BP 3.0 Run 3

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Post by pcallaghan »

Yeah, I need to find the time to go back and find that section in Max Muscle/Min Fat.

I'm sticking with recomp as overall goal.

Schedule looks like I'm out of bed at 4am, weights by 5-5:30am.

I'll let you know about Alpha EFX, how high of a dose are you looking to try?
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Post by bigpelo »

I am thinking of dosing alpha EFX at 9 caps/day (3x3)

Your schedule may look something like this (I assume you go to bed to 8-9pm max):

over-eating: 3pm-until bed time
under-eating: bed time - 3pm
Post workout recovery meal: 6:30-7:00am

What I would eat if I were you:

4am: start the day by drinking 1L (4 cup) of filtrated water then take 1 scoop MassPro with 1-2 tablespoon Udo's choice oil blend, kre-anabolyn, Alkaplex, multilife vitamins (you're taking a multi right?)
5am: 3-5 drops yohimbe supreme, 2 BIU
6:30am: 5-6 oz Greek yogourt with 1 cup berries, multilife, alkaplex, kre-anabolyn (recovery meal)
9am: optional recovery meal --> 1 scoop MassPro whey with one small fruit (kiwi, apple, nectarine, etc.) or interchange with noon meal, green tea if you like hot drinks
noon: RAW fruits and/or veggies, maybe 1 hard boil egg if you feel like it
2pm: handful of RAW nuts or seeds (almonds, pumpkins seeds, pistachios are my favourites) might add RAW veggies
3pm: begin feast! with alkaplex, multilife, kre-anabolyn
8pm: Adaptogen-N

Not sure when to take the alpha EFX though because I never used it... Probably at the same time as alkaplex and others.

My rule of thumb for over eating: 1 quarter RAW veggies, 1 quarter lightly steam or cook veggies, 1 quarter meat (not necessarily lean meat) and final quarter fat or carbs depending on the day. Fat for cardio day, carbs for weight lifting days. Plenty of water during the day.

Note I insist on RAW during under-eating phase and nuts are later during this phase.

Hope that help!

Edit: forgot to mentioned juice. Not commercially available packed juice but fresh press at home juice, once a day, anytime. I have the Jack Lalanne Power Juicer and love it! Fruits and/or veggies, anything available, I try to mix and match what's on hand.
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Post by pcallaghan »

Thanks! Starting my 3.0 Run 4 Log today. On day two of famine currently with one workout completed.
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Post by bigpelo »

So, any feedback on Alpha EFX yet?
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Post by pcallaghan »

I'm not really seeing any differences. Muscle mass is up, and BF % is down since I started however I'm in the midst of another 3.0 run which could attribute to this.

I'm currently taking 2 caps/ 3 times per day.
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Post by RobRegish »

bigpelo wrote:So, any feedback on Alpha EFX yet?
I'm assuming this is MASS's colostrum?

If so, great supp. I'm going to qualify that by saying that IMO, it's more of a health/longevity supplement vs. pure performance enhancer ala' Kre-Anabolyn, Burn It Up!, etc.

Where you may notice some acute affects are in the recovery department, given its merits in that area. Frankly, I was a doubter about this stuff until I used it topically on a wound (shins bleeds, given good ole' Romanian deads).

I usually wear such marks proudly, but thought it an interesting experiment. You've got 2 shins right? Both of mine were scraped up nice and scabby like (try to keep your libido in check, ladies... :)).

I applied the contents of 2 caps Alpha EFX Colostrum to the right shin, nothing on the left. Healed up TWICE as fast, as the left shin. Whether or not that's going on inside your body at the level of muscle repair, I honestly can't say. What I can say, is there's evidence to suggest it does.

Optimal dosing is prior to/after the workout IMO, and perhaps prior to sleep. I do rather like it in MassPro, for the immunity boost moreso than anything. Dunno about you guys, but when I use it I don't get sick. You do need at least 3 scoops/day in my estimation, to get the most out of it.

Hope that helps!
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