Matter2003 BP Run #3, This time the Full Periodic...

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Post by RobRegish »

matter2003 wrote:Woke up this morning at 203.0 lbs, lowest weight I hace been in years...looking forward to hitting the 190s....

Today is a rest day with high fat/high protein...
Lean AND Mean! = :)
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Post by matter2003 »

Workout Day 4:
Weighed in today at 204.0 lbs, up a pound from yesterday, but no biggie as I am on the anabolic phase of the diet, and its normal to go up a pound or two on these days. My weight range continues to drop, which is definitely what I am more concerned about.

Had cleans today, and did OK, as I did the weight I did last time for 5 sets of 3 reps today for 7 sets of 5 reps...I know its not much weight, but this is still a relatively new movement for me, and I am erring on the side of caution for right week will likely try 135 lbs for 5 sets of 3 reps.

Clean & Press:115 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5(4,025 lbs)

EDT Block:
-20 minutes of hell
Chin Ups: 5R x 2/4R x 2/3R x 9/2R x 4(55 reps)

Pushups: 5R x 15/4R x 1/3R x 1(82 reps)

Total workout time: 60 minutes

I don't count body weight movement as weight lifted, which may or may not make sense, but whatever. Pushups were initially supposed to be DB pushups, but I could not get my hands comfortable on them so I ditched them and did regular pushups. Next time I will put my feet on a bench and do decline pushups, which are supposed to be harder. Pushups were pretty easy, chinups were a little more difficult as my shoulders were pretty fried from the cleans...

Tomorrow night I have high rep DL's and then Tuesday is my off day and carb reload day.
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Post by matter2003 »

Woke up this morning with weight still at 204.0 lbs, even though I plowed in lots of protein and fats yesterday. I am beginning to notice my upper chest/shoulders/delts area looking more prominent. Basically the area starting right underneath my collarbone and going across and up into my shoulders/delts/traps. Starting to see more muscle definition in that area and some striations when I do certain movements...definitely a good sign.

Got High Rep DL's later today and then an off day tomorrow to reload carbs.
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Post by matter2003 »

Took yesterday off as this cold/virus just won't go away, been dealing with it for about a week now. Loaded up on carbs today and did high rep DL's. Still not feeling the best, but good enough to lift.

DL's: 215 x 12/265 x 12/305 x 12/305 x 7,5/335 x 4,3,1 305 x 4
-ran out of gas on last set and had to drop weight back to 305 which I smacked out last 4 reps with no problem.

Likely would have done better if I was feeling better, but not bad for what I was dealing with.

Tomorrow is GLP II Decline week 2 and the horrible timed EDT Block...
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Post by matter2003 »

Weighed in this morning at 206.4 lbs, which is really good considering I have been piling in the calories for 4 straight days. Back to the catabolic phase of the diet and eating lean protein and veggies for the most part(other than my postworkout 40g of Dymatize Flud with my MASS Pro and ProLab Whey protein).

GLP II Workout #3:

GLP II Decline Bench: 210 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5(20 reps/4200 lbs)
-pretty easy stuff, no issues at all, very slow and controlled reps

20 Minute EDT Block:

Weighted Dips(30 lb DB): 5R x 3/4R x 3/3R x 8(51 reps/1530 lbs)
- +5 reps and +380 lbs from last week!

1 Arm DB Rows(70 lb DB):5R x 14(70 Reps/4900 lbs)
- +10 reps and +1,300 lbs!! from last week!

EDT Reps: 121
EDT Weight Lifted: 6430 lbs
**Increase of 15 reps AND 1680 lbs from last week!!

Total Workout Time: 45 minutes
Total Reps: 141
Total Weight Lifted: 10,630 lbs
Weight Lifted Per Minute: 236.22 lbs
Weight Lifted Per Rep: 75.39 lbs

**Increase of 20 total reps, DECREASE of 5 minutes in time, increase of 480 lbs, increase of 33.22 lbs per minute.

Very happy with the results, as I used heavier weights on the EDT blocks, but ended up doing 2 more sets and 15 more reps than previous week. Gonna look to increase weight again next week, especially on 1 arm DB Rows as I was hammering those out with no issues, even as I was creating a puddle of sweat on the carpet...
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Post by matter2003 »

GLP II workout #4

Weighed in at 205.6 lbs, another high protein, low fat, low carb catabolic day today, then followed by a 24 hour fast tomorrow.

Felt really strong during today's workout, no issues at all, although my left front delt felt like it was about to fall off after finishing my EDT block...

GLP II Squats: 349 lbs x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5(20 reps/6980 lbs)
-really easy, no issues, only waited a minute and a half to 2 minutes in between sets since the weight was not that much...

20 minute EDT Block:

DB Squat/Push/Press(35lb DBs): 5R x 16(80 reps/2800 lbs)
- +13 reps and +790 lbs from previous workout

DB Swings(60lb DB): 5R x 16(80 reps/4800 lbs)
- +5 reps and +675 lbs from previous workout

EDT Reps: 160(+18 from last workout)
EDT Total Weight: 7600 lbs(+1465 lbs!! from last workout)

-for whatever reason, I went up in weight on both exercises, but was still ripping off sets of 5 without much of an issue, although I was getting really gassed toward the end and had to slow down and rest a little more between sets...

Total Workout Time: 35 minutes!!
Total Reps: 180 reps
Total Weight: 14,580 lbs
Weight Lifted Per Minute: 416.57 lbs!!
Weight Lifted Per Rep: 81 lbs

-really cranked up the weight per minute this workout due in large part to short rest times on squats. Total Weight went down a little because I did less weight on squats and 4 fewer reps, so I actually lifted 531 lbs less, but I am super pumped about the 416+ lbs per minute lifted...

Body is done in right about now, but I am very excited about how fast I am progressing on these EDT early morning Farmer's Walk tomorrow, my least favorite day of the week...
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Post by matter2003 »

Yesterday morning did 30 minutes of Farmers Walks with 35 lb DBs which was an increase of 5 lbs each. Managed to do about 5 minutes before having to put them down. Front Delts felt completely wasted after doing these, likely in conjunction with the previous workout Thursday night...

Today was an off day, Cleans tomorrow...
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Post by matter2003 »

After talking with Rob for about 30 minutes this morning, I have decided to get back to actively building muscle and making sure I am getting the calories I am needing for it. I feel like for whatever reason my body just is resisting losing any more weight and that at this point, attempting to push it farther is going to end up being counterproductive, ie losing muscle.

So after talking to Rob, I am going to be trying the following for a month:

-intake of roughly 3800 calories per day, split 40/40/20 Carb/Protein/Fat
-eating 6 meals per day
-no fasting during this time frame, as I feel my body has gotten used to it from doing it so long that it is losing its effectiveness.

I will then reevaluate where I am at on February 15th and decide on a course of action from there. With my workouts what they are, I should be adding almost no fat with this type of caloric intake and any weight gain should be muscle. Again, that is in a perfect world, but for whatever reason my body is jacked up when it comes to this as it loves to gain both fat and muscle(damn endomorphic tendencies). I will be monitoring both waistline and body fat tracking to make sure I am not gaining fat, and if need be, lower the caloric intake slightly.

Today's workout was pretty good, making some good progress with my Clean & Presses...felt good to finally be doing barbell with 45 plates on both sides, although that really isn't much, it isn't bad since this is only the 5th time I am doing this movement in my entire life.

Cleans: 135lbs x 3/135 x 3/ 135 x 2, 115 x 1/135 x 2, 115 x1/135 x 3, 115 x 2
-workout called for 5 sets of 3, but I was upset that I missed 2 reps at 135 so I did 2 more at 135 on the 5th set...was very proud of myself that I ended up getting 3 full reps at 135 on 5th set after not being able to get the 3rd on the previous 2 sets. Looking to do a max of 155 lbs next week.

20 Minute EDT Block:

Chin Ups: 5R x 3/4R x 1/3R x 9/2R x 5(56 reps)

Bench Push Ups(feet on bench):5R x 17/3R x 1(88 reps)

-pretty happy overall as my body was already hurting from the heavier cleans but I still managed to do more sets and more reps than last week on both chin ups and push ups, and I made the push ups harder by putting my feet up on the bench so it was almost like a decline push up.

Last week after this day, my triceps were hurting til Wednesday, likely from the pushups. I forgot just how effective an exercise pushups are all by themselves without any weight...will likely be adding some weight to the pushups at some point...

Tomorrow I have high rep DL's..looking to add some weight to what I have been doing and still have minimum rest in between sets...

Total Workout Time: 70 minutes
-had to rest a little longer with the heavier cleans, especially after first 2 sets...
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Post by matter2003 »

Felt super swollen today and really strong...not sure if its the extra calories or what, but I felt really huge today...

Work completely wore me out, as I think I moved more merchandise today than I had in the past 3 months combined...backroom, showroom, helped load trucks for the delivery dudes, etc...I was burnt the hell out by the end of the day and I didn't feel like lifting at all. Did that stop me from going to the gym? Hell no. I popped a BIU and downed some "Formula X"(DAA+BCAA+LCLT+etc) and hammered out some DL's...had to rest a little more than normal as I didn't have the energy to really get after them like I have been with a minute rest between sets, so I made up for it by going a little heavier than I have been:

DL's: 215 x 12/285 x 12/305 x 12/325 x 7,3,2/355 x 5,1 325 x 6
-only could get 6 at 355, so looking to a full 12 reps next week hopefully in a little bit better shape after work...

Off day tomorrow, then GLP II Decline Wednesday...
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Post by matter2003 »

Weighed in at 207.6 lbs this morning.

Rest day today, just been focusing on eating, but my times are a little screwed up today because we were ultra busy at work...actually have to combine meals 5/6 together because I ran out of day...well, more specifically I broke down meal 6 and added half to meal 4 and half to meal 5...

Started keeping a food log because I want to make sure I document everything I am inputting into my body to make sure I am on point. I think without this I may have been a little overzealous on my eating. Want to make sure I am taking in enough calories to build muscle without taking in so many that my body starts to store it as fat. Starting at 3800 calories, which is roughly 500 calories over my maintenance of 3300.

Definitely making sure I am eating properly for my bodytype(Endo/Meso) which means I have to really be careful of the carbs. Currently at 40/40/20 carbs/protein/fat.

Looking forward to GLP I Decline tomorrow...
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Post by RobRegish »

Great work Matt!

Folks, if any of you are new to BP (or even if you're not!) - please follow Matt's logs. Reason being, he's doing EXACTLY what I want you all to do with the information I put together: He took it and ran with it, sprinkling in his own tweaks/preferences.

He also has an uncanny ability to hit it out of the park, when he does so... :)
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Post by Jacos5 »

RobRegish wrote:Great work Matt!

Folks, if any of you are new to BP (or even if you're not!) - please follow Matt's logs. Reason being, he's doing EXACTLY what I want you all to do with the information I put together: He took it and ran with it, sprinkling in his own tweaks/preferences.

He also has an uncanny ability to hit it out of the park, when he does so... :)
I'm not exactly new (done 5 runs) but I actually did use matter's log to help me out with the second famine workout since I was unsure whether or not I was doing it correctly (I was not). Thanks man, actually mentioned it on my log too.
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Post by matter2003 »

RobRegish wrote:Great work Matt!

Folks, if any of you are new to BP (or even if you're not!) - please follow Matt's logs. Reason being, he's doing EXACTLY what I want you all to do with the information I put together: He took it and ran with it, sprinkling in his own tweaks/preferences.

He also has an uncanny ability to hit it out of the park, when he does so... :)
Thanks for the high praise, but I am not sure I deserve it....I am basically following your outline and doing a lot of it based on your advice, because I really value your opinion...that being said, I believe that no one person has every answer, so sometimes I see some other things and I experiment with them to see if they work for me. If they do I keep doing it and if they don't I try something else...
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Post by matter2003 »

OK, GLP II Decline today and it was a doozy for me...

Really was struggling on the final 2 sets, so I had to hit a couple of pause reps in there and that bar seemed like it was taking forever to get back up millimeter by millimeter, but it got there in the end...

GLP II Decline: 240lbs x 5 x 5 x 3,1,1 x 3,1,1(20 reps/4,800 lbs)

20 Minute EDT Block:

Weighted Dips(30lb DB): 5Rx2/4Rx1/3Rx10/2Rx2(48 reps/1,440 lbs)
- -3 reps from last week and -90 lbs, but I think decline being 30 lbs heavier had me shot

1 Arm DB Rows(70lb DB): 5Rx15(75 reps/5,250 lbs)
- +5 reps from last week and +350 1 more set in same time frame, didn't feel as tired this week, conditioning definitely improving

EDT Total Weight: 6,690 lbs
EDT Total Reps: 123 reps

- +2 reps and +260 lbs from last week, so still an improvement although a small one.

Total Workout Time: 50 minutes
Total Reps: 143 reps
Total Weight: 11,490 lbs
Weight Per Minute: 229.80 lbs
Weight Per Rep: 80.35

** increase of 2 reps, increase of 860 lbs, increase of 4.96 lbs per rep

** increase of 5 minutes in time, decrease of 6.42 lbs/minute

Overall not a horrible workout, just would have liked to have increased everything...will work on getting that 5 minutes back next week...
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