Hank's Blue Print Journal

Unfiltered Tips & Techniques centered around Blueprint Training
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Post by Hank! »

Thank you sir..still not in your league
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Post by dracotdrgn »

To each their own my friend. A PR set and goals achieved are somthing to be proud of no matter who or where you are.
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Post by Hank! »

that may have come out wrong, it was a hats off to you. You are a very strong Mofo
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Post by Hank! »

Feast Phase

Hey guys, i had a good day, got a massage, chiropractic adjustment ate clean but under my maintenance the plan was to power through a strong workout and chow down on some ground turkey with salsa when i got home BUT Life happened didnt get out of work till 6 and i have to pick up my daughters from AWANA at 730

I did go to the gym and did an accelerated work out

was in the gym for 35mins total and feel kinda dumb for even going

here are my work sets
Smith Machine Bench

Superset with DB Pull overs

Incline Dumbell fly stretching deep

Super set with Lat pull downs bringing weight to chest
Used a cambered bar like this
https://ep.yimg.com/ca/I/yhst-5911864874 ... 7_16414409

Then i had to bolt...total time in gym 35 minutes

Macros so far for the day

265g carbs
53g fat
325mg choleterol
1521 sodium
124g sugar
33g fiber
264g protien
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Post by RobRegish »

You are Mr. Fundamentals.... and I like that.

Everything is spot on here, from the training to the diet to, well... everything. You guys must really be turning heads in the gym, and I mean from other trainees...not the women (although that sure is nice when it happens)

Fantastic work!
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Post by Hank! »

Hey all ate clean so far today and i got My Ironmind Hip Belt! Cost me $50 shipped and it is brand new..

No workout today, just taking a day off. I will post macros later

Macros today

89g fat
265g choles
290 carbs
122g sugar
24g fiber
242g protein

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Post by RobRegish »

Wow. That's a STEAL...

Nice going.... Keep us posted as to how you like it!
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Post by Hank! »

Happy Friday
This is day 5 Feast Phase

Blood Pressure
HR 63

Weight 253.9 up 4+lbs since lowest in famine
Feel great , sleep well
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Post by RobRegish »

Wow, those are fantastic blood pressure #'s.

Great work there. GREAT WORK!

This is one diagnostic I'm highly encouraging everyone to take. An automatic cuff is best and most also calculate your heart rate for you.

Invaluable as an objective measure.
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Post by Hank! »

boyz I am here to tell you

Static Holds will blow you up and boost your confidence
Today is my 3rd workout of feast and i ended up in the gym literally with only two other folks ( a trainer and a client). so I did not have a spotter

I used a Rebook step and initially had one space under the step, set up in the squat rack and started my movement with 225, movement was about 7-8 inches i was getting a bend in my elbows and some tingles in the elbows. Felt good did 8 reps and added another 50lbs. In between these lifting sets i was doing dumbbell pull overs using 80lbs for 8 reps. So i get up under the 275.(keep in mind i have never benched more than 260 with a very liberal spot would say my tru max bench is about 235-240). So I proceeded to lift the 275lbs for 7 reps, and had held last rep for about 15 secs..the shakes set in and i failed right around 17 sec.. pretty good i figured. I had some elbow tingling..did my pull overs and wanted to stay warm so did 10 quick standing presses with 40lbs straight bar. I decided maybe i was getting tingles because too much bend in my elbow so I removed the spacer from the Reebok step . With the spacer removed I only had to move my arms up about 2 -3 inches to lift the weight. MMm.. well I guess the three "burn it up" , and coffee I ingested kicked in because I was focused and determined. I pulled off the quarters and added a 45lb plate on each side..315lbs new territory for me..get under the weight, visualize, deep breath thru nose.. aggression.. growling 315lbs up and reps 6x and then held 10 secs..wtf..is this me?
Okay well I'm in the groove now, so I do pull overs, light shoulder presses add a quarter to each side. Now at 375 lbs 1.5x beyond my theoretical max okay focus, focus boom 375 up and repped 4x shakes set in hold hold 6 secs or so.. I am shocked wow well i go for broke I add a 10lb and 2.5lb to each side 400lbs line up get under it and nothing.. failure crap I thought I had this..okay i regroup take a few breath get a drink pull overs..rest . I got this I keep telling my self, focusing visualizing..400lbs GUYS i got it 400lbs..no reps but held it for close to ten seconds WOWOWO i never imagined myself doing this, yes i am happy and bragging.

Thank you BP, thank you Rob, Turbo, Draco, BeachPirate, John, MSR and KH791 you guys inspired me

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Post by RobRegish »

Wow. Great going man you're really on to something there!

It's gratifying to see you guys having this kind of success. Just makes my day... :)
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Post by dracotdrgn »

SAWEEET!! :D No delayed traction there. Just think man, you're just getting started!
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DAMN HANKY!! You just got my blood PUMPIN bro!!! WOW!!! thats incredible man!! Talk about inspiration brother, you just hit me with a titlewave of it!! I was planning on goin to the gym today, but my girl got in from KC early, so I'm goin tomorrow. Cant wait to Max out, I got a pretty good ideas what I'll get, but I may just get an xtra 5 pnds after readin your post buddy!! Great job Hank, Keep it goin Bro!!
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Post by beachpirate »

Awesome Hank :twisted: Incredible determination. I can't wait to see gains like that. Truely inspirational.
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