Synthagen + Androgens - Some Interesting Feedback

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Synthagen + Androgens - Some Interesting Feedback

Post by RobRegish »

OK folks, received some very intersting emails this past week from 2 folks who've used it with AAS/PS's of old. What's interesting about this is that "feeling of well being" associated with Synthagen, and how it's allowed these guys to tolerate/use less of certain androgens.

LIFTER A: 35 years old, has in the past used Methy-1test. For those unfamiliar, this is now a banned product but was famous for 2 things:

1.) Absurd size/strength gains
2.) Equally absurd/harsh sides

Lifter A had a love/hate relationship with M1T. He loved the gains, but couldn't tolerate the sides (feels like mild, flu like symtoms for many). He procured some M1T from the UK (where it's legal) and reports that he can comfortably tolerate the sides now, given 10-15 MPS/day.

LIFTER B: Former Anadrol user, now using SuperDrol. SD is/was a designer AAS sold legally here in the US. However, it too has some nasty sides, and lifter B had given up on it. Meaning at age 38, he could only tolerate it for around 2 weeks or so. Given this isn't nearly enough time to add any real muscle, he opted to stash his supply/discontinue use.

Well, he's in week 4 now of a fairly aggressive run. Like lifter A, he reports tolerating the side a LOT easier when running it with MPS. Both are going to dial back the dosing of their given androgen, to see if they can maintain/keep gaining at their current rate.

I'll keep you folks posted, but if there's anyone here that has feedback on the same/has run labs yet on Synthagen - please do share!
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Post by DaCookie »

Very interesting, what do you think is going on here apart from the ecdy in synthagen protecting the liver Rob?
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Post by RobRegish »

DaCookie wrote:Very interesting, what do you think is going on here apart from the ecdy in synthagen protecting the liver Rob?
I think the restorative/regenerative properties of MPS are at the forefront. In addition to Ecdy's benefit to the liver, I think TMG's protective effects via the methylation pathway are BIG. To this, its ability to build glutathione stores and assist in keeping bloodflow elevated are KEY.

You don't hear much about that latter point, but you do hear about erectile dysfunction, etc in longer term users of harsh androgens. Hint: If that's going on below the belt, it's going on elsewhere - like in your coronary arteries!

Beyond that, we need bloodwork. It's clear that MPS is doing something (likely multiple things) that allow one to tolerate these AAS much better. Rather than speculate, I'd love to be absolutely sure. Even if you're using a gentler PH now, your input would be most appreciated!
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Post by BrainSquirt »

Definitely interesting - BUT !
..and I don’t really want to discourage conversation and progress
… and I may just be “dis”-ing what may be a huge market for MPS
but -
In the end, Lifter A and Lifter B are both ‘muscle meteors’ and in the end having MPS associated with meteors may not be a good plan…
Sorta like saying it’s ok to continue abusing alcohol, crack, and meth … to be a “brain meteor” … so long as you’re taking your MPS … also not ultimately a good association or utilization of the product...
the lines are indeed murky... not demarcated at all ... so I'll just say it in plain speak
Be careful. Thin ice.
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Post by askmass »

I personally agree with you completely, Brain.

Excellent points, analysis and advice.

Recently I heard first hand from a college athlete who said "MPS cures hangovers!", but you are not going to see us add that suggested use to the write up on the product -- Unlike NO2, who years ago recommended you could get hammered as long as you popped a whopper dose at a specific time. They were clearly encouraging risky and unhealthy behavior and promoting their product as a "pass" for getting away with it hangover free. It did not speak well for them at all, IMO.

We have never mentioned that about our own, quite similar Nitro AKG, which for the record predated NO2 in being developed.

That said and back on topic, knowing Rob as long and as well as I do, I understand the avid researcher side of him and how he does not hold back on such information.

He'd have made a mighty fine investigative reporter in another life, no two ways about it.

So, I don't think he was condoning or encouraging but instead reporting feedback he's gotten that some will find very interesting.

None of us can "legislate" sanity and smart, health focused thinking any more than we can morality, at end of the day.

I greatly appreciate your voice of reason, though, and the wise encouragement for others to stay healthy and natural.

Thanks for standing up to be heard!

And besides, with things like MPS combined with AN and BP training/diet, none of the risks of doing otherwise seem remotely worth considering to me in this day and age of enlightenment.
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Post by BrainSquirt »

Thanks AskMass.

... knowing Rob as long and as well as I do, I understand the avid researcher side of him and how he does not hold back on such information.
While I was acknowledging that in the first line of my post I should have made it much more clear...
and also I should have made it abundantly clear there was never a questioning of trust or his intentions.

Have a great weekend all
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Post by Dragon »

BrainSquirt wrote:Definitely interesting - BUT !
..and I don’t really want to discourage conversation and progress
… and I may just be “dis”-ing what may be a huge market for MPS
but -
In the end, Lifter A and Lifter B are both ‘muscle meteors’ and in the end having MPS associated with meteors may not be a good plan…
Sorta like saying it’s ok to continue abusing alcohol, crack, and meth … to be a “brain meteor” … so long as you’re taking your MPS … also not ultimately a good association or utilization of the product...
the lines are indeed murky... not demarcated at all ... so I'll just say it in plain speak
Be careful. Thin ice.
Brain, if this is your opinion about prohormones, I wonder what you think about Ara such as that found in x-factor. A pro inflammatory carcinogenic muscle builder LOL.
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