Draco's Second Run

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Post by RobRegish »

Great hearing from you Draco. Those static #'s are something else!
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Post by dracotdrgn »

Ok I'm back sooner than I thought. Hit some new PR's that I'm pleased with. Since Nov or Dec of last year (I'll have to look back) I haven't gone over 315 for bench and 405 for squat. Even getting back to those numbers were in the last 4-5 weeks. Trying to adjust my squat to deep has been tough anything above 315 I do not get hips below knees but get pretty close. Yesterday was kind of an unofficial max day.
Bench 135 X 15
225 X 5
315 X 1
335 X 1
355 X 1 this felt too good I got hot headed and jumped up 15
370 X nope didn't get it DAMN!
365 X nope pushed to hard on the last one
315 X 1
295 X 4
275 X 5

Squat to DL about a minute betwee sets then 3-5
Sq 135 X 10
Sq 225 X 10 DL 243 X 5
Sq 315 X 5 Dl 353 X 3
Sq 405 X 1 Dl 353 X 1
Sq 425 X 1 Dl 373 X 1
Sq 445 X 1 Dl 393 X 1
Sq 465 X 1 Dl 413 X 1
Sq 485 X I bailed out Dl 433 X 1
The squat bail out could have been as much mental as physical I think I could have done it but decided not to re-try to avoid injury bc that attempt plus Dl taxed the 'ol back. I will squat another day! The DL were stiff legged untill the 393 on up then I did bend my knees. Weighed in at 230.
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Post by RobRegish »

STRONG workout Draco!

New PR's this early bodes well... :)
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Post by dracotdrgn »

I just have to share this stuff......I love week four!! Weighed in at 233 today highest for a while. Even after Mondays workout I am surprised at the ecellerated recovery and performance today. I did go in Tues and do heavy bi's, back, and abs, off wed. I took 3-5 min rest between coupled sets.
135 X 15 225 X 5 warm up
315 X 4 immediate drop set to dumbell press 70 X 12
315 X 4 > dp 70 X 12
Decline 315 X 5 > dp 60 X 12
Incline 225 X 5 > dp 50 X 15
Decline 315 X 3- > dp 60 X 12 (good thing I had a spotter # 3 was comin back down)
Incline 225 X 5 > dp 50 X 12

Leg Sled to immediate smith machine jump squats (weight doesn't include sled#) Feet in middle of platform
450 X 15 warm up
810 X 5 >js 165 X 10
1080 X 5 >js 165 X 8
1080 X 4 >js 165 X 8
1080 X 2 move feet up on platform X 5 30 sec>js 165 X 8
900 X 5 > js 115 X 10
900 single leg static hold X 5 sec high on platform
I've done more on the sled but used to bounce the weight of the safety springs. I tried to control this weight more, no bouncing.This particular wo is killer if anyone has ever tried it. I did some light calf movements but will tie those in tomorrow.
Learn, Share, and Grow Baby!!!!!
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Post by RobRegish »


I get fired up to lift just reading your logs Draco. GREAT work!!
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damn drac you are a hoss man!!... Saw your progress pic on nolinksplease.com, you're jacked brother!!.. you pretty much have my goal physic.. dude keep up the good work, and keep pushn dem plates!! 8)
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Post by dracotdrgn »

Hey, guess what? MORE PR"S!!!
Beat my 10 minute pull up zone by two sets of three. Could have been 4 started loosing count but for sure 2 to a 108 rep ttl
750lb rack pull. :shock:
Thank's Rob and week four for never letting me down. :D
And thanks turbo, need to take some updated photos, those are almost a year old.
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Post by RobRegish »

You know, I come here every day now expecting this!! Absolutely fantastic. And you know something with certainty now too; Week 4 is where traction manifests maximally for you!!!

It's my distinct privilege to live up to The Blueprint's promise. Direct from The Blueprint Q&A advertising web page:

"Q. So after putting this system into practice, what can the 'average Joe' expect?

A. Consistent, rapid muscle building month after month, year after year. It's that simple. They'll also have a comprehensive understanding of how to work with their body (supplements or not) and make visible, meaningful progress on a regular basis".

One caveat: You're not the "average Joe" :) Many thought this to be "marketing". It is the truth, and as I've said time and again telling the truth is important.

What you're doing Draco, is living it :)
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Post by dracotdrgn »

Third Run End of week Five:
Weigh in stayed around 231
Tipped into overtraining this week and did legs only once. "Those little nagging injuries."
Everything coming together well. Abs and obliques are good even at current weight.
The only thing I could do to make a new PR this week was to add 5 lbs more to my rack pull to bring it up to 755.
Did 5 x 5 Squat and SLDL on Tues with 405 on squat and 353 on DL. This DID tax the lower back. This could have been a PR not sure???? Reverse pyrimid on calf extensions left my calves a bit sore as well. That's all.
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Post by RobRegish »

Awesome work. Sounds like another successful re-comp :)

Suggestion: Insert an extra rest day where needed. Everything you're speaking to here speaks to SLIGHT over-training. Your total tonnage is astounding and no doubt the stresses are increasing radically so rest needs to keep pace!

Awesome work Draco. Again... :) New PR's and sharp obliques/Abs.. :) :)
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Post by dracotdrgn »

Aarrgg. End of week six took Mon and Thu off. Had to, body is taxed, I'm tired. Had decent workouts but felt strength was down. Feel pretty good though and weighed in about 233.Resting HR has been higher for about 3 weeks. I'm assuming this is due to the stress I'm placing on the body.?.?.? And BP slightly up on systolic.
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Post by RobRegish »

OK man you're there. Can you do me a favor?

Short synopsis of all of these PR's. Helps me craft your next master plan :)
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Post by dracotdrgn »

You bet. Your gonna help me with a master plan :!: :D SWEET!
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Post by dracotdrgn »

This is what I found:
weight stayed aroound 232 even when calories were backed off
one leg static hold on sled went from 720-900
10min PR zone pull ups went from 28 sets of 3 to 35 sets of three
Rack pull went from 675 to 755
best squat Run 1: 410 X 4 Run 2: 340 X 25 Run 3: 465 X 1
Bench...Best calc Run one 340 X 4 best push 370 no max run 2 Run three best max 355. I only maxed once, I was trying to get my 5x5's with 315 for bench and 405 with squat. Never did get all for bench but easily did for squat.

I definately fell into the overtraining category this run. I had to throw in some extra days rest, had some little injuries, and could/should have made a couple more PR's. Oh DL, that went up too I think 353 X 5 to 433 X 1.
The main difference between the 232-233 this run as compared the the 234 I weighed for the first run was how much better it felt this time around. I felt tighter, more defined....Protocol was a lot different run one I was working out 2-3 times a week this run was 4-5 times a week.
I am going to put off my next run for a while. I want to see if I tighten up a bit more and see if this muscle can move. Two years ago when I was running 10 or more miles a week I was 205. My 233 moves differently, I can hoop it up with the guys but want more mobility. Strength, agility type stuff......it may not last but I want to try...
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