Just Starting Blueprint. Have a few questions already

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King Seven
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Just Starting Blueprint. Have a few questions already

Post by King Seven »

I just started Famin phase. Was wondering do I try to run an hour everyday or just on days I workout. Also after this phase I stop working out for 72 hours and eat and sleep, right?
I'm going to be using the BIG BOL Stack for this. When shoukld I begin taking my supplements? I was guessing when I start working out on the feast phase. And do I need to go through one 4 week cycle and stop or an 8 week cycle. I would appreciate any help.
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Post by RobRegish »

Welcome aboard man and great questions..

Q. Was wondering do I try to run an hour everyday or just on days I workout.
A. Running on your off days would be preferred.

Q. Also after this phase I stop working out for 72 hours and eat and sleep, right?
A. Correct.

Q. I'm going to be using the BIG BOL Stack for this. When shoukld I begin taking my supplements? I was guessing when I start working out on the feast phase. And do I need to go through one 4 week cycle and stop or an 8 week cycle. I would appreciate any help.

A. You begin taking your supps the FIRST day of Feast. Your feast phase lasts 4-6 weeks. If following BP recommendations first time out of the gate, the ideal is closer to 6 weeks. Upon completing, we'll transition you to the cruise phase to solidify gains/keep them ongoing.

You've asked some excellent questions and I appreciate you reading the course/taking it to heart. you'll get more out of the Blueprint than you put into it, and you've clearly put a lot into it!

Nice work...
King Seven
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Joined: Sun Apr 11, 2010 6:05 pm

Post by King Seven »

Does the feast phase begin @ the beginning of the 72 hours or when I begin lifting?
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Post by RobRegish »

Feast starts at the beginning of the 72 hours..

And it feels sooooo good to eat again!
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