5.0stang's First BP Run

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Post by RobRegish »

"The numbers are about to start climbing next week, too..."

Balls, I say... :)
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Post by 5.0stang »

Due to work, I was unable to workout on Tuesday night, so I did this morning before work. FYI, I am not a morning person!

All rep ranges were 10-12 reps (6-8 reps last week) with 1 minute (1 minute less compared to last week) of rest between supersets, unless noted.

Workout Two (Wednesday):

Two Static Holds (Decline Weighted Crunches - 80 lb dumbell at my chest)
EDT Block 1
-Bench Press (205 lbs x 4 sets/175 lbs x 1 set)
-One Arm DB Rows (120 lbs x 5 sets)

Two Static Holds (Military Press - Did not complete - no spotter)
EDT Block 2
-Wrist Curls (95 lbs x 2 sets)
-Rowing Dumbbell Holds (2 sets at 70 lbs in curl position)

Decline Ab Hold - I went up 20 lbs fairly easily, now sitting at 80 lbs at the chest.

EDT Block 1 - I had to lower the weight to complete 5 sets, from 245 lbs to 205 lbs on bench press. My dumbell rows stayed the same @ 120 lbs for 10-12 reps! My 1RM has got to be getting pretty high for a one arm rep.

EDT Block 2 - This is my flex time for armwrestling exercises, so not much to guage off of it.

Intensity was high for the first half, but I about puked a couple times so it tapered off.

I am really looking forward to next week as I like lifting the heavier weights!

I am out of KA for a couple days, until it gets here because I ordered late. I may take some creatine samples I got for a couple days to keep the levels at least stable, until the KA comes in.
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Post by 5.0stang »

KA came in today, so I am back on it from one day off. I got the blue BP shirt in today, looks great. 8)

Workout Three (Thursday)

All rep ranges fell within 10-12 reps, with 1-2 minutes of rest.

Two Static Holds (Hanging Leg Raises - Completed)
EDT Block 1
-Wide Grip Pulldowns - 180 lbs x 4 sets/160 lbs x 1 set
-Arnold Presses - 50 lbs x 5 sets

Two Static Holds - Hammer Curl Pulldown Hold - 220 lbs x 2
EDT Block 2
-Barbell Curls - 85 lbs x 6 sets
-Skull Crushers - 75 lbs x 5 sets
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Post by 5.0stang »

Had my Sunday workout today. This week's workout is scheduled for 3 minutes rest and 5 rep range with 4-6 sets. I am still at 100% ON/85% OFF for my calorie intake.

Two Static Holds (Powerband Sidepressure/Backpressure - Done)
EDT Block 1
-Incline Dumbbell Hammer Curls (70lbs x 5 sets)
-Dumbbell Pullovers (80 lbs x 5 sets)

Two Static Bench Press Holds (395 lbs first hold/395 lbs on the second hold)
EDT Block 2
-Squats (185 lbs x 5 sets)

EDT Block 1: I had an increase of 20 lbs on my incline hammer curl and a 20 lbs increase on my dumbbell pullovers.

Bench Press Static Holds: I had to go light today, because I had no spotter but I lifted 395 lbs relatively easily, compared to the last attempt at that weight.

EDT Block 2: My squats are FULL range of motion with proper form, hence the lower weight numbers. I gained 10 lbs on my squats here, probably a bit more but I started off with a higher weight. Deadlifts was very minimal as I was about to lose my lunch.

It feels good to be back using KA/AN and I am really happy with my gains on the incline hammer curls/dumbbell pullovers and the gain on squats.

My workouts are going to be compressed the next few days because of work this week and the need for about 4 days rest, because I have an event Sunday that my body (arms) needs to be rested for.
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Post by 5.0stang »

All rep ranges were 5 reps @ 5 sets with 3 minutes of rest between supersets, unless noted.

The funny thing before this workout, I wasn't there mentally, but my body was feeling good. Check out the results ;)

Workout Two (Monday):

Two Static Holds (Decline Weighted Crunches - 100 lb dumbell at my chest) - 40 lb increase over 3 weeks ago!
EDT Block 1
-Bench Press (255 lbs x 5 sets) - 10 lb increase + full completion from 3 weeks ago!
-One Arm DB Rows (150 lbs x 5 sets) - 30-40 lb increase from 3 weeks ago!
Two Static Holds (Military Press - 245 lbs/275 lbs) - 90 lb increase from 3 weeks ago from low to peak, but "effort to effort" 70 lb increase!EDT Block 2
-Wrist Curls (135 lbs x 2 sets at 5 reps)
-Rowing Dumbbell Holds (2 sets at 60 lbs in curl position)

I weighed my self today and I am sitting at 253.8 lbs and (not sure if this is quite accurate), but used the same cheap BF % caliper and it shows I am at 26% (compared to 32% a month ago)Possibly I didn't measure right the first time or the second time, but visually I do not believe I have gotten any extra fat, but lost a few. However, strength is my main goal with recomp as a positive side effect. :)

I will do some quick cardio in the morning.
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Post by RobRegish »

Congratulations man!

Now if that isn't worthy of a body building dot com review, dunno what is... :)

Ha ha. I know you'll get that done, sooner or later. VERY pleased to see this kind of progress. It is in fact, why I wrote the book. This isn't my book, it's YOUR book.

Some day when I'm gone, you take that book and know that it needs to be passed down. Perhaps to a son, daughter or friend. The right person will present at the right time, just as you did to me.

The same cannot be said, for any pill, powder or potion...
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Post by 5.0stang »

RobRegish wrote:Congratulations man!

Now if that isn't worthy of a body building dot com review, dunno what is... :)

Ha ha. I know you'll get that done, sooner or later. VERY pleased to see this kind of progress. It is in fact, why I wrote the book. This isn't my book, it's YOUR book.

Some day when I'm gone, you take that book and know that it needs to be passed down. Perhaps to a son, daughter or friend. The right person will present at the right time, just as you did to me.

The same cannot be said, for any pill, powder or potion...
I'm going to get that review in soon, possibly this weekend!

I am excited about the progress.

I had my third workout today, in the morning (not a morning person):

Workout Three (Thursday)

All rep ranges were 5reps, with 3 minutes of rest.

Two Static Holds (Hanging Leg Raises - Completed)
EDT Block 1
-Wide Grip Pulldowns - 200 lbs x 5 sets (20 lb increase plus completion from 3 weeks ago! )
-Arnold Presses - 60 lbs x 5 sets (15 lb increase from 3 weeks ago! )

Two Static Holds - Hammer Curl Pulldown Hold - 230 lbs x 2 (70 lb increase from 3 weeks ago! )
EDT Block 2
-Barbell Curls - 115 lbs x 5 sets (10 lb increase from 3 weeks ago! )
-Skull Crushers - 95 lbs x 5 sets (10 lb increase from 3 weeks ago! )

I finished EDT Block 2 quite easily. I should have increased the weight.
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Post by RobRegish »

Can't wait for that review!

I have bad news though. The small minds over there are going to come back with one of these, or both;

1.) It's too good to be true and/or
2.) This is BS, it doesn't work

My personal favorite though, is "I'm not paying for a workout program, all of this is available for free... somewhere". Fantastic stuff. They'll gladly pour $100 - $400 (or more!) down the tubes on supps every month, but educational material as to how best to train, diet and use those supps?

Nope, no way. Too much to ask.


Happy for you! Look for a LOT more, where this came from. Congratulations, you made it to Gainsville... :):):):):)
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Post by 5.0stang »

Thanks Rob, it feels great!

Alright guys, I need your advice on cruise as it will be here in just a couple weeks.

This upcoming week I will be doing the 2-3 rep/5 minute rest workout, and then the "10,8,6...1" workout the following week. After that, I am going to transition to cruise.

What do you guys recommend to do during cruise (7th + week)?

Review is posted on BB.
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Post by RobRegish »

5.0stang wrote:Thanks Rob, it feels great!

Alright guys, I need your advice on cruise as it will be here in just a couple weeks.

This upcoming week I will be doing the 2-3 rep/5 minute rest workout, and then the "10,8,6...1" workout the following week. After that, I am going to transition to cruise.

What do you guys recommend to do during cruise (7th + week)?

Review is posted on BB.
You're move to a lower rep scheme, will be a good one. Given things are getting heavier, I'd consider adding just ONE extra rest day. I think you'll find it of benefit... :)

During cruise, we usually follow a modified 5 x 5 format. That isn't written in stone necessarily, but we do this for a reason: It does a nice job of keeping you out of the 90th percentile, while still providing an excellent balance of volume and intensity. It's not uncommon, for example to hear reports from folk of ongoing gains during Cruise.

If you've been using a 5 x 5 format prior (and I believe you were), the best strategy is to pick a new execution format. Meaning if you were attempting to add weight to the bar on your middle or last few sets, consider doing so on the first set (making sure to stay out of the 90th percentile the entire time). You may also elect to retain the same execution format (progression wise, anyway), and shorten/play with the rest periods. Both strategies are subtle changes, yet can and often do result in big (positive) changes.

A welcome surprise for many... :)
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Post by 5.0stang »

Had my first workout of the week. This week's workout is scheduled for 5 minutes rest and 3 reps with 4-6 sets. I am still at 100% ON/70% OFF for my calorie intake.

Two Static Holds (Powerband Sidepressure/Backpressure - Done)
EDT Block 1
-Incline Dumbbell Hammer Curls (85lbs x 5 sets)
-Dumbbell Pullovers (105 lbs x 5 sets)

Two Static Bench Press Holds (Did not complete; I had no spotter)
EDT Block 2
-Squats (235 lbs x 5 sets)
-Heavy Shrugs

Previous 1RM's were 230 lbs for squat, ~100 lb dumbell pullover, and ~80-85 lbs for incline dumbbell curls.

I am now repping 3 reps @ 5 sets, of my previous 1RM.

Thanks for the ideas on cruise Rob!

My new goal now, each time I lift is to make others not believe the results. ;)
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Post by RobRegish »

5.0stang wrote:Had my first workout of the week. This week's workout is scheduled for 5 minutes rest and 3 reps with 4-6 sets. I am still at 100% ON/70% OFF for my calorie intake.

Two Static Holds (Powerband Sidepressure/Backpressure - Done)
EDT Block 1
-Incline Dumbbell Hammer Curls (85lbs x 5 sets)
-Dumbbell Pullovers (105 lbs x 5 sets)

Two Static Bench Press Holds (Did not complete; I had no spotter)
EDT Block 2
-Squats (235 lbs x 5 sets)
-Heavy Shrugs

Previous 1RM's were 230 lbs for squat, ~100 lb dumbell pullover, and ~80-85 lbs for incline dumbbell curls.

I am now repping 3 reps @ 5 sets, of my previous 1RM.

Thanks for the ideas on cruise Rob!

My new goal now, each time I lift is to make others not believe the results. ;)
FANTASTIC work/progress man! I'm just happy, you're happy. Proof positive hard work, pays off.

And you have plenty of doubters over there on stupid.com. Lovin' it... :)
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Post by RobRegish »

5.0stang wrote:Had my first workout of the week. This week's workout is scheduled for 5 minutes rest and 3 reps with 4-6 sets. I am still at 100% ON/70% OFF for my calorie intake.

Two Static Holds (Powerband Sidepressure/Backpressure - Done)
EDT Block 1
-Incline Dumbbell Hammer Curls (85lbs x 5 sets)
-Dumbbell Pullovers (105 lbs x 5 sets)

Two Static Bench Press Holds (Did not complete; I had no spotter)
EDT Block 2
-Squats (235 lbs x 5 sets)
-Heavy Shrugs

Previous 1RM's were 230 lbs for squat, ~100 lb dumbell pullover, and ~80-85 lbs for incline dumbbell curls.

I am now repping 3 reps @ 5 sets, of my previous 1RM.

Thanks for the ideas on cruise Rob!

My new goal now, each time I lift is to make others not believe the results. ;)
FANTASTIC work man! Proof positive hard work, pays off... :)

GREAT work bringing stupid out of the woodwork on Ibenewtothisandstupid.com. Perhaps they haven't heard? No such thing, as bad publicity...
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Post by 5.0stang »

You do a MUCH better job than I. 8)

Wait until the see the results from the first week of famine, BP Run #1, then compare it to the end results of BP Run #2! :shock:

Workout Two (Tuesday):

This week is 5 sets @ 2-3 reps each, with 5 minutes of rest.

Two Static Holds (Decline Weighted Crunches - 110 lb dumbell at my chest) - 50 lb increase over 4 weeks ago!
EDT Block 1
-Bench Press (295 lbs x 4 sets) - I had an aggravated tendon in my right arm from Sunday's armwrestling practice, so I could not finish. The nice thing though, the weight wasn't the hard part, it was just the pain.
-One Arm DB Rows (170 lbs x 5 sets)

Two Static Holds (Military Press - 275 lbs/305 lbs) - 120 lb increase from 4 weeks ago from low to peak

EDT Block 2
-Wrist Curls (135 lbs x 3 sets at 5 reps)
-Rising Strength & Rotational Strength Exercises

It wasn't the most productive workout, because of the tendon issue, but I will be back in action on Thursday, hard at it!

I will do some quick cardio in the morning.

I got to thinking today, I haven't been aggressive/consistent enough with the static holds. Next run, this will be something I will change.

Thanks for all of the support guys.
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