Question On Feast Workout..

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Question On Feast Workout..

Post by TheRonin391 »


First off I'm new to this forum and new to the BP system, I will start doing it tomorrow:)

I have the famine workout figured out and I understant most of the moves for the Feats workout but what I do not understant is the following: There are a total of 5 workouts, how do I do these workouts? Like I do workout# 1 on lets say monday and then do workout # 2 on the following day? Do I do them all on 1 day (I'm sure this is wrong)? Do I do workout # 1 for a week and then workout # 2 the next week? Also, how many rest days are there in a week? The same as in the famine stage? Well hope to get some feed back soon and thank you:)
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Re: Question On Feast Workout..

Post by cyingling »

TheRonin391 wrote:Hello,

First off I'm new to this forum and new to the BP system, I will start doing it tomorrow:)

I have the famine workout figured out and I understant most of the moves for the Feats workout but what I do not understant is the following: There are a total of 5 workouts, how do I do these workouts? Like I do workout# 1 on lets say monday and then do workout # 2 on the following day? Do I do them all on 1 day (I'm sure this is wrong)? Do I do workout # 1 for a week and then workout # 2 the next week? Also, how many rest days are there in a week? The same as in the famine stage? Well hope to get some feed back soon and thank you:) ... .php?t=378
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Post by TheRonin391 »

That answered most of my questions but I still don't get like when em I supposed to move on from workout #1 to workout # 2? Now, I understand that Let's say I start on Monday I rest for 2 days and then go to the gym again but I still don't know when I move from workout #1 to 2 and so on and so forth...
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Post by RobRegish »

If workout 1 is on Monday, rest tuesday and wed and perform workout #2 Thusday. Rest Friday and Sat and perform workout #3 Sunday etc..

Does that help?
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Post by TheRonin391 »

Yes it does, thank you:)

Once I finish workout 1-5 I move on to the German Loading pattern #1?

Also sorry if I'm being a pest lol, just that I want 2 get this right!
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Post by RobRegish »

Yes, you've got it right.

And you are not a pest. You're part of the family. We take care of family around here...
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Post by TheRonin391 »

Well thank you very much Rob, your service is amazing:) I really feel welcomed:)

I have more questions lol

1. Once I reach workout # 5, that actual workout (#5) is just going to be 1 set and 1 rep of my max? This is for all 3 moves (benchpress, deadlift, and squat)

2. How much rest do I take in these workouts (1-5)? Like 1, 2, or 3 min, in between sets?

3. EDT Blocks are excercies that I can add besides the big 3 movements, correct? If I add lets say 2 biceps workout I should do them in superset fashion or is that really up 2 me?

4. I'm super confused on the German Loading Pattern, can you exaplain these a bit more?
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Post by RobRegish »

Please refer to the Feast training template in the BP Journals/Core questions section..
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Post by TheRonin391 »

I'm reading it and I'm understanding a lot more....still few questions remian?

For let's say workout #1 of the Feast there a certain time frame that I should finish the workout? I read that since its heavy lifting I should rest a bit more, like is 3 minutes okay between sets? OR is this entire workout a PR zone? And as such should be accomplished within 15-20 minutes?

What exactly does workout # 5 consist of? Is it just a 1 rep & 1 set but of your new max?

Now, the German Loading Pattern.....

"On the 6 workout German Loading Pattern if peaking 2 lifts (BP and SQ, lets say). Suggest a one on, two off frequency to start. Insert an extra rest day if necessary:

DAY 1 - Bench Press

1.) Perform your 6 sets of German Loading Pattern 1. Take adequate rest between sets to ensure complete intra-set recovery.

2.) Perform the following stretch position supersets in EDT fashion

Decline dumbell bench press immediately into;
Seated cable rows (horizontal rows) "

So on day 1 I will just do 6 sets of bench press and the dumbell bench press and seated cable rows? Then day 2 I will to the squats with romanian dead lifts & leg sled?

I was reading the BP and its says:

WK# 1 6 sets of as follows: 50%x10, 54%x8, 61x8, etc....

Lets say my 1 Rep Max is 100...does this mean that I will lift 50lbs ten times followed by 54lbs for 8 times etc.....
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Post by RobRegish »

OK, here we go!

For let's say workout #1 of the Feast there a certain time frame that I should finish the workout? I read that since its heavy lifting I should rest a bit more, like is 3 minutes okay between sets? OR is this entire workout a PR zone? And as such should be accomplished within 15-20 minutes?

A. This is a great question. There really isn't a set timeframe/window to get it completed in. Now you should rest a minimum of 3 min in between sets.. no question. The sole objective is to warm up to a weight you can go to failure with (these are the one set to failure lifts).

On the EDT, there is a definate time period for which you should be resting between sets. So the entire workout isn't a PR Zone, only the EDT portion. And yes, the EDT PR Zone should be accomplished in a 15-20 min timespan. Don't worry if it's a bit over/under. As long as you're in the ballpark you should be fine.

Q. What exactly does workout # 5 consist of? Is it just a 1 rep & 1 set but of your new max?

A. You're shooting for a 1RM here on the big barbell lifts. That should come after a liberal amount of warmups of course and it takes some time to warm up to that new 1RM. Again, liberal amount of rest between sets as CNS recovery isn't as fast as muscle substrates. Within 3 minutes, ATP etc will re-charge but CNS can take 10 min or longer.

Now, the German Loading Pattern.....

"On the 6 workout German Loading Pattern if peaking 2 lifts (BP and SQ, lets say). Suggest a one on, two off frequency to start. Insert an extra rest day if necessary:

DAY 1 - Bench Press

1.) Perform your 6 sets of German Loading Pattern 1. Take adequate rest between sets to ensure complete intra-set recovery.

2.) Perform the following stretch position supersets in EDT fashion

Decline dumbell bench press immediately into;
Seated cable rows (horizontal rows) "

So on day 1 I will just do 6 sets of bench press and the dumbell bench press and seated cable rows? Then day 2 I will to the squats with romanian dead lifts & leg sled?

I was reading the BP and its says:

WK# 1 6 sets of as follows: 50%x10, 54%x8, 61x8, etc....

Lets say my 1 Rep Max is 100...does this mean that I will lift 50lbs ten times followed by 54lbs for 8 times etc.....

A. Yes, you've got it. I know it doesn't look like much on paper but the loading pattern gets intense/challenging as do the stretch position movements/EDT blocks.

Otherwise, good job interpreting. If you'd like a finer point on things or have any other questions, perhaps sketch out your first workout and I'll review/make comments or suggestions. It sounds to me though, like you're grasping it!
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Post by TheRonin391 »

Awesome, thanks! I'm bascially following your templates for both the feast and famine sections. EDT Blocks, I'm just adding biceps workout...I'll keep following your templates but if I have questions I will definitly ask you! Thanks Rob for helping me see the light!
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Post by RobRegish »

Right here for you man.. just let me know. You're putting alot into it and I guarantee.... you'll get paid back in spades :)
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Post by TheRonin391 »

I just have a questions, well more like a recommendation...I've been reading about this "Feed & Need Workout" Basically you do 4 sets and 6 reps of very heavy weight, after that you do 5 sets of very light weight. Do you think I can add this as an EDT block? I would do the blueprint plan but add 2 EDT blocks of this time of workout, The Blue Print plan really takes care of legs and chest, even triceps. I would just add:

EZ Bar Curl- 4 sets of 6 reps (3 min rest)
Preacher Curl- 5 sets of 20 Reps (30 second rest)

Standing Shoulder Press- 4 sets of 6 reps (3 min)
Side Lateral Raise- 5 sets of 6 reps (3 min)

Do you think this is a good idea? At least do this once a week?
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Post by RobRegish »

Sure, feel free to experiment.

ONE CAVEAT: Make sure you can recover from it. Many times its best to scale back volume in favor of intensity. Just be mindful of that...
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