Insomniacs & TranQuilogen

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Insomniacs & TranQuilogen

Post by Mattlaw30 »

Wondering if anyone with a history of insomnia has given Tranquilogen a try and what your results have been? I'm on day two. I take one cap in the morning and one in the evening. So far I have not noticed much but I think I need to be patient and give it sometime. Rob says for someone with insomnia it could take 3 weeks for TQ to get dialed in and for the neurotransmitters to normalize. This makes a lot sense, I'm sure my dopamine and serotonin levels are all out of wack.
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Post by RobRegish »

If you've been an insomniac for some time, it will take a number of weeks for the adaptogens/other ingredients in TQ to normalize neurotransmitter levels. This likely explains the feedback we've seen to date on sleep.

In those without CHRONIC sleep issues, it works out of the gate. For example, here's an email I picked up just a day or two ago:


Got my tq order in yesterday and I took a single cap an hour before bed. I can't believe how relaxed it made me; I slept crazy hard with it!

Keep up with the amazing supplements./"

I'll let others chime in from here, but IMO much has to do with the following:

1.) How much stress you've been under
2.) How long you've had CHRONIC sleep issues
3.) How long/badly your neurotransmitters have been out of whack

Hope that helps!
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Post by Mattlaw30 »

RobRegish wrote:If you've been an insomniac for some time, it will take a number of weeks for the adaptogens/other ingredients in TQ to normalize neurotransmitter levels. This likely explains the feedback we've seen to date on sleep.

In those without CHRONIC sleep issues, it works out of the gate. For example, here's an email I picked up just a day or two ago:


Got my tq order in yesterday and I took a single cap an hour before bed. I can't believe how relaxed it made me; I slept crazy hard with it!

Keep up with the amazing supplements./"

I'll let others chime in from here, but IMO much has to do with the following:

1.) How much stress you've been under
2.) How long you've had CHRONIC sleep issues
3.) How long/badly your neurotransmitters have been out of whack

Hope that helps!

I'm on day three and had a break through last night. I still woke up but I fell back to sleep fast as were before I would stay awake for hours. I was able to get out of bed without feeling groggy and felt rested. This a huge improvement as my insomnia started 4 years ago with the birth of my son. After months of 3 am wake ups it totally turned my sleep pattern upside down.

Rob, for someone with insomnia would you still advise cycling off after day 5? Also, during a 5 day Famine should people go off TQ completely for those 5 days?

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Post by RobRegish »

Happy to hear it man! TQ would certainly be contra-indicated in Famine. Save it for Feast/Cruise.

With respect to coming off every 2 days after 5 days on, 3 weeks on/1 week off is a much better cycle for insomniacs or those using it just for its sleep benefits.

The 1 week off you can go solo, use AN/melatonin or experiment with other approaches. I can't point to anything saying it would be harmful to use TQ every-day. I do feel however, that cycling supplements leads to better overall effectiveness.

You'll see LOTS of companies recommending you use their products all day/every day LOL. We all know why. End of the day I'm a consumer just like you, and periodically coming off Synthagen/Tranquilogen etc. just makes good financial and physiological sense.

My $.05...
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Post by thicketman »

I'm no insomniac, but here's a combo that has been working EXTREMELY well for me. I used to wake up once every night to pee....not any more. Good sleep...interesting dreams. ... c-for.html
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