Saliva Test Kits - Reliable?

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Saliva Test Kits - Reliable?

Post by DaGymWarrior »

Is the ZRT Testosterone Saliva Test Kit accurate and worth it? How does it compare to blood spot testing?
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Re: Saliva Test Kits - Reliable?

Post by RobRegish »

DaGymWarrior wrote:Is the ZRT Testosterone Saliva Test Kit accurate and worth it? How does it compare to blood spot testing?
Still not QUITE as accurate as blood spot, but its come a LONG way in recent years. I use the blood spot now, as the pricepoint has come down to a more reasonable level.

Hope that helps!
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Post by DaGymWarrior »

Shucks, should have ordered the blood spot test instead of the saliva. I ordered two saliva testosterone tests. I took the first one in between my last Famine workout and before my first Feast workout. I'm going to take the second one after the Feast phase to see if there is any noticeable difference. I'm taking KA and AN during the Feast phase.
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Post by DaGymWarrior »

Got my results from ZRT Labs a couple days ago:
78 pg/ml (normal range for my age: 44-148 pg/ml)

They say I am within the "normal range", however, I don't really know what this means. I believe it is for Free Testosterone. It looks like I am in the lower normal range, but I wouldn't know what that means either.

I took this test immediately after Famine and before Feast. I have another saliva testosterone test that I will take at the end of Feast.
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Post by RobRegish »

DaGymWarrior wrote:Got my results from ZRT Labs a couple days ago:
78 pg/ml (normal range for my age: 44-148 pg/ml)

They say I am within the "normal range", however, I don't really know what this means. I believe it is for Free Testosterone. It looks like I am in the lower normal range, but I wouldn't know what that means either.

I took this test immediately after Famine and before Feast. I have another saliva testosterone test that I will take at the end of Feast.
GREAT man! I'm VERY interested, in what your "post" test will be!!!

"They say I am within the "normal range".." - Beware the individual that tells you "normal", is a good thing.

Normal implies "average". Anyone here care to be "average", at the little pastime we've chosen to partake in? If so, please PM me for your refund... :) I don't, and abhore that word. I detest it, in fact and if you're at all familiar with me/my writings you know this to be true - I'd rather be dead, than "average" anything. I want to be optimal.

Optimal in this instance is the upper 1/3rd of this range - and nothing less. Therefore, that's your objective...

Now, do indeed confirm with them that this is your "free" testosterone (biologically active measure, that being test that isn't bound to SHBG - serum hormone binding globulin).

This is important - so PLEASE do call them at this # (I took this, from my blood spot test kit) - (503) 466 9166


You can visit

These peeps are uber-helpful, responsive and a pleasure to deal with, IMO.

REALLY looking forward to your labs! Good, bad or indifferent I aim to help optimize YOUR results! :)
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Post by DaGymWarrior »

Second set of test results came back. As you can see, DRAMATIC improvement in my testosterone levels. I am amazed.

First test taken immediately after Famine (10/8/11) so my levels may have been lower than usual. Second test taken near the end of Feast (11/14/11).

I was taking 2-4 caps of KA daily, along with AN every night, since the start of Feast. I was also taking the Formula, and Multi-life, Alkaplex, etc.

I am not a Mass Muscle rep or anything like that. In fact, because of some customer service issues, I will not be using their products for my next run. But, I may have to go back to them if I don't get similar results during my next BP run. I don't know if it was the KA, or the AN, or the BP3.0 Program... or the combination... but something definitely boosted my testosterone levels.

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Post by askmass »

DaGymWarrior wrote:Second set of test results came back. As you can see, DRAMATIC improvement in my testosterone levels. I am amazed.

First test taken immediately after Famine (10/8/11) so my levels may have been lower than usual. Second test taken near the end of Feast (11/14/11).

I was taking 2-4 caps of KA daily, along with AN every night, since the start of Feast. I was also taking the Formula, and Multi-life, Alkaplex, etc.

I am not a Mass Muscle rep or anything like that. In fact, because of some customer service issues, I will not be using their products for my next run. But, I may have to go back to them if I don't get similar results during my next BP run. I don't know if it was the KA, or the AN, or the BP3.0 Program... or the combination... but something definitely boosted my testosterone levels.

Congrats on your great results Warrior!

As is said, proof is in the pudding, eh?

Please PM me with details as to your customer service issue so I may address that with you personally.

Not to say we are not human, but we have a near two decade earned rep for excellent all-around service and as a rule go out of our way to fix anything remotely within our grasp that we are alerted to.

I've got to think this was something we were either not made aware of (maybe an email went amiss ?), or something out of our control like a shipping related delay.

Anyway, please PM me so I may properly address whatever it may be that went wrong and kudos to you on the mighty fine test increase!

Best to you.
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Post by RobRegish »

DaGymWarrior wrote:Second set of test results came back. As you can see, DRAMATIC improvement in my testosterone levels. I am amazed.

First test taken immediately after Famine (10/8/11) so my levels may have been lower than usual. Second test taken near the end of Feast (11/14/11).

I was taking 2-4 caps of KA daily, along with AN every night, since the start of Feast. I was also taking the Formula, and Multi-life, Alkaplex, etc.

I am not a Mass Muscle rep or anything like that. In fact, because of some customer service issues, I will not be using their products for my next run. But, I may have to go back to them if I don't get similar results during my next BP run. I don't know if it was the KA, or the AN, or the BP3.0 Program... or the combination... but something definitely boosted my testosterone levels.

Here it is folks, the undeniable TRUTH of what some of the MASS supplements I mention in The BP can do for you.

I've been accused of playing favorites, but you can't fudge lab results like this. Truthfully, I wasn't surprised to see this. Why? Because before I recommend anything to you, I tested it on myself. I've been using labs to "test" (very quietly, in virtually every case), certain companies products since 1996.

Very happy for you DaGymWarrior. I appreciate you putting your faith in my recommendations (assuming that's where your interest in MASS came from). As the world can see here - MASS delivers. They've never steered me wrong, which is what I'd want for you...
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Post by RobRegish »

One additional note about this...

The article I wrote in 2003 on Adaptogen N found here:

In my test (used ZRT saliva test at the time and UNBEKNOWN to MASS), I experienced a 55% testosterone increase in just 27 days.

If I'm reading your labs correctly, you experienced - a 77% jump in 36 days!!!

My point here is this: I'm not making sh!t up. The results I've experienced have gratefully been experienced by others. Folks, there is SO MUCH junk out there, begging for your dollars. IF you feel supplementation will benefit you, then please do look for where success lives. As you can see here, it's alive and well in the current MASS lineup. Whichever companies products you use, do objectively put them to the test like DaGymWarrior has. He now knows an investment in MASS's KA and AN, is a wise investment indeed.

MASS is about to get another category killer, when my new product drops. Couldn't have done this without them, and The BP Army (YOU!) will be unstoppable when it's deployed... :)
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Post by JlCh »

You guys are really dumping 1-200$ for these tests? If so, a bit out of my price range :p
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Post by DaGymWarrior »

JlCh wrote:You guys are really dumping 1-200$ for these tests? If so, a bit out of my price range :p
I spent $35 per test... so $70 for two saliva testosterone tests. Yeah, pricey, but I needed to validate spending $$$$ on supplements. I need the facts, not the hype. So far, ecdy and BP are living up to the hype.

I just visited the ZRT Labs site, and it looks like they don't offer that test anymore. You can still do the testosterone blood spot test for $35 though. I'll probably do that one during my next BP run.
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Post by JlCh »

I saw the 35$ testosterone test and that is feasible. I just wasn't sure if these other tests were what you guys were talking or what, as the only saliva tests I saw here were the expensive ones :p. Thanks for the response though and I'll have to invest in it and check things out.
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Post by DaGymWarrior »

If I'm reading your labs correctly, you too experienced almost the same - a 56% jump in 36 days.
Rob, unless my math is wrong (unlikely, since I'm an engineer... and overly anal according to my wife), going from 78 pg/ml to 138 pg/ml is actually a 77% jump.
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Post by JlCh »

Yea, I'd go with 77 (like 76.9). 121/122 would be ~56% increase I believe.
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