BP 3 run.....Power Reps Shock training??

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Post by RobRegish »

pjrc1974 wrote:Thanks Rob my MPS order arrived and I trained with it today......but I'm not sure on spending out more cash on the MASS GH just yet can I use Glycine at the same dose pre or peri workout??

A. You can use Glycine, but it takes a LOT more - up to 10g. Don't START with this (or you'll be in the john!)! Gradually build up to it. I'd consider using it pre-workout.
Week Two of FEAST Workout 4 completed :

Mass Pro Synthagen is GO!!!!

I am truly impressed with MASS and the company's service ....I'm in the Uk and it was no trouble .....

I am now tempted to get the Gaba and amino's as RR suggestes.........the samples of KA and AN were preeeeety good too!!

Having read up on whey and the cold processed system MASS it looks great but too expensive to ship here so I have plumped for Ultimate Nutrition's isolate which is processed via a low temp "isochill" system :

"IsoChill whey protein isolate. IsoChill is a functional whey protein isolate, processed by a novel ultra low temperature microfiltration process to contain a full balance of undenatured bioactive whey proteins."

Having read RR's post about mass amino's and the Progenx in Synthagen I wondered what you guys think about the ALRI product HumaPro?? I've tried it before and liked it......

A. Haven't tried it, but I find ALRI's products are um - how do I say this - shady? When you get caught MULTIPLE times slipping Rx drugs into your products - not the kind of company I'll be send my hard earned money to, anytime soon. Just my $.02...

Even assuming the quality amino angle, HumanoPro (or whatever) lacks Synthagen's unique ratio of EAA's, and certainly Synthagen's other substrates which put it over the top. The recovery, muscle fullness and nutrient repartitioning effects are un-matched, and certainly EAA's (no matter how effective) - can't compare. I know I'm biased, but I'd encourage you to compare them head to head. You get SO much more, with MPS. That should leave no doubt... :)

Weighed myself yesterday(two weeks in , week one FAMINE , week two first week of FEAST) and up to 14 2lbs......during famine I was down to 13 5lbs.....I haven't weighed myself for years because I am after the physique/appearance and results are not based on the mass shown on the scales.....interesting to see it bounce back up though....

Dialling back calories to my ususal IF style which is almost identical to the zig zag in BP 3......

I have decided to add in some BP extras in terms of training as I am used to some fairly punishing workouts so I have decided on running a loading protocol from BP 2 alongside BP3's workouts......hopefully I will get some good results...

keep you all posted.

Still hankering after the variety of P/R/S to keep muscles and my mind guessing.....
A. GREAT work brother! Keep us posted!!! :)
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Post by RobRegish »

pjrc1974 wrote::cry:

fractured a rib on stag weekend in a karting pile up....its setting my training back and I guess I should head straight into a cruise phase early and get back to full fitness before rolling out BP3 again??

A. Good idea, depending upon the severity of the injury...

On a side note the MPSynth is very good.....I feel my muscles were pretty full on it (still are as I am taking it 3per meal for partitioning props)....good rest and recovery(hard to judge as I recover well anyway).

A. And there we go... :) It REALLY shines on a cut/re-comp, and you'll notice it most once you've dialed in your dosing. Sounds like you're almost there... :)

I also just finished convict conditioning and that is going straight into my training on my return.....I have manged some of the step 1 excercises as they are really re-hab style ways to train...actually you will be surprised by how even the really easy steps make you feel.

Is the best way to judge your LBM gain by keeping notes of your weight at the end of each famine phase? ie during the weight/water depletion the muscle mass will remain??

A. Best to judge day to day via STRENGTH gains, and at the end of Feast and/or (ideally) Cruise, on LBM gains. Building muscle/stripping fat takes some time, although BP's shell radically accelerates this. I like doing it at the end of Cruise, such that you know what you gained AFTER the cement has settled, so to speak... :)
Hope to be back soon.

Gonna get preoared for a MPS+AN run.

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Post by pjrc1974 »

Thanks Rob.

My rib is going to delay any training for at least another week.

I am still taking MPS and feeling great and enjoying a break from the weights ....not laying down any bf (thanks IF&MPS!)....and the light work I am doing from Convict Conditioning ie stage one for push&pull (I can't manage anything else right now due to the rib and my inability to lie down etc) seems to be helping my recovery.

I've decide to get into the cruise mode when I start back and include CC in my routines 2/3times a week.

Then I am definitely up for another run of BP3 ....this time I shall log it properly.



ps I loved the samples of KA/AN I got in my MPS order and being an older guy I'm thinking I will wait until all my supps are used up then order some MASS gear as I am soooo impressed.

can't wait....got some pics I'll post up on the next run too.

I am going to use my famine day 5 weight as an indicator of LBM .....it seems sensible as it is a time when the bowel etc is clear / water retention is minimal as is food intake etc therefore with an empty stomach/gi tract the weight shown on the scales should be fat/muscles.....bring on the calipers!
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Post by pjrc1974 »

I am finished with cruise and although strength is up I haven't seen much (if any) in the way of LBM which could be due to the rib injury which has cleared up to about 90% so I am planning on taking a week off next week and getting back into BP .....have stumped up for the GAS stack to.

I finished reading Convict Conditioning and its really a good read ....can it be applied with BP v 3??

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