Elderadoracing's 2nd Run- 3.0 tweaked.

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Post by ElderadoRacing »

I really love these leg workouts.

squat workout #5 Aug 26.

Squat warm-up: bar/10, 95/10, 135/5, 185/3, 210/1
Squats: 210/5,5,5,5
SLDL: 110/5,5,5,5

Top Range Rack Pull: 435/10seconds, 455/7seconds-this was hard!!

Leg Press: 400/6,6,6,6,6,6,6=42reps
Romanian Dead Lift: 150/6,6,6,6,6,6,6=42reps
17mins, 1:30 breaks.

Bulgarian Split Squats: 55/10 each leg, 75/6each leg.

Bicep Curls: 35/6,6,6,6,6,6
Skull Crushers: 60/6,6,6,6,6,6

Love it!
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Post by RobRegish »

All 5Faces of Fear(tm) love it, you love it too... :)
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Post by ElderadoRacing »

Are you kidding me. The DOMS is killing me today. MASS where are you? I can't wait for more KA to get here. I ran out of KA three workouts ago, and I will tell you I have not been this sore in months. This workout was the culprit.

I need some KA! (ordered, just waiting for it to come)

GLP2 Bench Workout 6, Aug. 29

Bench Warm-up: bar/10, 95/10, 115/5, 135/3, 150/1
Bench Press: 150/6,6,6,6
DB Pullovers: 45/6,6,6,6

Incline DB Press: 60/7,6,6,6- completely ran out of gas!
Single arm rows: 65/7,6,6,6
12 minutes, 2min breaks.

Seated rows: 50/12, 70/8

Shoulder Press: BB-65/10, 95/5
Lat raises: 15/12, 20/8

Dips: 10,10,10,8,7,5=50 (6mins total)
Pull-ups: 12,8,6,6,7,5,5,1=50 (8mins total)
Just a little something to help build my back, and totally exhaust myself after the workout. It worked!
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Post by matter2003 »

My DOMS is really bad, even with all the methods of trying to eliminate it...

Could not imagine just how bad it would be without taking some form of Ecdy, the formula and the various other things I do to try and mitigate it...

Last workout it lasted a full 4 days...
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Post by RobRegish »

ElderadoRacing wrote:Are you kidding me. The DOMS is killing me today. MASS where are you? I can't wait for more KA to get here. I ran out of KA three workouts ago, and I will tell you I have not been this sore in months. This workout was the culprit.

I need some KA! (ordered, just waiting for it to come)

GLP2 Bench Workout 6, Aug. 29

Bench Warm-up: bar/10, 95/10, 115/5, 135/3, 150/1
Bench Press: 150/6,6,6,6
DB Pullovers: 45/6,6,6,6

Incline DB Press: 60/7,6,6,6- completely ran out of gas!
Single arm rows: 65/7,6,6,6
12 minutes, 2min breaks.

Seated rows: 50/12, 70/8

Shoulder Press: BB-65/10, 95/5
Lat raises: 15/12, 20/8

Dips: 10,10,10,8,7,5=50 (6mins total)
Pull-ups: 12,8,6,6,7,5,5,1=50 (8mins total)
Just a little something to help build my back, and totally exhaust myself after the workout. It worked!
It really is amazing the difference you feel, when you run out of KA - yes? :)
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Post by ElderadoRacing »

Wow, so far behind on posts.

Yes it is incredible how much of a difference there is when not taking KA.
But I did get my order of 3 bottles of KA plus a bottle of Burn It Up.

I am looking forward to getting the supps going again.

GLP2 Squat workout 6, Aug. 30

Squat Warm-up: bar/10, 95/10, 135/5, 195/1
Squats: 195/6,6,6,6
SLDL: 120/6,6,6,6

Top Range Rack Pull: 455/10seconds, 475/6seconds PR

Leg Press: 400/6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6=48reps
Romanian DL: 150/6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6=48reps
15mins, 1min breaks.

Ran out of time. But still had a good workout.
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Post by ElderadoRacing »

So for this Workout I was still not back on the KA.

GLP2 Bench Workout 7. Sept. 2

Bench Warm-up: bar/10, 95/10, 135/5, 155/3, 170/1
Bench Press: 170/5,5,5,5 PR!!
DB Pullover: 40/5,5,5,5

E.D.T #1
Incline Press: 55/8,8,5
Single Arm Rows: 65/8,8,5
No strength no energy, I was so disappointed with this.
Sleep was way off all week.

Dips/push-ups: 6,5,4,3,2,1
Back to back, no rest.

Decided to end there as I was exhausted.
Not a good workout. Well apart from the bench!
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Post by ElderadoRacing »

Back on the KA!!

And trying out the BIU!!

GLP2 Squat workout 7. Sept 4

Squat warm-up: bar/10, 95/10, 135/5, 185/3, 220/1
Squats: 220/5,5,5,5
SLDL: 110/5,5,5,5

E.D.T #1
Leg Press: 420/6,6,6,6,6,6=36reps
Romanian Dead lifts: 155/6,6,6,6,6,6
17mins, 2min breaks.

Leg Extensions: 55/50reps! 40/30reps. KILLER.

Bicep Curls: 60/12, 70/8
Preacher Curls: 45/10, 50/6+6 half reps.
Tricep press: 35/12, 40/8
Rope press down: 42.7/12, 52.7/8 27.5/25

Beauty of a workout. Back to how I like to feel when I leave the gym, SPENT!!
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Post by RobRegish »

Crystal ball says... more bolded PR's :)

Hope you like the BIU, as much as I do... :):):)
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Post by ElderadoRacing »

Well I only got one workout in last week, so I did both bench and squat.

GLP2 Workouts #8

bench warm-up: bar/10, 95/10, 115/5, 135/5, 150/1
Bench Press: 150/5,5,5,5
DB Pullovers: 40/5,5,5,5

E.D.T #1
Incline Press: 60/6,6,6,6,6=30reps PR
1 Arm Rows: 65/6,6,6,6,6=30reps
18mins total.

Squat warm-up: bar/10, 95/10, 135/5, 185/2, 195/1
Squats: 195/5,5,5,5
SLDL: 120/5,5,5,5

No time for my legs E.D.T. working two jobs is not helping this blueprint run.
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Post by ElderadoRacing »

I have got to stop working out in the evening. The gym was so packed it wasn't even funny. I have never seen it that bad. And to top it off it was full of people socializing and not lifting weights.

GLP2 Bench Workout 9. Sept. 12

I had to use the smith machine for this. I have no idea how much that bar weighs. Does anyone know? I was thinking 35lbs.

Bench Press warm-up: 85/10, 115/5, 135/3, 155/1, 180/1
Bench press: 190/3,3,3,3 Guessing on weight. went with 35lb bar.
DB Pullover: 45/5,5,5,5
Still a PR on any account!

Free weights were a zoo, so no E.D.T tonight.

Dips/Push-ups: 7,6,5,4,3,2,1 no rest back to back.
Pull-ups: 12,10,8,7,6,6,1=50
Seated rows: 60/12, 70/10, 50/10(wide grip)

Was getting frustrated so I went home. Not impressed with all the wanna-be's.
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Post by RobRegish »

ElderadoRacing wrote:I have got to stop working out in the evening. The gym was so packed it wasn't even funny. I have never seen it that bad. And to top it off it was full of people socializing and not lifting weights.

GLP2 Bench Workout 9. Sept. 12

I had to use the smith machine for this. I have no idea how much that bar weighs. Does anyone know? I was thinking 35lbs.

Bench Press warm-up: 85/10, 115/5, 135/3, 155/1, 180/1
Bench press: 190/3,3,3,3 Guessing on weight. went with 35lb bar.
DB Pullover: 45/5,5,5,5
Still a PR on any account!

Free weights were a zoo, so no E.D.T tonight.

Dips/Push-ups: 7,6,5,4,3,2,1 no rest back to back.
Pull-ups: 12,10,8,7,6,6,1=50
Seated rows: 60/12, 70/10, 50/10(wide grip)

Was getting frustrated so I went home. Not impressed with all the wanna-be's.
Congrats on the PR man!

Hard work pays off!!! :)
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Post by bigpelo »

ElderadoRacing wrote:I have got to stop working out in the evening. The gym was so packed it wasn't even funny. I have never seen it that bad. And to top it off it was full of people socializing and not lifting weights.

Was getting frustrated so I went home. Not impressed with all the wanna-be's.
This is why I hate back to school and beginning of new years. So many people who train for like 2-3 weeks and then you don't see them ever again... There is also this period of the year where spring gets hot right before summer: lots of people want to have a "beach body" but they stop training when it's finally summer...
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Post by matter2003 »

ElderadoRacing wrote:I have got to stop working out in the evening. The gym was so packed it wasn't even funny. I have never seen it that bad. And to top it off it was full of people socializing and not lifting weights.

GLP2 Bench Workout 9. Sept. 12

I had to use the smith machine for this. I have no idea how much that bar weighs. Does anyone know? I was thinking 35lbs.

Bench Press warm-up: 85/10, 115/5, 135/3, 155/1, 180/1
Bench press: 190/3,3,3,3 Guessing on weight. went with 35lb bar.
DB Pullover: 45/5,5,5,5
Still a PR on any account!

Free weights were a zoo, so no E.D.T tonight.

Dips/Push-ups: 7,6,5,4,3,2,1 no rest back to back.
Pull-ups: 12,10,8,7,6,6,1=50
Seated rows: 60/12, 70/10, 50/10(wide grip)

Was getting frustrated so I went home. Not impressed with all the wanna-be's.
I emailed Hammer Strength regarding Smith Machine bar weight and was told it weighs 35 lbs. Depending on your machine it might vary tho...
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