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goals are 38.33g fat, 325g carbs, 164 protein

Post by MSR9889 »

took focus xt again this morning before breakfast. waking up at 430 this week is draining me, although last night i didnt wake up anywhere near as much as i have been lately.

breakfast is 2 eggs, 4 egg whites, 3 slices multi grain bread, 2 tbsp reduced sugar jam, 1 cup mixed berries, 1/2 cup 100% grape juice, 1 scoop pure synergy -- 13g fat, 117g carbs, 49g protein

lunch is 3 servings granola, 2 scoops trutein -- 21g fat, 121g carbs, 61g protein
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Post by RobRegish »

Focus XT do anything for you, Matt?
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goals are 38.33g fat, 325g carbs, 164 protein

Post by MSR9889 »

gone all weekend so nothing recorded.

breakfast is 3 eggs, 4 egg whites, 1/2 cup ezekial cereal, 1/4 cup almond milk, 1 tbsp agave, 3/4 cup 100% grape juice, 1 cup mixed berries -- 16g fat, 110g carbs, 54g protein
lunch will be 1 cup dark chocolate granola, 1 cup low fat grek yogurt, 1 scoop trutein -- 17g fat, 112g carbs, 61g protein
preworkout will be reduction pm and xfactor
pwo took 1/2 cup 100% grape juice 2 scoops ONE, 1 scoop whey -- 2g fat, 47g carbs, 23g protein
dinner is 1 egg, 3 egg whites, 2 servings broccoli, 5 serings mixed peppers, 3 tbsp sesame ginger sauce -- 4g fat, 60g carbs, 31g protein

total -- 39g fat, 329g carbs, 169g protein
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Post by RobRegish »

Love that Greek yogurt... and the eggs :)
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Post by MSR9889 »

RobRegish wrote:Focus XT do anything for you, Matt?
i think its amazing, always gives me great focus and enough energy to keep going.
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Post by MSR9889 »

pretty good workout today even though i was tired all day and still felt sick, even more so during and after my workout.

squats- 95x5, 135x5, 185x8, 185x9, 185x8, 185x9

hamstring curls- 150x10, 150x10, 150x9

superset with leg extensions- 170x10, 170x9, 170x7

seated calf press- 90x15, 180x12, 190x12, 200x12

decline crunches- 10, 10

superset with leg raises- 7, 5 and 4 knee raises
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goals are 38.33g fat, 325g carbs, 164 protein

Post by MSR9889 »

breakfast is 2 eggs, 2 egg whites, 1/2 cup steel cut oats, 1 scoop trutein, 2 tbsp brown sugar, 1 cup mixed berries, 1/2 cup 100% juice -- 15.5g fat, 121g carbs, 58g protein
lunch was 2 protein bars -- 12g fat, 100g carbs, 56g protein
dinner is 7oz chicken, 5 servings mixed peppers and onions, 4 tbsp orange sauce, 2 cinnabon bars -- 11g fat, 107g carbs, 51g protein

total -- 38.5g fat, 328g carbs, 165g protein
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goals are 38.33g fat, 325g carbs, 164 protein

Post by MSR9889 »

should be working out again later today. woke up tired. ive been feeling sick and tired almost all day every day these past 2 weeks. its a shitty feeling, but not much i can do about it. couldnt fall asleep last night but when i finally did i at least stayed asleep.

took focus xt before breakfast
breakfast is 2 eggs, 2 egg whites, 1/2 cup steel cut oats, 1 scoop trutein, 2 tbsp brown sugar, 1 cup mixed berries, 1/2 cup 100% juice, 1 scoop pure synergy superfoods -- 15.5g fat, 121g carbs, 58g protein
lunch will be 2 servings mini wheats, 2 scoops whey -- 7g fat, 100g carbs, 56g protein
took reduction pm, xfactor, 4g citrulline malate preowkrout
intra drank 2 scoops ONE, 12g bcaas, 4g citrulline malate, and some B6 -- 0g fat, 24g carbs, 0g protein
dinner was 2 chicken burgers, hot sauce, 1 serving shredded cheese, 2 servings steel cut oats, 2 tbsp brown sugar, and cinnamon -- 18g fat, 86g carbs, 58g protein

total -- 40.5g fat, 331g carbs, 1172g protein
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Post by RobRegish »

MSR9889 wrote:
RobRegish wrote:Focus XT do anything for you, Matt?
i think its amazing, always gives me great focus and enough energy to keep going.
Interesting, no stims right?

Or a smidgeon of Caffeine?
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Post by MSR9889 »

RobRegish wrote:
MSR9889 wrote:
RobRegish wrote:Focus XT do anything for you, Matt?
i think its amazing, always gives me great focus and enough energy to keep going.
Interesting, no stims right?

Or a smidgeon of Caffeine?
200mg caffein but they are coming out with a stim free version soon. all the flavors taste awesome. Great to mix other stuff with or water down to get some extra liquid in before a workout or in the morning.
makes multitasking so easy at work, keeps me focused for a long time, and settles me down before i take tests at school. mixed with anything that gives a pump makes for a great workout.
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Post by xxtotuxx »

Will be using it along piracetam for college next semester
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Post by MSR9889 »

ok workout today. had a good pump and focus but my chest has gotten embarrassingly weak. i dont know if its due to my sleep or not, but im just about as strong as i was 2 years ago when i first started taking benching seriously. shoulder felt fine and arms feel great. overall my strength seems to have plummeted since a year ago.

bench- 95x5, 135x10, 145x7, 155x3

incline bench- 95x10, 105x8, 115x7

db shoulder press- 40x7, 40x5, 40x4

overhead cable pushdowns- 70x5, 60x3, 50x4, 40x5, 30x10 1 big dropset
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goals are 38.33g fat, 325g carbs, 164 protein

Post by MSR9889 »

breakfast is 2 eggs, 2 egg whites, 1/2 cup steel cut oats, 1 scoop trutein, 2 tbsp brown sugar, 1 cup mixed berries -- 15.5g fat, 101g carbs, 58g protein
lunch is 3 servings steel cut oats, 1 scoop UP 2.0, 1 scoop trutein, and some truvia -- 16g fat, 83g carbs, 56g protein
dinner is 7oz chicken, 5 servings mixed peppers, 3 servings mixed season veggies, 1 cup brown rice, 5 tbsp sesame ginger sauce -- 8g fat, 142g carbs, 54g protein

total -- 39.5g fat, 326g carbs, 168g protein
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Post by RobRegish »

MSR9889 wrote:ok workout today. had a good pump and focus but my chest has gotten embarrassingly weak. i dont know if its due to my sleep or not, but im just about as strong as i was 2 years ago when i first started taking benching seriously. shoulder felt fine and arms feel great. overall my strength seems to have plummeted since a year ago.

bench- 95x5, 135x10, 145x7, 155x3

incline bench- 95x10, 105x8, 115x7

db shoulder press- 40x7, 40x5, 40x4

overhead cable pushdowns- 70x5, 60x3, 50x4, 40x5, 30x10 1 big dropset
Likely culprit here is the back and forth cutting/bulking cycles. I could be wrong, and please don't take this as a slam but I've seen it over and over.

Your truly btw, has made this mistake but gratefully, AFTER oh - 20 years of bulking... :) It is a maddening exercise to repeat The Blueprint Periodic for example, with the same weights you were handling years ago while re-building.

For this reason, I constantly counsel the following (particularly to younger trainees, in their prime hormonal years): The hell with six pack abs, being "cut", etc.. Do your absolute best to get as big as you can, and as strong as you can in your teens and 20's.

You can cut later, and trust me - you won't regret it.
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