Anyone here tried this before?Im fasting 20hours of the day and eating in a 4 hour window but doing keto.Originally I was going 6 on low carb, 1 high carb, but if I feel ok after the 6 I think I will go for another 6 or 7 days keto.I need to see how I feel as the goal is to get absolutely shredded, 6-8% bf and right now im about 12-15, not really sure just judging by mirror at this point and gonna cut till I have full blown ripped abs.
6ft, real small bone structure, started at 200lbs.Im mid keto right now so I couldnt really give you an accurate weight.I did first 2 weeks CKD but fucked up majorly on the 2nd week and went high carb high fat on my refeed, gained back all the weight I lost on 1st week and more.So I decided I need to be a lot stricter so this is what Im doing.
Im hoping that I wont have to go lower than 180.
Intermittent fasting + Cyclical Keto Dieting
I've been doing IF for about 2 years. Have had some months when I go for breakfast just to reset and lower stress. I'm following pretty much what refers to paleo but without nuts and eggs. I've had periods when I went on only greens as carbs and into ketosis. I would suggest to only do it for like 2-3 weeks. For me with normal training my body got very stressed. So usually I follow what people refer to as carb backloading. Only starchy carbs after training.