Ecdy/Test booster stack Question

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Ecdy/Test booster stack Question

Post by lineux »

I just finished 2 Bottles of KA and 2 Bottles of Adaptogen N in one run.

I must say, on this stack I was flying in the gym and had that 'Indestructable' feeling.

Gained a considerable amount of lean mass and lost fat.

I've already tried e-bol ecdy alone before this run and that gave me good results too.

Now I'm considering an e-bol/tbol trib for my next BP run. Any one here who has experience with this? anything I should know.

Also, I was wondering if I need to take a break and then start the new stack or can I start right away?

I might also be taking my remaining Gamma GH with the above stack and eating clean.

Please help out!
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Post by Jacos5 »

You're only supposed to use KA throughout the feast phase. I believe the dosing protocol for AN would be a bit shorter than all of feast. During cruse you're going to want to take a break from them and restart during feast.

I know there was a thread on both stating how exactly to take AN but can't seem to find it. You can for sure find it in your 3.0 pdf though.
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Post by lineux »

Thank you Jaco5,

I know the dosing protocol for KA/AN. I was wondering how every one else's experiences were with e-bol/tbol trib combo as i'm going to try them. I think I had a longer cruise than it should've been. Nevertheless, I'm ready for my next run.

Jacos5 wrote:You're only supposed to use KA throughout the feast phase. I believe the dosing protocol for AN would be a bit shorter than all of feast. During cruse you're going to want to take a break from them and restart during feast.

I know there was a thread on both stating how exactly to take AN but can't seem to find it. You can for sure find it in your 3.0 pdf though.
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Post by Jacos5 »

I should have been more specific, sorry. My response was geared more towards youw odnering if you should take a break before starting a new stack.
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Post by RobRegish »

First things first: VERY happy for your success with BP and the MASS Products!

I keep hearing this "I felt indestructible/like a beast" comment while on AN and KA. Reason I'm citing this is that in 2.0 supplement section, I mentioned that stack as possibly being synergistic. At the time, I was truthful in that I hadn't run objective tests on it, but was convinced something was going on. Accordingly, I asked in 2.0 for your feedback so thank you for sharing (very positive subjective feedback).

DaGymwarrior took that a step further: Before and after labs via ZRT. Finally, we have bloodwork to back that stack up thanks to him.

Ready for this?

He documented an almost 77% testosterone increase, going from 78 pg/ml to 138 pg/ml - in JUST 36 days! He was taking 2-4 caps of KA daily, along with AN every night, since the start of Feast.

SEE THE LAB RESULTS HERE: ... sc&start=0

Now, with respect to tbol trib/Ebol and the Thermolife equivalent products: No surprise you also cited good results with Ebol in your prior run. It too, has a strong track record within BP.

Your challenge this go around is to compare apples to apples, meaning stack tbol trib and Ebol to make the comparison fair vs. AdaptogenN/Kre-Anabolyn. Doing so will help you best evaluate each company's "stack". tbol trib/Ebol are similar to AN/KA, yet some differences exist I'd like you to keep in mind as your experiment evolves...

The AN+KA formulas lend themselves to an optimal boost in test/free test plus substrate storage. They're heavy on the Ecdy given the adaptogens employed and thus slant things toward Ecdy's substrate storage and restorative/recovery aspect of your physiology. This, due in large part to KA's inclusion of glucose disposal agents and AN including a fantastic Ecdy in it's own right, a custom Suma 25:1 extract. AN's formula is also used exclusively prior to sleep, where most of the body's repair and re-building process takes place.

BOTTOM LINE: The AN/KA tag team is designed to boost test/free test but also includes very generous amounts of two different Ecdy based adaptogens + glucose disposal agents. You should observe signs of increased testosterone, much improved recovery and greater substrate storage within the muscle cell (glycogen, H20, amino acids and even intramuscular triglyceride). This obviously leads to the muscle cells swelling, and I feel this is where a lot of the "I feel indestructible/like a beast" feedback is coming from.


The first effect realized is usually a more "alpha" male feeling and waking up feeling more "refreshed" and/or recovered. It becomes noticeable in the mirror rather quickly. As I stated in 2.0, it looks and feels like someone stuck an air hose in your muscles. Thus, it's usually no surprise to see bigger numbers on the scale when you do weigh in and the tape measure keeps making larger and larger circles...

The tbol trib/Ebol stack attempts to leverage the same testosterone boosting (primarily Tribulus ALATUS in tbol trib) + adaptogen (RCE/Turk/6-keto, Korean Red Ginseng and Ashwaganda in Ebol) + glucose disposal attributes. Take note of the glucose disposal/substrate storage point, because it isn't necessarily obvious and Thermo doesn't trumpet it enough in their marketing of tbol trib (to their credit). A bit more on where I'm going with this...

There is some evidence that Tribulus Alatus facilitates glucose disposal:

Hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic effects of alcoholi... [Indian J Exp Biol. 2007] - PubMed result

Although both stacks attack many of the same positive attributes, their formula's do so via different nutraceuticals/variations of such.

If and when you decide to use Thermo's stack to compare, the difference will be in how you dose them. See below for Ebol's/tbol trib's dosing



Dose 3x/day ideally with your highest PROTEIN based meals, such as breakfast, lunch and dinner.


Dose 3x/day but do so in the following fashion: One dose with a bit of dietary fat an hour prior to the workout, another dose immediately after the workout with the remaining 3rd of "The Formula" and a final dose one hour later, at your first solid food sit down meal. This too, should be higher in protein vs. carbs given Ebol's formula. Some carbs should certainly be included, however.

tbol trib


Consider taking your dosage spread throughout the day but at your highest CARB based meals, given Tribulus Alatus's effect on glucose disposal.


Consider taking along with your Ebol in the same dosing pattern. The Formula contains a generous amount of carbs in the form of amylyopectins, and it makes sense to leverage TA's effects on such at this time.


The effects of the tbol trib/Ebol stack are also quite obvious in those that respond well to the actives. From feedback I've garnered what you'll notice first is the aforementioned "alpha mail" feeling from the tbol trib. The early workouts feel a bit easier, as the Ecdy in Ebol imparts quite a boon in work capacity. In the mirror, it takes a BIT longer to notice this stack's hallmark leaning/hardening effects. You'll likely be heavier on the scale too (additional muscle, as time wears on), yet it is sneaky - you don't "feel" heavier and the additional lbs of LBM seen on the scale surprise many people. End of the day Ebol's formula is slanted a bit more toward protein synthesis, vsl. substrate storage and thus, those effects manifesting a bit differently vs. MASS's stack.


It's best to take a break from these "performance" type supps during Cruise/Famine and re-initiate their use during the next Feast Phase. Doing otherwise might give one or the other company's stack an unfair advantage.

Both are quality companies offering us quality products. Do each of them justice, and use what works best for YOU!!!


Oh my, you're going to have fun with this one (provided you're over 30). GH levels experience their first (and BIGGEST) drop off around this age - and supplementing with this stuff WILL make a difference. How much of a difference?

How about a 480% increase in biologically active GH, when just 3grams of it are taken prior to exercise?

More reading here: Gamma GH - WOW! ... 06d9776568
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Post by lineux »

Another great response. Rob, this answers all the questions I had. Even the ones I didn't ask yet.

Getting ready for the run number 3. This time a similar log will also be on bodybuilding forum so people can know about our showcase of the immortals.

Very thankful to you Rob,
and every one else who contributed to the BP.

Thanks again!
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Post by RobRegish »

lineux wrote:Another great response. Rob, this answers all the questions I had. Even the ones I didn't ask yet.

Getting ready for the run number 3. This time a similar log will also be on bodybuilding forum so people can know about our showcase of the immortals.

Very thankful to you Rob,
and every one else who contributed to the BP.

Thanks again!
My pleasure man. Most of this stuff rattles around my brain all day, it's typing it that's a pain LOL. If I don't know the answer, I research it. If I still can't find it, I've been fortunate enough to meet and am able to consult other experts.

It's what I do, what I love and I live for it!
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Post by matter2003 »

lineux wrote:Thank you Jaco5,

I know the dosing protocol for KA/AN. I was wondering how every one else's experiences were with ebol ecdy/tbol trib trib combo as i'm going to try them. I think I had a longer cruise than it should've been. Nevertheless, I'm ready for my next run.
I tried the "Get Some Bols" stack from BB dot com, which consisted of cbol creatine, EBol, and tbol trib...I thought they worked pretty good, but I preferred KA for the "beast" feeling it gives me in the gym compared to those...

I used AN also, but I actually am partial to the Athletix Triple Stack of Titanium XL(50% fenugreek extract at 850 mg, LCLT and I3C),Formula X(DAA, LCLT, BCAA and N-Acetyl-Tyrosine)...

I cycle this with "The Recipe", one day on, one day off of each...
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Post by 5.0stang »

If you want to compare and run the T-Life products, to be fair, give your body plenty of rest between runs. In my case, it was to the tune of 3 weeks, because I tried a run with just one week off and the second run didn't start off near as good as the first. I then took off three weeks and did NO workouts and NO supplements and went into the gym and repped 18 reps @ 225 lbs, when my previous best just a few weeks earlier than that was 13. Rest was key and it is very REAL! It was an eye opener.

The funny thing is, after a week I felt no soreness and felt good, but sometimes I think your body/muscles are still not fully recovered. But after that three weeks off, I was pleasantly surprised. I believe this is why Rob preaches rest so much.

I'm going to purchasing more KA/AN again. It was one of the best supplement stacks I have done.
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