OK everyone, special request here I'm hoping you'll be open to...
If you've experienced success with The Blueprint, I'm respectfully requesting that you post your own, unique review of The BP, your success with it, relative value to cost ratio and an overview of what you DON'T get with the book, that is of value to you since you purchased.
TO BE CLEAR: This is NOT about money. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that if you're interested in doing something like this yourself (publish an e-book), do so knowingly that the reward will not be financial but rather, personal satisfaction you helped someone that shares your passion in life.
I have been blessed with the latter. It is in fact, the most important of all variables and the one that matters most, when they put you into the ground.
So why and I asking you to consider this?
It's very simple: For every mind we attract over there into our family, it makes us as a family THAT much stronger. How so? It adds another mind and therefore, arrow to your BP quiver.
Let's look at Matter203/2003. This man has made some of the greatest gains seen to date, in an incredibly short period of time. He would have been well entitled to stop there. But what did he do? He contributed MORE (HEM therapy, posting about the latest supplement research with respect to fat loss/muscle gain etc.). What has this done?
It's benefited us ALL!!!
THIS is what I'm talking about/asking for on your behalf. Now we all know there are plenty of BP doubters, haters and clown there - being the biggest message board in the world has it's downsides. Having said that, I see MANY people, that if they just gave BP a CHANCE, would be the next Matter203.
In closing, if you've experienced success with The BP, my counsel and/or many of the contributions people here like Brainsquirt, Matter203, Turboflex, Hank!, TheBuffer etc. have, PLEASE consider posting a short review over there in the hopes more great MINDS are added to our family.
OF NOTE: 3.0 wouldn't be the resounding success that it is today without these folks contributions. You all have brought talents to the table that I do not have, freeing me up to bring YOU the latest, greatest information to succeed (and wildly so), at our chosen passion.
Nothing elaborate is needed, a brief synopsis of what you've experienced and the benefits of a simple, one time investment in POWERFUL information is all that is required. Also, you may include the following link, as I cannot and would be banned for such...
https://bodybuildingsupplements.com/ ... nials.html
I assure you, this will come back to you in spades, as it did in 3.0.
Many, many thanks for your consideration in this matter...
Bless you...
A call for your Body Building Dot Com Testimonials
- Posts: 594
- Joined: Tue Nov 02, 2010 8:51 am
We could make a thread on bb com and everyone can write their own testimonials in it, that way its there for all the haters to see. We get at least 10-12 folks in there sayin the successes they've had with the blueprint and quantifying those successes, and saying how much supplements they took or money they spent to do the run... plus all the other great stuff like Rob being super helpful all the time.... hard to shut that down.
Please, someone take the lead on this. beefcake, would you consider taking up the gauntlet?
Justin and others, your gains will speak LOUDLY. Far louder than ANY other haters, doubters etc.. I'll be there of course, to back you up all the way. They'll say I'm biased, but then then again - it'll be hard to explain away given you'd ALL have to be lying/bought and paid for LOL...
Please do follow through on this.
REASON: It benefits me, yes. MORE IMPORTANTLY, it benefits US. You see, every great mind we attract makes us THAT much stronger.
Please, someone take the lead on this. beefcake, would you consider taking up the gauntlet?
Justin and others, your gains will speak LOUDLY. Far louder than ANY other haters, doubters etc.. I'll be there of course, to back you up all the way. They'll say I'm biased, but then then again - it'll be hard to explain away given you'd ALL have to be lying/bought and paid for LOL...
Please do follow through on this.
REASON: It benefits me, yes. MORE IMPORTANTLY, it benefits US. You see, every great mind we attract makes us THAT much stronger.
- Posts: 594
- Joined: Tue Nov 02, 2010 8:51 am
I'm pretty much in the same boat as DaCookie on this one Rob. I want to wait until I have a solid run with visual proofs. So far I've tried 3 or 4 runs, one got botched immediately, another botched beginning of feast, and only one successful run to date. Until i have some solid numbers and proofs to show off with, I don't feel comfortable posting a testimonial thread.
OK, understand...
I know there are PLENTY of you though, with successful runs. This is COMPLETELY voluntary, so please - don't feel any pressure from my end.
It is unfortnately, my only vehicle to get the word out. It seems the truth doesn't sell very well. No matter, I'll continue to live it, breathe it and eat it every day, just like you...
I know there are PLENTY of you though, with successful runs. This is COMPLETELY voluntary, so please - don't feel any pressure from my end.
It is unfortnately, my only vehicle to get the word out. It seems the truth doesn't sell very well. No matter, I'll continue to live it, breathe it and eat it every day, just like you...

- Posts: 166
- Joined: Mon Sep 13, 2010 11:45 am
Good lord, can you please post this over there?Justin wrote:You can add this Testimony:
In 1 month my Deadlift went up 100 lbs and my Bench went up 30 lbs which was extraordinary but thats not all I also grew 1/2 and inch on my arms and a solid inch and a 1/2 on chest/back!! take that for results
I mean, people are happy to slap 20lbs on a lift, never mind 100! Of course, I'm still hamstrung by "it's too good to be true..." - But it is true.
You know it, I know it. Please sing the truth man, they need to hear it!