What's worked for me so far...

Serious supplementation, focused on the MASS line at BodyBuildingSupplements.com
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What's worked for me so far...

Post by Dragon »

Alright... I can't say anything is better than the other, but so far I've tried many supplements, often dosing them within the BP shell.
Here's my take

1) Personalized adaptogen/herbal complex formulated by my doctor

Nothing has worked better than this for inflammation, both chronic and acute and it really put me in fantastic spirits. My doctor does a check up and has a traditional chinese chemist/herbalist mix the ingredients. Also, I've verified that the quality of the herbs are fantastic. My doc has expressed to me many-o-times that almost nothing will work better than customized herbal extracts. In fact, thats how it was done for hundreds of years.

2) Mass Pro Synthagen (with cherry extract)

A pretty close second in terms of recovery. I mainly find a strong disinclination to leave the gym when taking MPS. Good stuff.

3) Adaptogen N

I've noticed massive strength increase with AN and an Alpha feeling for sure. I've got that teenage backne again! but worth it.

4) KreAnabolyn

Main thing I noticed with KreAnabolyn was the ability to eat maintenance Cals and still make gains. There was a bit of a "swelling" effect in the muscles within the first week also.
It's really a fail safe if you have trouble getting dietary disclipline together. When I went up to 5 or 6 caps a day DOMS was virtually eliminated, but MPS still wins over AN and KA in terms of my recuperative powers.
As an aside, my skin quality was much improved when using KA which is a signal to me that something in it must be a liver restorative/cleanser.

5) High Dose Vitamin C and Castor Oil Rubs

When in doubt (or tight on cash), high dose vit c works well. Improved skin tone, hair, nails, and massively decreased DOMS. By the way, high dose means 5 to 10 grams a day. If you just start at that dose though you'll be running to the bathroom often. You gotta work it up slow. As for castor oil; at about $.30 per use its a no brainer. It relaxes sore muscles and stops inflammation on the spot. It really helps digestion if applied over the stomach. Its very under rated and under used in my humble opinion.

6) Bioforge ProMax

Waste of money for me. Did nothing but give me the runs. When I consulted Rob after finishing 4 bottles he suggested that my testosterone levels were probably already good. Who knows? I havent done bloods on that.
No increase in strength, no recovery benefit, no nothing!

These are just my thoughts based on my personal experience.

We are all chemically (hormones) different, with different doshas, mineral deficiencies/imbalances, and differing levels of metal and mold toxicity and so on. It is very true that even a good supplement might not work for someone's particular physiology.
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Post by thicketman »

Very nice. I've recently come in contact with an alternative medicine doctor through my wife's dentist. She is currently having mercury fillings replaced and undergoing chelation therapy.

Once we get her healthy, I would like to be tested for the various things you mentioned (poisoning, imbalances, etc.).

I'm a 35 y/o husband and dad. I wanna be here for a while or at least be able to say I gave it my best shot healthwise. We've pretty much cleaned up our diet to all organic fruits and veggies, all grass-fed beef, cook w/ coconut oil, etc. except for allowing a few cheat meals on the weekends.

Anyway, I would like to have something tailored to my own body chemistry that is verified by both subjective observations and lab tests.

The only problem with attacking it with the help of a doc that actually cares enough to invest time and consideration is money. This doc refuses to be manipulated by insurance companies, so he doesn't accept insurance. I understand exactly where he's coming from, especially considering that I think it's going to get much worse than it already is in the next few years...but the whole insurance/AMA/FDA/pharmaceutical industry is a whole different topic, so I'll step off of my soap box.

One thing I really love about this forum is that these topics aren't taboo.

Thank you for your input.
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Post by RobRegish »

Great overview Dragon, much appreciated.

The fact MPS comes THAT close to a personalized, hand crafted herbal concoction by an expert in such matters - I consider high praise. It's VERY difficult to formulate a supplement that positively impacts the physiology of everyone - but I'm confident we've come VERY close in Synthagen. The proof is in the reviews, all over the net...

In summary, great job reviewing the MASS line/other supps. I've always said this and I'll keep saying it - Use what works best for YOU!!!

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Post by DaCookie »

On the bioforge promax, if you take 1 cap a day just it wont give you the runs as long as you take it with a meal containing a lot of starchy carbs.
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Post by bigpelo »

Nice review Dragon! Could you please include dosing, timing and diet along with the products you mentionned?
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Post by Dragon »

bigpelo wrote:Nice review Dragon! Could you please include dosing, timing and diet along with the products you mentionned?
I haven't done anything too strict in terms of diet, sometimes I eat chips and crap but rarely.
I eat whatever LOL, but I do try to keep it clean and I don't keep crap in my pantry.

I generally try to do 1 gram of protein per gram of bodyweight, for carbs I add 100 to whatever my bodyweight is and shoot for that, I then take the total of all that and shoot for 15% fat or higher on non training days.

my current body weight = 172 lbs
protein 172 grams
carbs 100 + 172 = 272 grams (atleast 25 grams fiber)
fat: 272 g Carbs + 172 grams Protein divided by .15 = 66.6 g of Fat

On non-training days I notice I feel better if I cut the carbs back by 80 grams and increase the difference with fat such as heavy cream or whatever.

I eat most carbs in and around the workout and I try to have 2 high Cal liquid shakes a day.
Post Workout I've replaced the dextrose and the potatoe starch with my Popeye shake which has the fast sugars but doesnt spike my blood sugar into the moon. I add more or less spinach and protein depending on whether I've reached my macros for the day.

Popeye Shake:
2 scoops of protein
1 banana
100 grams of spinach

I log my progress with myfitnesspal app and it takes 5 mins a day.

Bear in mind that I was woefully underweight when I started all this at around 135 lbs, I'm now 170+ thanks to BP :)

2 or 3 during the week. Weekends off.
Now I take only 1 a day, Weekends off. I've noticed same strength and feeling of wellbeing but with much less acne at 1 cap a day which speaks volumes about the quality.

KA dosing:
6 a day, 2 caps with every sit down meal = 6 daily or
1 cap with every sit down mean = 3 daily

5 cap Pre-Workout, 1 cap with tart cherry juice intra-workout, 5 caps post workout with Popeye shake. No MPS on off days.
Keep in mind that I had four bottles of MPS and I loaded 2 bottles at 21 caps a day then I noticed I had 2 bottles left and tried to figure out what was the least I could get away with.

Personal Herbal Formula
3 times a day at sitdown meal on non training days.
On training days 1 teaspoon pre-workout, 1 teaspoon intraworkout in my water, 1 teaspoon post-workout with Popeye shake.

I actually originally visited my doc because I was asking him about pro-hormones. He surprisingly wasn't really against them (he's a judo player like myself) but he said based on my liver health I probably wouldnt do well on them and to try to clean up my diet first, then if I wanted to try, OK. But he's the one that refered me to the herbalist which turned out to be great. I'd like to stack that personal formula with MPS!
I'd also like to tryout more of the biotivia and thermolife products the coming year.
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Post by bigpelo »

Thanks! I might add my personnal thoughts over yours when time permits.
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Post by Dragon »

I look forward to it. I'm still learning so much.
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