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Bro-Science at

Post by sovabrat »

Usually when there are no new posts on these forums I head over to during my lunch break and read the topics about workout routines. Mostly the people who make up their own methods and say they have been lifting for 2 years and are very experienced. It is guaranteed that you will A) not learn anything useful, and B) Laugh your ass off.

I just read a thread about this kid who wanted to know what routine to do next. He is saying how he has been training for 2 years and is listing these calorie goals and says he will be eating this every single day.

He is asking for advice and although its a prime flame target, people are actually trying to help him but he refuses to listen to advice. He insists that this method is better and that the stickies offer no help at all cause he doesnt know which program to choose.

It got to the point where he started to contradict himself from responding to other posters.

Love the comedy.

Cheers to the BP Family!
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Post by askmass »

Cheers indeed!

Years ago, I was invited to post there as an industry insider (and did for a year or so) until I found it - simply put - wasted words.

For every smart, reasoned and seasoned member like yourself, you had 5-6 clowns to contend with. I'm told today that it skews more like 20:1 or worse.

I'm not about ego at all, but I do expect and return a certain level of respect. I left, laughing, when this teenage level knowledge guy would not stop cussing and stalking me on the board. He was in love with Optimum Nutrition's junk 5lb whey and hated me for the mere suggestion (to another poster, not him) that MASS PRO was at a different level and intended for a more seasoned and educated lifter.

That place is the Wal-Mart of supplement sites, or worse.
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Post by sovabrat »

Yeah, I don't boast to know everything. I will be the very first person to admit I don't know the answer. It flows over into real life. But I cannot stand people claiming knowledge and representing false facts. The worst is the guys in my gym who come in with the most terrible form in the world, flexing in the mirror, bro-helping eachother out on bench presses doing weight so heavy even the spotter is struggling to lift the bar.

I wouldn't go as far as saying the BB store is like walmart, I have gotten some good supplements at great prices off there. They also ship the very same day and I usually receive my product in 2 days. That I cannot argue about. The problem is that they don't screen products so you could get a good deal on a terrible product. That is a truth and unfortunately only the customers who know what they are doing get a quality product. Other will just buy something because XYZ got super jacked using it and ... (on steroids) which the customer doenst know about.
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Post by RobRegish »

It really is a sad business model.

Let the masses run rampant, give them thousands of everything and if they end up dropping thousands and go nowhere.....of well, makes money.

This is propogating the Weider model, and does nobody any good. Least of all the future generations...

You see my son there? I wanted to leave him something more meaningful than a bottle of pills.
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Post by cgrover »

I agree that has lots of idiots but its really what go me into serious weight training.

You can ask questions and get quick answers. Being involved in a community with like minded people is kind of refreshing considering really only 1 of my close friends lifts.

I think of as a school. You have to find the niche/group that you fit in with. Its your responsibility to sift through the information.

But's pretty hilarious at times.
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