5.0stang - Run #2 Log + Previous Results

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5.0stang - Run #2 Log + Previous Results

Post by 5.0stang »

Starting my second run on the Blueprint and am really excited, since I felt I had strong results from my first run. Here are my final numbers:

Before BP (no pump) - After BP (no pump)

-15” arms (relaxed) - 16.1"
-16.9” arms (flexed) -17.25"
-13” forearm (relaxed) - 13.75"
-13.8” forearm (flexed) - 14.3"
-25” legs in the middle of the quad (relaxed) - 25.75"

These are 5 sets of 5 rep gains (3 minutes of rest) that I saw in roughly 7 weeks (not 1RM):

Before BP - After BP

Squat: 175 lbs to 205 lbs (EASILY)
Incline Hammer Curls: 50 lbs to 80 lbs
Bench Press: 245 lbs to 265lbs (EASILY)
One Arm Dumbell Rows: 110 lbs to 170 lbs
Widegrip PullDowns: 180 lbs to 200 lbs (EASILY)
Barbell Curls: 105 lbs to 115 lbs (EASILY)
Dumbell Pullovers: 60 lbs to 85 lbs
Bench Press Hold: 345 lbs to 450 lbs (Restricted by spotter access)
Military Press Hold: 185 lbs to 305 lbs
Decline Ab Hold: 60 lbs to 130 lbs
Arnold Presses: 45 lbs to 60 lbs

I start famine today (Sunday) and am going to do the BP Famine workouts, starting today.

Diet is going to be very low in calories (800-1000 calories) consisting of just V8 Juice, with low sodium and V8 Fusion (no protein) with a bunch of water. I will do some cardio on my two off days.

Supplements for Run 2:

-Mass Pro Amino (using the "muscle" loading protocol after liver tabs)
-Beverly Liver Tabs (first 10 days of feast)
-The Formula (minus TMG/GPA)
-Ultimate Omega
-MassPro Protein + some inferior protein
-Muscle Milk Collegiate
-Vitamin C, D, & E
-Lechithin Granules

Workout Plan:

Workout One

Two Static Holds (Wrist Curls)

EDT Block 1
• Squats
• Wide Grip Pulldowns

Two Static Holds (Bench Press – 20/40% more than 1RM – 3-5 minutes rest on holds)

EDT Block 2
• Barbell Curls
• Skull Crushers

Workout Two

Two Static Holds (Barbell Curl @ 90*)

EDT Block 1
• Bench Press
• One Arm DB Rows

Two Static Holds (Decline Weighted Crunches – Hold about ¼ of the way up – 3-5 minutes rest on holds)

EDT Block 2
• Barbell Wrist Curls
• Weighted Towel (Rotation and Rising Strength)

Workout Three

• Two Static Holds (Rowing Dumbbell Locked Holds)

EDT Block 1
• Pull-Ups
• Arnold Presses

Two Static Holds (Pulldown Hold)

EDT Block 2
• Incline Hammer Curls
• Tricep Presses via Rope

Thanks Rob for all of your guidance, this is going to be a good one! :D
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Post by EctoBuilder »

Great Job!

Those are some impressive results! Keep up the great work and best of luck with your next Famine Phase!
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Post by RobRegish »

SCARY increases man! Especially on those static holds!

GREAT job, bringing game... :)
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Post by RobRegish »

SCARY increases man! Especially on those static holds!

GREAT job, bringing game... :)
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Post by JlCh »

Why so low cals?
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Post by EctoBuilder »

JlCh wrote:Why so low cals?

Yea, I would feel extremely sick if I went down to 500 to 800 calories. I was probably around 1,200 to 1,400 ish when I did famine and that was tough...
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Post by 5.0stang »

JlCh wrote:Why so low cals?
I'm crazy 8) I did 800 last time. You are right, 500 is not going to happen (didn't today!) - it was a lofty goal. It was edited.
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Post by 5.0stang »

Had the Famine Workout 1 today, didn't feel bad at all, but from experience I know the second workout is much more eye opening. Quick cardio in the morning and will get ready for Famine Workout 2 on Tuesday.

Anybody got any good tips on timing of the supplements above? I am going to follow the Ebol timing that Rob has put forth. Here is what I am planning on doing:

Supplements for Run 2:

-Kre-Alkalyn (Taken with E-bol?)
-ebol ecdy (Rob's recommendation)
-Tribulus (twice a day, morning and night)
-Mass Pro Amino (using the "muscle" loading protocol after liver tabs, 10+ days)
-Beverly Liver Tabs (first 10 days of feast @ 10-15 tabs a day?)
-The Formula (minus TMG/GPA) (workout)
-Multi-Life (three times a day)
-Ultimate Omega (hour before workout for the dietary fat)
-MassPro Protein + some inferior protein ("The Formula" and all in between)
-Muscle Milk Collegiate (part of morning shake)
-Vitamin C, D, & Calcium (D&Calcium twice a day, C & E at end of workout)
-Lechithin Granules (serving size in morning shake)
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Post by JlCh »

I always figured pushing famine that hard would be a double edge sword. To each their own though, I suppose.
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Post by 5.0stang »

You guys made me do a search and I found this from Rob:

If you REALLY want to piss away your gains/hard work, proceed as follows:

1.) Lower the tension of your barbell work/"go for the burn, baby"...
2.) Do LOTS of fast sets and reps. In other words, generate as much cortisol as possible. It chews up muscle FAST.
3.) To assist in #2, don't eat much. Whatever you do, stay away from protein.
4.) Don't get your bodyfat tested. It might reveal you're losing all muscle, vs. fat. Going about things this way, you can continue going down the wrong road.

It seems like I could be guilty of 1,2, & 3 (famine is okay to stay away from protein). Perhaps my lofty goal was to aggressive. I will just keep protein to an absolute minimum (less than 10 grams a day) for a few days here and try to not consume more than 1200-1500 calories a day. My body won't be quite so stressed after all. However, I have found after a couple days of very low calories, my bodies urge to eat isn't nearly as strong.

So far today I have consumed 13g of protein and 940 calories. I feel good to this point.
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Post by RobRegish »

5.0stang wrote:You guys made me do a search and I found this from Rob:

If you REALLY want to piss away your gains/hard work, proceed as follows:

1.) Lower the tension of your barbell work/"go for the burn, baby"...
2.) Do LOTS of fast sets and reps. In other words, generate as much cortisol as possible. It chews up muscle FAST.
3.) To assist in #2, don't eat much. Whatever you do, stay away from protein.
4.) Don't get your bodyfat tested. It might reveal you're losing all muscle, vs. fat. Going about things this way, you can continue going down the wrong road.

It seems like I could be guilty of 1,2, & 3 (famine is okay to stay away from protein). Perhaps my lofty goal was to aggressive. I will just keep protein to an absolute minimum (less than 10 grams a day) for a few days here and try to not consume more than 1200-1500 calories a day. My body won't be quite so stressed after all. However, I have found after a couple days of very low calories, my bodies urge to eat isn't nearly as strong.

So far today I have consumed 13g of protein and 940 calories. I feel good to this point.
Don't feel too bad man. I know about all these mistakes, due to the fact I made them... :) Sharing here such that you and others don't have to... !
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Post by 5.0stang »

Supplements for Run 2:

-Kre-Alkalyn (3 capsules spreadout taken at the same time as ebol?)
-ebol (Rob's recommendation)
-Tribulus (Two 1000 mg pills twice a day, morning and night)
-Beverly Liver Tabs (first 10 days of feast @ 10-20 tabs a day?)
-Mass Pro Amino (using the "strength/muscle" loading protocol after liver tabs, after 10 days on just liver tabs)
-The Formula (minus TMG/GPA)
-Multi-Life (three times a day)
-Ultimate Omega/fish capsules (Hour before workout for the dietary fat)
-MassPro Protein + some inferior protein ("The Formula" and all in between to meet protein goals)
-Muscle Milk Collegiate (part of morning shake)
-Vitamin C, D, & Calcium (D&Calcium twice a day, C & E at end of workout)
-Lechithin Granules (serving size in morning shake)

Any thoughts or changes you would make come feast?
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Post by RobRegish »

None. You've done a great job reverse engineering run #1, and appear to be loaded for bear run #2! :)
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Post by 5.0stang »

RobRegish wrote:None. You've done a great job reverse engineering run #1, and appear to be loaded for bear run #2! :)
Cool, I am going to set a real high goal on bench press. By the end I want to be at 300lbs @ 5x5. It is another lofty goal, but I am going to try to drive for it.

Had roughly 20 grams of protein yesterday @ 1250 calories. My goal today is to pull in a few less calories and a little less protein. One more day to go after today, sipping on container of V8 Low Sodium all day. Body is feeling weak/sore, making it hard to sleep, but I feel just fine outside of that.

Oh yeah, Rob, I can't remember if I mentioned it last time, but my last cruise workout I did not use the "Formula" and I was sore for several days afterwards. Just proof what the "Formula" does for recovery, as I was always ready to workout within just a couple days when I took it during my workout. :)
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