IllegalPrime's First Run Journal

Unfiltered Tips & Techniques centered around Blueprint Training
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Post by IllegalPrime »

Thanks BeefCake66. I've got one you can use below if you like :) ... 001494.jpg

Thanks for the number Rob. I'll be sure to give you a ring if I get stuck.

Matter2003, where is this tracker you speak of? I can't seem to find it anywhere.
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Post by beefcake66 »

Thanks ;)
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Post by IllegalPrime »

I started my first day of feast training today. Three Days later than I expected. Hopefully I didn't miss some sort of window where the effects of the famine have worn off.

This is the first time I'm doing this workout and I have a few questions/ problems that I'll outline along with my stats below.

I'm also unsure about the format of the workouts. This is mainly because I've forgotten to ask Rob for the workout logs. I've sent him a pm and I should be receiving them shortly. Workout #2 should go a lot smoother.


Thursday August 4th 2011 12pm

Static Bench Press Hold:
I was unsure how many of these I should be doing. Not including warmups, I did a total of three static holds ranging from 5-15 seconds. I reached a weight of 185lbs. I felt that I could hold more but I started to get a sharp pain in my wrists that prevented me from doing so. Is this normal? I'm I doing anything wrong? I also didn't get that tight/swollen feeling in my chest that I get after a regular bench press workout.

EDT Block #1: Dips/1 Arm DB Rows

Seated Dips:
I was having trouble on the regular dips machine so I gave this a try and I found that I could get more reps out of it. Not sure if this is okay.

Set #1 120x12
Set #2 150x6
Set #3 150x6
Set #4 160x6
Set #5 170x6
Set #6 170x6

I think I could probably make a decent attempt at the regular dips next week. I'll see how it goes.

1 Arm DB Rows:
I could have probably used a heavier weight on this exercise too. I'll increase the weight by 20% the next time through.

Set #1 30x12
Set #2 40x6
Set #3 40x6
Set #4 40x6
Set #5 40x6
Set #6 40x6

Static Seated Military Press:
I did this in a smith machine that has the bar on vertical tracks. This felt safer but it did also feel a bit easier as I didn't have to stabilize. I ended up doing three sets of 165lbs for 5-15 seconds. I had the same problem as the Static Bench Press Hold where I didn't have that tired feeling in my muscles. I could have probably done more and will increase the weight by 20% next time. Is using a smith machine acceptable?

EDT Block #2: Incline DB Curls/Tricep Extensions

Incline DB Curls:
I just realized that I should have done inclined db curls. I did the regular ones instead. I'll still aim to increase the weight the next time and see what happens.
Set #1 20x 6 6
Set #2 25x 6 6
Set #3 25x6 6 5
Set #4 25x6 6 4
Set #5 25x6 6 4
Set #6 25x6 5 4

As you can see, my left arm is considerably stronger than my right

Tricep Extensions:
I felt like I picked a good weight for this exercise and I'll stick with it next round. If I up the weight a little more next time I think I can reach failure by the sixth set.

Set #1 25x6
Set #2 45x6
Set #3 45x6
Set #4 45x5
Set #5 45x4
Set #6 45x4

In conclusion, I didn't feel as great as I usually do coming out of a workout. I worked up a sweat but I could definitely do more. I've got lots of room to improvement and I'll aim to make it to the next workout better informed and organized. I plan on doing workout #2 on Sunday (2 days off).
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Post by beefcake66 »

I'm not fully qualified but I can help out a little I think--
IllegalPrime wrote:Static Bench Press Hold:
I was unsure how many of these I should be doing. Not including warmups, I did a total of three static holds ranging from 5-15 seconds. I reached a weight of 185lbs. I felt that I could hold more but I started to get a sharp pain in my wrists that prevented me from doing so. Is this normal? I'm I doing anything wrong? I also didn't get that tight/swollen feeling in my chest that I get after a regular bench press workout.
Calls for 2 sets of 5-15 seconds.
When I do them, personally I just feel really fatigued, and like my wrist/arms wanna give out before anything else. I'm going to assume that what you felt is normal based off that, but I don't have a lot of experience with it myself.
IllegalPrime wrote: EDT Block #1: Dips/1 Arm DB Rows

Seated Dips:
I was having trouble on the regular dips machine so I gave this a try and I found that I could get more reps out of it. Not sure if this is okay.

Set #1 120x12
Set #2 150x6
Set #3 150x6
Set #4 160x6
Set #5 170x6
Set #6 170x6

I think I could probably make a decent attempt at the regular dips next week. I'll see how it goes.
I think the weight is supposed to stay the same but it seems like you've found a good place to start with next time you do this workout. I'd try to do them bodyweight + plates personally... but if the machine works for you I don't see a problem with the substitution.....
IllegalPrime wrote:1 Arm DB Rows:
I could have probably used a heavier weight on this exercise too. I'll increase the weight by 20% the next time through.

Set #1 30x12
Set #2 40x6
Set #3 40x6
Set #4 40x6
Set #5 40x6
Set #6 40x6
Looks fine, yes increase the weight for this rep range next time
IllegalPrime wrote:Static Seated Military Press:
I did this in a smith machine that has the bar on vertical tracks. This felt safer but it did also feel a bit easier as I didn't have to stabilize. I ended up doing three sets of 165lbs for 5-15 seconds. I had the same problem as the Static Bench Press Hold where I didn't have that tired feeling in my muscles. I could have probably done more and will increase the weight by 20% next time. Is using a smith machine acceptable?
I'm pretty sure it's acceptable, and I don't have the book on me but it may even be suggested. Check it out...

IllegalPrime wrote:EDT Block #2: Incline DB Curls/Tricep Extensions

Incline DB Curls:
I just realized that I should have done inclined db curls. I did the regular ones instead. I'll still aim to increase the weight the next time and see what happens.
Set #1 20x 6 6
Set #2 25x 6 6
Set #3 25x6 6 5
Set #4 25x6 6 4
Set #5 25x6 6 4
Set #6 25x6 5 4

As you can see, my left arm is considerably stronger than my right

Tricep Extensions:
I felt like I picked a good weight for this exercise and I'll stick with it next round. If I up the weight a little more next time I think I can reach failure by the sixth set.

Set #1 25x6
Set #2 45x6
Set #3 45x6
Set #4 45x5
Set #5 45x4
Set #6 45x4

In conclusion, I didn't feel as great as I usually do coming out of a workout. I worked up a sweat but I could definitely do more. I've got lots of room to improvement and I'll aim to make it to the next workout better informed and organized. I plan on doing workout #2 on Sunday (2 days off).
Everything else seems like you're set.
Good work on getting through the first workout :)
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Post by matter2003 »

IllegalPrime wrote: Matter2003, where is this tracker you speak of? I can't seem to find it anywhere.
tracker should be in with the documents Rob emailed you...
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Post by matter2003 »

Static Bench/Static Shoulder: If you are not feeling fatigued, it is likely you are not using a heavy enough weight. You should be shooting for about 50-100% more than what you bench for the first time and then going up 10-30% each time from there. For example, I believe I started around 315 lbs on the bench static and got up to 545 lbs, and around 250 lbs on the shoulder press and got up to 425 lbs. I was destroyed after doing those.

As far as using the smith press, yes you can use it, I did with very good results. There is one difference tho on the static bench...smith machine works front delts a lot more and in the power rack it works triceps more. Considering bench pressing is a largely front-delt limited exercise, you might want to use the smith machine to work them harder. DO NOT attempt to turn the smith machine handles with that kind of weight on it or you might injure your pec very badly...just press upwards...
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Post by RobRegish »

Tracker sent.

GREAT advice here by Matter, etc... :)
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Post by IllegalPrime »

This tracker is amazing. There's no other way to put it.

I've got my workout #2 in a few hours. I'll try to use all the advice you all have left (especially for the static holds) and report back.

Also, while I have you attention...

I work every close to a gym and I find I can get a good 30-45 minute workout over my lunch. I at first thought of doing my lifting sessions during this time but decided to use it for cardio instead. I don't want to rush the lifting workouts since they are so important and rare. Any suggestions as to what sorts of cardio I can do? Currently I use the treadmill and skip rope. I alternate between slow/fast paces. I always try to keep my heart rate in a fat burning zone which is about 127bpm.
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Post by IllegalPrime »

I also noticed that the recommended diet for the Feast phase is lacking in veggies (one cup a day). Shouldn't I be consuming more? ... =9137#9137
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Post by RobRegish »

Recommended cardio? HIIT - You're already doing it!!! ... php?t=1016

On the veggies yes, feel free to incorporate as many as you'd like. Inadvertently omitted, from that sticky.
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Post by IllegalPrime »

Forgot to post up my Workout #2 results...

Rack Pull (As with my other static holds. I didn't feel as if I reaped any benefit from it. I have wrist straps I intend to use next time so I can increase the weight)
Set#1 - 275lbs (15 seconds)
Set#2 - 275lbs (15 seconds)

EDT #1 (I should have upped the weight on this one but I think I have a good baseline for what to do next time)

Squats 185lbs 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6
Hamstring Curls 100lbs 6, 6, 6, 6, 5, 4

Seated Calf Raise (I think I may have used too much weight on this one as I didn't raise my calf as high as I probably should have. I'll drop the weight next time and concentrate on fully raising my calf)

160lbs (15 seconds)
195lbs (10 seconds)

Romanian Deadlifts (Can someone explain the difference between a rack pull and a Romanian Deadlift? They seem identical to me. I got pretty tried at this point and only managed to get out 7 reps instead of the 10)

Set# 1 205lbs x 7
Set# 2 205lbs x 7

EDT #2
Cable Crunches 70lbs 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6
Hyperextensions 45lbs 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6

Does anyone have any tips for cable crunches? I took a look at a few youtube videos but I don't think I quite got it.

I can do more than 45lbs for Hyperextensions but I don't have anything higher than a 45lbs plate at my gym. I just realized that they have dumbbells that are higher. I'll track one of those down for the next workout.

As you can tell I still have a lot to learn. Hopefully I can get all the kinks worked out sooner rather than later.
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Post by drtda »

A Rack Pull is a very limited range of motion exercise. You do it in the rack starting around the knee area and pulling up. The involved muscles are almost entirely upper body.

The Romanian deadlift is a full-body movement. You will do the same movement as a regular deadlift, but you don't usually go all the way to the floor and you will keep your legs more straight than in a regular deadlift with your butt sticking out. It is for emphasis on the hamstrings and posterior chain.
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Post by RobRegish »

"Does anyone have any tips for cable crunches? I took a look at a few youtube videos but I don't think I quite got it."

Easiest way is to attach a rope handle(s) to a low cable pulley. Lie flat on the ground. With the handle held behind your head, crunch forward about 1/4 of the way with a MAXIMAL weight. Hold for a count of 5.

Two holds, with AT LEAST 3 min of rest in between. Hope that helps!
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Post by IllegalPrime »

Thanks for the advice Rob.

Here's the stats on my latest workout.

Decline Bench Press (I feel like I can do much more but my wrists are in agony while doing this. I'm going to get a pair of wrist guards the next time I do this)
Set #1 - 125 lbs
Set #2 - 125 lbs

EDT #1
Dips (I tried using my bodyweight with great success)
Reps / Set = 6, 6, 5, 4, 3, 3
1 Arm Db Rows (I need to review this exercise to ensure that I'm doing this correctly)
Weight (lbs) X Reps / Set = 40x6, 45x6, 45x6, 50x6, 55x6, 60x6

Seated Barbell Press (I felt good about this one. Used the smith machine. Definitely felt the shakes after)
Set #1 - 205 lbs
Set #2 - 205 lbs

EDT #2
Incline DB Curls
Weight (lbs) X Reps / Set = 25x6, 25x6, 25x4, 25x2, 25x2, 25x2
Tricep Extensions
Weight (lbs) X Reps / Set = 50x6, 50x6, 50x6, 50x5, 50x5, 50x3
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