My personal training Log

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My personal training Log

Post by Justin »

Hey guys This might sound odd but I'm going to be starting a non conventional log, I just recently finished my BP run with great results and I'm planning to start keeping track of all my stuff on here. I'm doing this because I started to see a decrease in my commitment as I started to really pig out and training seemed sub-par. I hope you guys still welcome my log though :)


Monday: legs
Wednesday: OFF
Thursday: Chest
Friday: Back/shoulders
Weekends: OFF

current stats:
bf: around 14% ( was at 10 :( )

goal: to go back to 10% while maintaining and/or gaining muscle.

Diet wise I'm sticking to a lower carb ( only post/pre workout/intra workout (formula)). Other than that I'll be eating 5 times a day sticking to mostly to meat + veggie+ a oil (olive/coconut)
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Post by RobRegish »

How about a recap of your BP run?

Before/after stats? Would LOVE to see them!
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Post by Justin »

My BP went great, for the 1st time i grew half an inch on my arms, inch on chest, and I finally was able to hit 405 lbs deadlift for 4 reps and my bench went to 255 x 7 from around 225 x 5!! I can't wait to run another run once I have enough money to buy all the supplements again :)

I am keeping my training somewhat BP fashion with the intra drink with carbs + BCAA no hydrolyzed protein though :( and off day fasting aswell.
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Post by RobRegish »

Justin wrote:My BP went great, for the 1st time i grew half an inch on my arms, inch on chest, and I finally was able to hit 405 lbs deadlift for 4 reps and my bench went to 255 x 7 from around 225 x 5!! I can't wait to run another run once I have enough money to buy all the supplements again :)

I am keeping my training somewhat BP fashion with the intra drink with carbs + BCAA no hydrolyzed protein though :( and off day fasting aswell.
Sooo happy to hear this. These are FANTASTIC gains! All the credit in the world to you too, for your hard work. BP's info is useless, unless put into practice.

Would you consider posting a review like this, on body building dot com?

Because I'd love the WORLD to see, how the power of information stacks up vs. randomly shotgunning pills and powders.

I'm going to try it myself, someday... :)
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Post by Justin »

I have a few weeks ago under one of the two threads that is up their :)
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Post by RobRegish »

Justin wrote:I have a few weeks ago under one of the two threads that is up their :)
I'll have to look for it... In the interim, how about a stand alone review... ? :)

Either way, I'm grateful for your success. I've determined it's time to actively advertise The BP, to see what it can really do...
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