Draco's Second Run

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Post by dracotdrgn »

Well it's settled then we will all do rack pulls. I'll do mine tomorrow. Are wrist straps considered cheating?
Sisco has some great thoughts on that stuff. It's amazing how much you can move and hold.

IMO to answer the overload question you really need a body. If you are in a cage or have safety bars pressing to failure, till you just cant push any more and the bar comes down, yes that overloads well. But if you have someone behind you to put just enough pressure on that bar to keep it moving up, a forced rep does wonders. There was a time when I wouldn't ask for spots and repped catiously or used the smith machine. Now I grab anyone and explain exactly how I want them to spot me. In reality unless something bad happens they shouldn't be lifting more than 10% of the weight.

I do like drop sets too. I'm actually contemplating a system that rotates heavy overload with forced reps with a session of drop sets. Here is why- we all know the benifits of the different rep ranges. So is it possible to get both in a workout. IE db press with a weight that allows 6 reps (+ -) once you fail set those down and immediately grab a weight that allows 15 + -. That would be immediate, or take 30 sec to pull weight of your bar then rep out..?? BUT some question the benifit of lowered weight.?.?

Don't quote me yet I'm brainstorming here and researching already planning out my next run. As far a today, spin class the day after squats and statics... :cry: I am sore.
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Post by dracotdrgn »

sorry hank I should have asked if working out alone meant alone or without a partner?
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Post by RobRegish »

I wouldn't say wrist straps are cheating at all. In fact, I'd consider them mandatory.

Reason: Your grip strength is the limiting factor here, as your back, legs, lets etc. hold far greater strength.

So wrap away!
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Post by Hank! »

dracotdrgn wrote:sorry hank I should have asked if working out alone meant alone or without a partner?
Draco thanks for the info, there are a few guys in the gym i could ask for a spot, I just want to be prepared for when its not available.

Ill aim for 600lbs on my pull next week I figure thats a decent target to start.
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Post by RobRegish »

My $0.02..

Inside the rack is best for squats, rack pulls AND bench presses..

Once caveat on the latter: Pressing from pins I've found problematic insofar as 1.) most racks have 2" pin spacings and 2.) there is not much forward/backward sway to the bar when starting the movement.

SUGGESTION: Pick up a pair of heavy duty chains from your hardware store. Suspend bar from the chains and insert safety's beneath those for extra measure of safety.

Doing so allows you to start from an advantageous pressing point (i.e. you now have "play" with forward/backward sway of the bar).

As an added bonus, you'll find each link in the chain is a much smaller increment than the 2" spacings as with the power rack.
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Post by dracotdrgn »

Boy I'd like to see your basement! I see the guys using the chains to add weight as the bar moves up, but never to hang from. I've thought about it before in my quest to develop a safe way to bench w/o a spotter. hmmmm

I too found that with the 2" spacing in the rack they were never where you wanted them. Another reason I just go with a spotter as much as possible.

I have to admit I've never done a "rack pull." Some heavy shrugs in front and behind the back.......but we'll see I think I have a visual.
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Post by dracotdrgn »

Weird don't know what happened to my reply...? I'll try again
Back day was good 5 X 5 plus my pr, Lost track in the middle so I either met or beat last weeks by 2 sets of 3. Either way it was a good one, followed by curls and forearms.

The RACK PULL. Yowza! Started with 585 held it for a quick 5 count. Whoa Slapped two more plates at 675 up then down. I was light headed and seeing stars :shock: Awesome!
That's a wrap....
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Post by RobRegish »

Something tells me with your stats... we're going to see 750, 800, 900 in short order :)
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Dude I cant WAIT to put some work in on rack pulls..... Great work Draco!!
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Post by Hank! »

dracotdrgn wrote:Weird don't know what happened to my reply...? I'll try again
Back day was good 5 X 5 plus my pr, Lost track in the middle so I either met or beat last weeks by 2 sets of 3. Either way it was a good one, followed by curls and forearms.

The RACK PULL. Yowza! Started with 585 held it for a quick 5 count. Whoa Slapped two more plates at 675 up then down. I was light headed and seeing stars :shock: Awesome!
That's a wrap....
Dude promise youll tell me if those monster traps are sore, damn 675lbs?
Next time I need help moving I am calling you
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Post by dracotdrgn »

Don't recall the traps being sore but my back over all was pretty tight.
This is my week off before my next run and it sucks. Get this....I'm actually looking forward to my Famine next week because I can at least hit the gym. It almost seems like I'm more achey and tired when I'm away from the gym.
Any who, even though I'm not posting much I'm still checking in daily on everyone elses logs. Keep it up fellas!!
I will be posting on ocassion for my third run but will keep it basic and short. I am still kicking around new routines but think I have one in mind.

Oh yea Hank, next time you move, call me........if you're moving to Tacoma.
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I hear ya bro, I hate not going to the gym for more than a couple days at a time... best of luck on your next run!!
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Post by dracotdrgn »

It has begun!! After a week off I started starving and pounding again today. Strength was there, week off did good. As I do like Robs 1.0 famine routine, I will be sticking to that this week. Just like my last two runs I eat no meat and no dairy this week. I may give a splash of 1% in my coffee but that's it. Fruits, veggies, nuts, and brown rice w/salsa as my solid. I don't keep track of macros b/c I know they are low. Berries, salads, and raw veggies don't add up fast.
Run #1 started out 225 dropped to 220 gained to 234.
Run #2 started out 220 dropped to 215 gained to 230.
Run #3 starting out 226.....
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Post by RobRegish »

Wow this one's going to be exciting... run #3!

So are you doing the 5 workout Famine template? If so, that's brutal...
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