I stumbled on an insane fat loss trick!
I stumbled on an insane fat loss trick!
During the end of last cruise/cut I was trying to lose fat and pretty much staled. Then during my week off before the next famine I made one simple change and began rapidly shedding fat so that I could see the change in the mirror in ONE WEEK with NO EXCERSIZE! Muscles started apearing around my abs. I was not expecting this at all. (Man does this sound like an advertisement) Here is what I did... every evening I brewed a gallon of green tea with 6 bags of green tea and 2 bags of black tea. I steeped it for about 15-20 minutes. The next day I added the fresh juice of several lemons. I fasted until noon and drank the entire gallon during that time. I did that every day. I did not change what I was eating or consciously restric my total calories. In fact, I ate till I was stuffed at noon. I can't wait to try this as part of a real fat loss program at the end of this cruise with workouts and stuff. Im sure the results will be even better. This is not as silly as it sounds since EGCG from green tea is one of rob's top three sups and taking it with protein suposedly voids it's effects. Hope this helps!!