How long should I wait till I start again?

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How long should I wait till I start again?

Post by bluntphunk »

I'm in the ending of my second week of the feast section, and I'm wondering how long I should wait after finishing bp3.0 before I start it again?
Thanks in advance.
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Re: How long should I wait till I start again?

Post by wtmarcus »

bluntphunk wrote:I'm in the ending of my second week of the feast section, and I'm wondering how long I should wait after finishing bp3.0 before I start it again?
Thanks in advance.
Check you BP 2.0 pdf for information on how long to cruise after the feast.
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Post by bluntphunk »

Thank you for your reply. I may need to rephrase my question.
After the completion of the entire blueprint (famine, feast and cruise) what is an acceptable amount of time to wait between the ending of the run and beginning a new run?
Would any complications arise from taking a week or two break and jumping back in?
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Post by aron7awol »

Assuming you are including a proper cruise phase in your run, you should be able to jump directly into another famine. If toward the end of your cruise you are feeling overtrained, then a week off may be prudent, but if you are feeling good and ready to jump back full force into another run, I'd go straight into it. Just ask yourself if you have another maximum effort run in you psychologically. That's the most important aspect IMO. Start another run when you are mentally focused on making the most of it.
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Post by bluntphunk »

Thank you very much for your time and info!!
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Post by 5.0stang »

I disagree. I think we all respond differently. Personally, I found that I needed 2-3 weeks off after a BP run. I once did a week after doing a "picture perfect" BP run and quickly ran into overtraining issues 3 weeks in (second week of feast) for the second run. My weights/reps were suffering and appetite was amiss. I decided to take off 3 weeks and do NOTHING. I came back on my first workout and set personal records (i.e. 14 reps @ 225 lbs on the bench to 19 reps @ 225 lbs).

I'm different from my experience. I feel that one week is not enough after 8-10 weeks of training.
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Post by austinb37 »

I agree with 5.0stang.

Personally I do better with 2-3 weeks off after a BP run. This isn't 3 weeks off from exercise but rather the heavy lifting that comes with a BP cycle.
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Post by wtmarcus »

Having done 3 BP 3.0 runs I find that 3 weeks cruising and then straight into famine works just well for me. Hitting PBs every run, body recomp is going well. Worst case I think I'd add a week of complete rest after the cruise.

For sure everyone is different in this regard. :)
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Post by aron7awol »

Yeah I think it depends how hard you hit it during cruise. I tend to drop down in intensity the last couple of weeks of cruise so that's probably why I'm able to jump right into another run.
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Post by bluntphunk »

Can anyone advise on the effectiveness of MPS or AN with out taking much of a break (1-3 Weeks)?
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Post by BrainSquirt »

bluntphunk wrote:Can anyone advise on the effectiveness of MPS or AN with out taking much of a break (1-3 Weeks)?
Either / both will help a lot in the short term ... but in the long term ???...
Go ahead and try it... there's more than one way to learn about
extending peaks (and why or why not) and ultimately learning about and the how-to's of
personal periodization

Have a great weekend all.
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Post by Archer »

Collecting you are incorporating a legitimate journey stage in your run, you ought to have the capacity to bounce straight into an additional starvation. In the event that in the direction of the finish of your voyage you are feeling overtrained, then a week off may be reasonable, yet in the event that you are feeling great and primed to bounce back full drive into an additional run, I'd go straight into it. Just inquire as to whether you have an additional greatest exertion run in you mentally. That is the most significant viewpoint IMO. Begin a different run when you are rationally centered on taking advantage of it.
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