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Post by RobRegish »

Sure, I understand.

BW X 8 is the qualifier. There may be a place for something under that. Fr most though, hunger is the limiting factor. If you're OK with it, I'm OK with it. Just monitor your weight. We don't want much more than 5-6lbs lost during Famine.

Provided you can stay within that range, you have my blessing... :)
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Post by sovabrat »

Thanks for the clarification. Today is morning #2 and I feel sore and weak, something I havent experienced in a while. I stayed up later than normal last night too, in an effort to really stick it to my body and get it into an alarm state. I plan on doing 30 mins of slow cardio today after work pending the weather permits.

Wish me luck today.
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Post by RobRegish »

Good luck man. You're right on schedule.

I know this is tough but it's a necessary part of teeing your body up for the optimal use of adaptogens. Done correctly, it's healthy too. Try to work in some of those freshly juiced drinks we talk about here. They make a big difference in detoxing the body/making the whole experience a bit more manageable..

Great work!
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Post by sovabrat »

I have been eating mostly raw veggies and fruit for the past 24 hours. Mostly apples, strawberries, oranges, grapes, celery, TONS of spinach, peppers and tomatoes. The only protein I had yesterday was a fingerfull of peanut butter just to subdue my craving. If this is how it goes every day I think i will manage no sweat. If my cravings get stronger and I get more sore it could be a marathon getting to friday!
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Post by sovabrat »

Just to clarify... its just restricted to no protein or minimal. Carbs are not much of a worry? The only carbs I am taking in right now are from my V8 Fusion blast drink. Should I stop drinking it? The total stats on a bottle are 660 calories 162g carbs and 0 protein. This thing has 6 servings of veggies and 6 servings of fruit. It seems like this is pretty safe to have? I did notice that the V8 I had yesterday had significantly less carbs in it.
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Post by RobRegish »

Famine recommends as little protein as possible, with the understanding you'll likely get some in your diet. The key is to minimize it.

Carbs aren't an issue at all. In fact, most of your diet should comprise of carbs at this time.

Nice work on the peanut butter :) Fat is more satiating during these times but the calories add up. One trick I use is to try and save most of your calorie for later in the day, before bed. I don't know about you but I can't sleep when I'm hungry.

Seems like it makes it easier to make it through.

Nice work so far!
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Post by sovabrat »

Day #3

Had an apple before my workout this morning. #2 was significantly harder than #1.

I guessed just right again and by the end of my third set of bench presses I felt fatigued. The minute rest after my superset was just enough to get me to 8 reps on the 4th set. I dont think I could have done another.

After the workout I did 25 minutes on the bike and 10 minutes on the treadmill. Everything was going well until I stopped the cardio. I felt completely drained. Haven't experienced this feeling in a long time. I guess it is a humbling feeling.

My weight pre-workout was 177.5. I guess that makes me down almost 5 lbs in 3 days. I will be doing some core moves tomorrow morning and more cardio, if my weight is down another couple lbs, I will compensate with some calories tomorrow.

As of right now I feel tired and sore but my head is clear and I can see the finish line.
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Post by RobRegish »

Way to go!

You're nailing it so far man, absolutely nailing it...
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Post by sovabrat »


I am probably cruising around the thousand mark right now on calories. The only protein I have consumed was from a tiny dallop with my veggie fajita i made this morning, and a piece of low cal, low fat low carb bread.

Needless to say I finally feel the full effects of famine. I honestly thought it was easy until this point. I feel very exhausted, a little confused if that makes sense to those of you who have had this sensation. My gf and I walked our dog down to the lakeshore (i live in downtown chicago). We walked probably 3 or 4 miles total. This is on top of workout #2 and 45 mins of cardio.

Tomorrow I plan on waking up at the same time and doing some core work and lower back reps along with some slow cardio again. After work is our April 15th party. We are doing bowling, so that will be another workout in itself. I hope I can handle myself haha.

I am starting to plan my first meal on saturday but have not really come to a conclusion. Im not a huge steak guy so that isnt on my list.
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Post by sovabrat »

Day #4

Today was the nail in the coffin. As I mentioned before I was under the impression that the famine would be easy based on what I was feeling in days 1 and 2. This morning I woke up to my alarm to head to the gym for some cardio and core work. I felt like I had been run over by a train. I feel the effects of famine 100% now. There was no way I could have gotten out of bed at 530 today. I hope I make it through the day and can somewhat enjoy our april 15th celebration after work tonight. I did not get a chance to weigh myself but my GF told me this morning I looked like extremely hungry.
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Post by sovabrat »

Day #4 Update 11:30 AM CT

This day is becoming increasingly difficult to manage. I am getting more and more fatigued. I have already finished 2/3 of a bottle of V8. Has anyone else experienced the sudden jump off in state of mind? I cannot concentrate on my work. A couple people commented that I am dragging my feet and look like im spaced out.

I cannot wait for tomorrow to come any sooner. I wish I would have gotten those multistix now or taken my resting heart rate. I think my body is pretty alarmed at the moment ha.
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Post by RobRegish »

Hey man, you sound like you're delivering the goods!

Health first, always. So if you feel like you're taking it too deep play it safe. Otherwise yes, day 3 is tha harbinger for me.

Now you understand why it's only 5 days :)
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I hear ya bro.... The famine diffentely kicks your ass!! No doubt about it, but once get through it, it dont seem all that bad.... your almost there man!!! 8)
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Post by sovabrat »

Day #5

Just got done showering after workout #3. I have not pushed myself this hard in a while. Last night I bowled for about 4 hours straight. The whole time I avoided the temptation to pig out on all this great free food and alcohol. I was sooooooo sore and tired last night when I got home at 11.

Needless to say this morning at 5:30 I did not want to get out of bed. I ate an apple on my way to the gym. The workout was brutal, I mean this was a true mental test more than anything. I Maybe could have upped my weight on my squats by about 10-15 lbs but I barely made it to 14 on my last set. The T-bar rows were basically impossible in sets 4 and 5. Same with the second super set of cable row and lat pull downs.

I even forced myself to hit the treadmill and jog for ten minutes. I think I am running on fumes right now. My weight this morning was right between 176 and 177. that puts me at about 7 lbs lost since Monday when I weight in at 183.

I was hoping to get that ammonia smell today while I was sweating but I didnt notice it. I dont think it is necessary at this point to go another day in famine like I had originally intended. I dont want to lose anymore weight.

I am going to do my best to resist alcohol and food again this evening as I am a suiteholder for the Chicago Blackhawks at the United Center. Tonight is game one of the playoffs....

I have so much more respect for the people who have made it through the famine now. It takes much more dedication than I expected and it makes you want to quit. I have to imagine that this is why not many people have figured out the methods you created Rob. On the outside it seems insane to put yourself through this!! I LOVE PAIN!
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