Dragon #2 Custom Run - MPS et al.

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Dragon #2 Custom Run - MPS et al.

Post by Dragon »

- Build a solid base of new LBM (specifically 180 lbs at 10 - 13% BF)

- 8x bodyweight in Cals (1336 Cals)
- Vegan


- Caloric zig zag using calorically dense, liquid nutrition

- 80% of maintenance Cals

KA, AN, MPS, Multi-Life, Fish Oil, Super Cissus, GLC 2000, Xtend BCAA, Gamma GH, Alkaplex, zinc
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Famine 1

Post by Dragon »

Famine Work Out 1

Superset: 3 repetitions of Superset with 2 min rest between sets
Leg Press 360 lbs/Cable Row 100: 4/6, 5/6, 6/5

Standing Barbell Curl w 20 lbs. Thick Bar
55 lbs x 6

Incline Curl
35 x 6

Preacher Curl

75 x 5

Feeling very good. Seems like less food = more energy... for now.
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Post by SloTown »

Good luck on your 2nd run, and extended stay in gainsville! :)
Will be watching this log closely as your goals and plan for this run are very similar to what mine will be when I start my 2nd run.
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Post by Dragon »

SloTown wrote:Good luck on your 2nd run, and extended stay in gainsville! :)
Will be watching this log closely as your goals and plan for this run are very similar to what mine will be when I start my 2nd run.
Thanks. This is a custom run so I'll try to be detailed. So far so good and just two more days of famine to go. Its hard but I'm enthusiastic.

I have in all honesty been using GLC2000 since the start of famine and let me tell you... I feel the difference in all my joints already at only 4 caps a day. Good product; I might not open that bottle of cissus until the glc is don so I can "measure" the results
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Post by SloTown »

I will also be running a custom run. Just spoke with Rob about it yesterday. I'm super excited about getting started on it. My first run was successful, in my opinion, but my second, custom run is going to be nothing short of remarkable!

I looked up GLC2000 after seeing it listed as one of your supps and believe I will get some of that too. :) At my age (42) I can use all the joint/tendon support I can get because I have a feeling this run is going to be test my body like never before!
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Famine workout 2

Post by Dragon »

Famine Work Out 2

- Wide grip bench 95 lbs. x 10
- Seated DB Press 10 lbs x 10
1 minute rest

- Close grip bench press 95 lbs. x 10
- Seated DB Press 10 lbs x 10
1 minute rest

- Incline bench press 115 lbs x 8
- Seated DB Press 10 lbs x 10
1 minute rest

- Decline bench press 95 lbs. x 10
- Seated DB Press 10 lbs x 10
1 minute rest
- Decline close grip bench presses 95 lbs. x 10
1 minute rest
- Skull crushers 10 lbs. / lying tricep extensions 10 lbs. : 10/10
1 minute rest
- Cable tricep pressdowns 30 lbs.
1 minute rest
- Cable tricep pressdowns 30 lbs.

I'm not too sure why folks say the incline bench press develops the upper chest. I only felt it in the acromioclavicular joint LOL. Feels more like a great shoulder exercise. The incline on the bench I used was a fixed angle. I suspect the angle is actually too steep (for me).

Feeling OK. Can't wait to eat a real meal. Maybe a nice ribeye steak.
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Post by Dragon »

I got a pass on workout number three. So now I'm just eating. Doing my best to consume about 4 kcals.
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Diet Math

Post by Dragon »

I can remember from my last run that this three day period is always a perfect time to square things away in terms of calories and "hang out" in the grocery store with my calculator. I've learned its best to have about 3 local sources of food so that I can compare and contrast price.
This morning I saw a bottle of Liby's Pineapple juice at almost four dollar and a can of the Dole juice at a little over $2. But I think the mistake folks make here is not looking at the unit price. The unit price for the Liby's was $1.80/ quart while the Dole is $1.88/quart. So even thought the Dole seems cheaper, its not. The Dole is only cheaper if I'm never ever going to buy pineapple juice again for this quarter. Probably the plastic container is cheaper than the aluminum... who the hell knows.

Thanks to my chemistry classes I've adapted the aid of a scale. They allow me to know exactly how much of what Macro I'm getting. Which I've learned the hard way, is more important than supplements.

For example, this morning after I bought the Liby's juice, I made a 2064 Cal shake that I brought with me to the park. It's the pineapple version of Rob's high calorie drink. This concoction calls for 1 cup of heavy cream. With the scale I can add one cup of cream which is 15 ml per serving. I know that one cup is 250 ml, so that leaves me with 16.7 servings in one cup. At 3.5 grams of saturated fat per serving and 5 grams of total fat per serving that means this drink has about 58.5 grams of saturated fat and 83.5 grams of total fat.
Basically, I can do this with every macro using a food scale. It's fun and it's important. Over time, what I've learned is that I'm at the point where I can kinda eyeball a food and have a rough estimate, based on its weight, how much of each macro it has. I usually raise the calorie content by added brewer's yeast or lecithin.
That drink, by the way comes to about $3 a serving. At two a day yielding 4128 Cals, thats not bad for only 6 -7 bucks!
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Feast Workout 1

Post by Dragon »

Tuesday May 29

FEAST WORKOUT 1 - five day bridge 1

Bench Press Warm Up: 95 lbs. x 10, 125 x 5, 155 x 3, 165 x 3

Bench Press (Failure 8 - 10 reps): 175 lbs x 8 ~
Pull Over: 50 lbs x 9

10 min rest

Box Squat (after warm up): 205 lbs x 9 ~
RDL: 115 lbs x 10

10 min rest

EDT Block
Incline DB Press 50lbs DB/Seated Leg Press 290 lbs: 6/6, 5/5, 6/4, 4/4
2 min rest between sets~
Total time: 10:13

Lying Crunch Static Hold: 150 lbs x 15 s

This was my first time doing the Box Squats with 1- 2 second pause at the bottom while sitting down and back onto the box (grueling!). I've noticed that I need less weight and I felt the hamstrings working at the origin near the inferior portion of the glutes. It seems as though no one squats anymore. Or at least not properly. I see folks doing partial squats while wearing running sneakers. But overall I guess I'm making progress with my legs since my first run. So far had two girls initiating conversations with me about my legs. One girl specifically told me I had a "nice ass"... I didn't know girls look at guys asses LOL.
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Feast Work Out 2: Five Day Bridge 2

Post by Dragon »

Friday June 1

FEAST WORKOUT 2 - five day bridge 2

after warm up

Bench Press (Failure 6 - 8 reps): 180 lbs x 7 ~
Pull Over: 55 lbs x 9

10 min rest

Box Squat (after warm up): 215 lbs x 6 ~
RDL: 135 lbs x 10

10 min rest

EDT Block
Incline DB Press 55lbs DB/Seated Leg Press 360 lbs: 6/6, 5/5, 4/4, 3/3
2 min rest between sets~
Total time: 10:20

Seated Calf Raise Static Hold
180 lbs x 15s

Lying Crunch Static Hold: 150 lbs x 15 s

Struggled with Box Squats today. Experimented with a different set up that didn't really work out.
Dosed DS CRAZE one in the morning and again at 1pm so that i could get to sleep after my workout at 5pm. I could actually feel that stuff wearing off about 8pm. Best used only for max attempt days at full dose preworkout? In this regard, I think BIU! is a better bet for pre-workout in the evening. It works well, it's effects are cumulative, and it doesn't make me feel like I'm on crack. (Not that I've ever used crack).
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Re: Feast Work Out 2: Five Day Bridge 2

Post by seano »

Dragon wrote:(Not that I've ever used crack).
Likely story :wink:

I'll be following you since I'm only a few days behind (have 1st feast workout tomorrow). This is my 1st use of BP.
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Feast Workout 3

Post by Dragon »

Tuesday June 5

FEAST WORKOUT 3 - five day bridge 3

after warm up

Bench Press (Failure 4 - 6 reps): 200 lbs x 5 ~ PR
Pull Over: 50 lbs x 10

10 min rest

Box Squat (after warm up): 225 lbs x 5 ~
RDL: 145 lbs x 10

10 min rest

EDT Block
Incline DB Press 60lbs DB/Seated Leg Press 450 lbs: 6/6, 5/5, 4/4, 3/3
3 min rest between sets~
Total time: 13:10

Seated Calf Raise Static Hold
180 lbs x 15s

Lying Crunch Static Hold: 150 lbs x 20 s

45 Degree Back Extension 45 lbs. x 10
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Re: Feast Workout 1

Post by RobRegish »

Dragon wrote:Tuesday May 29

FEAST WORKOUT 1 - five day bridge 1

Bench Press Warm Up: 95 lbs. x 10, 125 x 5, 155 x 3, 165 x 3

Bench Press (Failure 8 - 10 reps): 175 lbs x 8 ~
Pull Over: 50 lbs x 9

10 min rest

Box Squat (after warm up): 205 lbs x 9 ~
RDL: 115 lbs x 10

10 min rest

EDT Block
Incline DB Press 50lbs DB/Seated Leg Press 290 lbs: 6/6, 5/5, 6/4, 4/4
2 min rest between sets~
Total time: 10:13

Lying Crunch Static Hold: 150 lbs x 15 s

This was my first time doing the Box Squats with 1- 2 second pause at the bottom while sitting down and back onto the box (grueling!). I've noticed that I need less weight and I felt the hamstrings working at the origin near the inferior portion of the glutes. It seems as though no one squats anymore. Or at least not properly. I see folks doing partial squats while wearing running sneakers. But overall I guess I'm making progress with my legs since my first run. So far had two girls initiating conversations with me about my legs. One girl specifically told me I had a "nice ass"... I didn't know girls look at guys asses LOL.

"One girl specifically told me I had a "nice ass"... I didn't know girls look at guys asses LOL..."

This is worth the price of a customized plan alone, yes? :)
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Feast Workout 4

Post by Dragon »

Friday June 8

FEAST WORKOUT 4 - five day bridge 4

after warm up

Bench Press (Failure 6 - 8 reps): 175 lbs x 7 ~
Pull Over: 55 lbs x 7

10 min rest

Box Squat (after warm up): 225 lbs x 8 ~
RDL: 135 lbs x 7

10 min rest

EDT Block
Incline DB Press 55lbs DB/Seated Leg Press 360 lbs: 6/6, 5/5, 4/4, 3/3
2 min rest between sets~
Total time: 11:00 (didn't record exact time)

Seated Calf Raise Static Hold
180 lbs x 15s

Lying Crunch Static Hold: 150 lbs x 20 s

45 Degree Back Extension 45 lbs. x 10
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