Study finding extra Leucine with Amino Acid mix boosts...

Serious supplementation, focused on the MASS line at
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Post by askmass »

I didn't mention this discussion to him, but found it a bit ironic last night when Rob Van Dam was talking about how vital he and other workers in that game hold glutamine to be.

He's a jock living on the road a lot.

Hopping from cars to planes and back again, all in the same day.

Not enough sleep... poor to horrible food options too often... skipped meals.

It's easy to see why a guy like him can get so much from a complete formula like MPA.

Dude was MASSIVE.
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Post by RobRegish »

Street-dreams wrote:You say the threshold for leucine is 3-5 grams yet there is more than that recommended in the formula.. is this because of the extended time it is consumed during?
I'll be completely honest here: The 3-5 recommendation is based upon new information I came across, since originally crafting the recipe for 'The Formula".

So, there's your answer... :)

One thing you may not be aware of, with respect to glutamine - it serves as one of the building blocks for DNA/RNA in the body. Recall that DNA Transcription and messenger RNA Translation (mRNA)/Transcription are the keys to muscle protein synthesis.

Glutamine is far from useless. The problem here, was in the marketing verbage when it came to market. It was going to be the next miracle. There are no miracles, there are useful nutraceuticals, and there is junk.

It's a useful nutraceutical... :):):)
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Post by Street-dreams »

Thanks Rob! I appreciate your honesty and willingness to change recommendations as you come across new information.

Will mean my Leucine will go twice as far!
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Post by matter2003 »

askmass wrote:I didn't mention this discussion to him, but found it a bit ironic last night when Rob Van Dam was talking about how vital he and other workers in that game hold glutamine to be.

He's a jock living on the road a lot.

Hopping from cars to planes and back again, all in the same day.

Not enough sleep... poor to horrible food options too often... skipped meals.

It's easy to see why a guy like him can get so much from a complete formula like MPA.

Dude was MASSIVE.
I am sure the other "supplements" they all are umm...taking, I guess if you want to call it that, have something to do with it too...
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