More lab test results (need advice)

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More lab test results (need advice)

Post by DaGymWarrior »

Last year I took ZRT's saliva test for total testosterone before and after running Blueprint and using AN/KA. Here is the link: ... aliva+kits
You can also see the test results in the image below. As you can see, very good boost.

Well, this time I decided to invest in ZRT's blood spot test for the full spectrum of tests. At the time I took the sample I had been about a month out of my last Blueprint run and off of MPS and KA. I have not taken AN for a while. During Feast I was taking MPS, KA and Dermacrine (transdermal DHEA/Pregnenolone). I took the samples about a month after going off of them. As a sidenote, I felt like crap after being off of those supps.

I got back my test results yesterday, and all I can say is, wow. Either I made an error during the sampling, or the test results are screwy, or... I just have really low testosterone, DHEA and Vitamin D levels. This is surprising considering I have no serious libido issues, am at about 9% bodyfat, and am the strongest overall I have ever been (I am 41 BTW). I am concerned.


It's been a little over three weeks since taking the blood spot samples, and since then I've started a new Blueprint run. I'm now a couple weeks into Feast. I've been on MPS (15 on training days / 12 off days), KA (only 1 a day... using up my last bottle), and Dermacrine (applied before going to bed). I've also started taking Vitamin D3 (12,000 IU / day). I take ZMA and 3g of Melatonin before going to bed... along with the usual multivitamin, Vitamin C (3g/day) and Fish Oil (6g/day).

Is there anything else I should be doing to optimize my testosterone levels? I was going to go back on AN for my next cycle, but am contemplating going back on it now. Is it okay to stack with Dermacrine?
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Post by drtda »

Wow, those levels do look low. You may want to look into doing a full blood profile that will include the hormone levels. I use Life Extension Foundation. You'll have to go to a lab to get your blood sample drawn and it cost me about $200, but you'll know that the results are accurate.
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Post by RobRegish »

Most interesting...

Clearly, your prior supplement array was doing you right. I'd recommend returning to AN and MPS, if these #'s really concern you. I would NOT stack AN with Dermacrine. Also, the Vit D being low is perplexing - especially during summer. Certainly invest in a a good Vit D supplement, to get those levels up.

It's not unusual to feel like crap, coming off MPS. Ditto for when androgen levels fall. Let's look on the bright side though - you've never been stronger, and bodyfat levels are still sub 10%!

I suspect a lag here, prior to your system recovering from Dermacrine usage. Trans DHEA shouldn't result in shutdown per se, but every individual is different. I don't think it was an error on your part, these results are likely accurate.

Here's what's important: You now KNOW (with precision), which supps positively/negatively affect your hormone levels/performance and sense of well being. That puts you ahead of 99% of the people who DON'T know, or are content to "guess".

As such, you now know what your money is best spent on. You are in a position of power my man, and that's a GREAT place to be.

Nice work... :)
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Post by DaGymWarrior »

drtda: I'll look into testing myself again, when the budget allows.

Rob: Thanks for the insights. I placed my order for a bottle of AN today. Should have never gone off of it. Can't wait to put the MPS/AN stack to work!
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Post by RobRegish »

DaGymWarrior wrote:drtda: I'll look into testing myself again, when the budget allows.

Rob: Thanks for the insights. I placed my order for a bottle of AN today. Should have never gone off of it. Can't wait to put the MPS/AN stack to work!
Have been on that stack a few weeks now. Just 2 AN caps/night, pluse 10-15 Synthagen/day. You will NOT believe how good it is!!!

Looking forward to your feedback... :)
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Post by cogrick2 »

How are things going, Dagymwarrior? Your testosterone level concerned me. At least your SHBG was good in absolute terms, so it seems you can increase your testosterone with less risk of excess estrogen.
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Post by matter2003 »

Remember it is NOT the level of testosterone that makes you anabolic or is the ratio of Testosterone to Cortisol that determines if you are anabolic...

Something you might want to consider is getting a liquid zinc challenge solution to check your body levels of zinc. It is cheap and easy to do(hold in your mouth) will definitively tell you if you have low zinc levels, which you can then correct thru zinc supplementation(also very cheap). There are a lot of people who are zinc deficient and don't know it, and zinc is of extreme importance not only to muscle building, but is also an extremely effective aromatase inhibitor and reduces estrogen binding sites as well in the body...very very important, it is the essential "male" mineral...

You might want to look into Stinging Nettle root to decrease SHBG levels, and can also look into things like DIM(binds to SHBG and facilitates estrogen metabolism which raises T levels by default), Safid Musli(herb that contains testosterone like plant compounds that create similar effects), Vitamin D(the more vitamin D you have, the higher Testosterone levels you will have), and Transdermal DHEA(The Recipe).
Also DAA enhances the levels of LH in the body, contributing to making more testosterone...

Make sure you are getting enough fat in you diet(at least 20%), especially olive oil and coconut oil which increase testosterone by enhancing the leydig cells in the testes ability to absorb cholesterol and then enhances the abilities of the enzymes that converts the cholesterol into testosterone. Lack of dietary fat will definitely hamper your T levels...
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Post by DaGymWarrior »

Thanks cogrick and matter. I do suspect my zinc levels are low. I have been taking ZMA before going to bed, but am thinking about purchasing separate quality zinc and magnesium supps and going heavier on the zinc. I've never heard of a liquid zinc challenge solution... will definitely check that out.

As for fat, I have been eating ample amounts of grass-fed beef and putting grass-fed butter on everything. I also take in a few tablespoons of MCT oil and coconut oil daily. So, diet-wise I can't see many deficiencies that I know of.

I think perhaps my problem is overtraining and not getting enough sleep and rest. During my last Cruise phase, I wasn't exactly "cruising" if you know what I mean. I may need to take a solid 1-2 weeks off from the gym to set things right. The thing is, I'm 3 weeks into Feast and want to finish it off.

Rob: I ordered some AN and it should be coming later this week. Should I stop using Dermacrine now? Do you think 2 caps a night of AN is enough for my case?

Thanks Blueprint Army!
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Post by RobRegish »

DaGymWarrior wrote:Thanks cogrick and matter. I do suspect my zinc levels are low. I have been taking ZMA before going to bed, but am thinking about purchasing separate quality zinc and magnesium supps and going heavier on the zinc. I've never heard of a liquid zinc challenge solution... will definitely check that out.

As for fat, I have been eating ample amounts of grass-fed beef and putting grass-fed butter on everything. I also take in a few tablespoons of MCT oil and coconut oil daily. So, diet-wise I can't see many deficiencies that I know of.

I think perhaps my problem is overtraining and not getting enough sleep and rest. During my last Cruise phase, I wasn't exactly "cruising" if you know what I mean. I may need to take a solid 1-2 weeks off from the gym to set things right. The thing is, I'm 3 weeks into Feast and want to finish it off.

Rob: I ordered some AN and it should be coming later this week. Should I stop using Dermacrine now? Do you think 2 caps a night of AN is enough for my case?

Thanks Blueprint Army!
I think you nailed it, with some time off being warranted. With respect to AN/Dermacrine, certainly drop the Dermacrine now. I'm running 2 caps/night of AN right now, along with Synthagen.

Like peanut butter and jelly brother... :)
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Post by cogrick2 »

DaGymWarrior wrote:Thanks cogrick and matter. I do suspect my zinc levels are low. I have been taking ZMA before going to bed, but am thinking about purchasing separate quality zinc and magnesium supps and going heavier on the zinc. I've never heard of a liquid zinc challenge solution... will definitely check that out.
DaGymWarrior, how are you doing? I just tasted the zinc challenge solution after taking 1 tab of Source Naturals Optizinc (30 mgs. zing / 300 mcg. copper) for about two months and while the taste seems to be stronger, it is still too light for me to suspect my zinc levels are fine - assuming the test's accuracy. The solution was pretty bad when I swallowed, making me more confident that I am moving in the right direction. I am moving to one tab in the morning and one tab at night. If I do not report my results in a month, feel free to PM/email me and I will provide an update.
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Post by cogrick2 »

Doctor Jack Kruse posted some thoughts at I referenced "Adaptogen N". I have not had time to think about them. He is a controversial figure, heavy on evolutionary theorizing. I find him provocative and love his energy and spirit. I am using one optizinc in the morning and evening now as well as Vitamin Shoppe Zinc (50 mgs. in forms of questionable bioavailability) in the afternoon when I remember. I am out to run out of Adaptogen N, so I'll be buying more soon. One capsule per night now, aiming for 6-7 PM dosing. I do contrast showers fairly often now (20 seconds cold, 10 seconds very warm x about 10 times) - I know Rob Regish and Dr. Kruse are fans of both. Training heavy, running in track meets - I will get better!
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Post by RobRegish »

cogrick2 wrote:Doctor Jack Kruse posted some thoughts at I referenced "Adaptogen N". I have not had time to think about them. He is a controversial figure, heavy on evolutionary theorizing. I find him provocative and love his energy and spirit. I am using one optizinc in the morning and evening now as well as Vitamin Shoppe Zinc (50 mgs. in forms of questionable bioavailability) in the afternoon when I remember. I am out to run out of Adaptogen N, so I'll be buying more soon. One capsule per night now, aiming for 6-7 PM dosing. I do contrast showers fairly often now (20 seconds cold, 10 seconds very warm x about 10 times) - I know Rob Regish and Dr. Kruse are fans of both. Training heavy, running in track meets - I will get better!
A highly bio-available form of Zinc is VERY important. MASS just added a gem of one too: "ZPC" 60 caps for a mere $14.95.

It's Zinc Picolinate, which is one of (if not the) most bio-available forms (you want Zinc Asparates, Orotates or Picolinates). Please stay the hell away from Zinc OXIDE!!! You might as well flush it down the toilet, given your body can't absorb it. This is the most common drug store version, sold to an ignorant public.

I just tagged ZPC along to my last MASS order, as it's a terrific addition to Adaptogen N... :)
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