Shoulder Rehab

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Post by PushingTheLimit »

I have been busy lately but am still keeping up with my training. German Loading Pattern is going great and I am constantly feeling stronger on squats. Shoulder is feeling better and am planning on hitting up sled training again starting next week. I am eager to start lifting again and I am thinking in a couple weeks it could be a possibility.
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Post by RobRegish »

Great news. GREAT news..

Looking forward to your updates!
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Post by PushingTheLimit »

Should I slowly test my shoulder over the next few days? Like trying a set of push ups, pull ups, etc?
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Post by RobRegish »

Provided it's feeling better then yes, I'd say that's logical.

Pain/relative pain on sled dragging tells me all I need to know..
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Post by PushingTheLimit »

Ok I will start sled dragging again in the next couple days. After a few successful workouts I will begin trying some, bodyweight exercises to test the shoulder
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Post by PushingTheLimit »

Shoulder is still feeling good. Slowly adding exercises here and there. Very little pain.

GLP 2 is going great too
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Post by RobRegish »

Was hoping for another update!

Glad it's going well on both fronts.... :)
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Post by PushingTheLimit »

I honestly dont know if my shoulder is healing or not. I am testing it lightly here and there. After its tender but range of motion is not hindered. The seperation I can feel hasnt gotten any smaller so I am honestly confused if I should push it further
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Post by RobRegish »

Take it slow. I'm doing the same now..

I know what you're saying. You feel "there" but there are subtle little signals all is not quite 100%. The key now will be to stress test it. Anyone with an engineering background should know what I'm talking about.

Before they take a plane up in the air they wire the airframe. They'll bend the wings on them, for example, until they break. In other words, they know exactly how many pounds of pressure it takes to break it. Along the way, they also know if it takes 100lbs of pressure to break it, cracks start forming when 85lbs of pressure is applied.

You're looking for where the cracks appear. Ideally, this stress testing should be done on those movements you'd like to use with The Blueprint when you're ready to go to throttle up!
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Post by PushingTheLimit »

Makes sense. I still think I am a ways out using the Blueprint. I will continue to rehab it and make sure its 120% before that. I want to hit that with all I have
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Post by RobRegish »

Good man.

Let me know if there's anything else I can help with. You seem to be making great progress on other fronts, so keep that going!
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Post by PushingTheLimit »

If you have any other ways I can still try to improve my upper body without doing harm to my shoulder that would help a ton. Its discouraging to watch my upper body basically waste away. I have dropped 10lbs in the last 2 months and every bit is from my upper body. I am willing to try anything.

But on another note my legs are putting on mass and strength like crazy. I am 8 workouts in on GLP 2. Hit every rep so far even with the weight increasing like it is. My legs are my best body part right now. Calves are coming in nice as well.
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Post by RobRegish »

That's fantastic news on the squats! Very happy for you there.

Do pullovers of any sort hurt the shoulder? That's be my first choice. Do experiment with different variations... incline, flat, universal or like machine if they have it.

If not, I have other tricks up my sleeve...
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Post by PushingTheLimit »

The squats just keep getting easier. Performed the 9th workout today with ease.

Later on in my workout I lost all common sense and decided to test my shoulder. I guess I got fed up with all the restrictions placed upon me and all the progress I have lost. Anyways I did overhand pull ups, push ups, hang cleans and numerous other exercises to test my shoulder. When I returned to my wits I went home, took an anti inflammatory and iced my shoulder. So far there is minor swelling at AC joint and range of motion isnt inhibited. I kind of take that as a good sign but I am worried about how it will feel tomorrow. Just going to have to see. Either way I am fed up with this injury and really have to get back to lifting sometime soon.
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