priceless with the information packed in here with all the Q and A's. The blueprint forum is gonna get me fired lol. I am really excited to see you excel Mars. Give her shit and good luck on WO#2.

Btw, where are you on Canada?, I'm a Canuck too eh lulz...
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Post by RobRegish »

Appreciate those comments.

We're building a nice home here to Share, Learn and Grow. Exactly as I had hoped :)
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Post by mars88 »

thx sudburry rob has been tremendous in helping me out the asking price of 35$ is simply pennies compared to what you receive in return. Im sure you'll tear it up as well if you have any questions lemme know although im just starting too, cant wait for workout 2!

And in regards to workout 2 rob got a few questions.. in my thread you say its 3 sets of chest and shoulders but in the sample famine template you say 4 sets.

So is it 3 or 4 sets and it'd be
Bench press superset with seated dumbell press
Incline Dumbell superset with seated dumbell press
Weighted dips superset with seated dumbell press

resting 1 minuite inbetween each superset and if im doing a 4th set can i just do 2 sets of bench press ? so total of 4 excercices or 4 sets rather then i do 4 sets of triceps?
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Post by RobRegish »

If this is workout #2 of Famine it's 4 sets. (sorry, it's early and I have a long road trip today)

2 sets of benches are OK, no issues.
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Post by mars88 »

Diet today has consisted of 2 grilled cheese sandwiches and 1 peanut butter sandwich.

2 bottles of v8 and 1 pear. will have some more fruits post workout and thats it, heading to the gym today for workout #2.. ONLY 2 MORE DAYS OF FAMINE!!!!
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