We Need More Testimonials for The BluePrint From Users!!

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We Need More Testimonials for The BluePrint From Users!!

Post by EctoBuilder »

I ordered the journal a few months ago and reading through it so far, I like the package Rob has put together, but I was hoping to find testimonials here on this forum regarding results received so far from the Blueprint...Perhaps some awesome before and after pictures? Again, Rob is awesome, but there's nothing that gets me motivated more than people speaking out regarding what the program has done for them so far...

I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking this, so people please speak up!!!
This program is pretty brutal, so before I commit to it, it would be really good to hear result oriented testimonials!! So let's hear it folks? Share your gain stories/pictures!! :)
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Re: We Need More Testimonials for The BluePrint From Users!!

Post by matter2003 »

EctoBuilder wrote:I ordered the journal a few months ago and reading through it so far, I like the package Rob has put together, but I was hoping to find testimonials here on this forum regarding results received so far from the Blueprint...Perhaps some awesome before and after pictures? Again, Rob is awesome, but there's nothing that gets me motivated more than people speaking out regarding what the program has done for them so far...

I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking this, so people please speak up!!!
This program is pretty brutal, so before I commit to it, it would be really good to hear result oriented testimonials!! So let's hear it folks? Share your gain stories/pictures!! :)
OK, here goes nothing...

Squat: went from 395 lbs to 505 lbs, a gain of 110 lbs since mid-April

Decline Bench Static Hold: just hit 505 lbs last week

Decline Bench: went from 185 lbs to 255 lbs, a gain of 70 lbs

Tri-Extensions: went from 110 lbs to 180 lbs, a 70 lb gain

Seated Tri Pressdown: went from 210 lbs to 240 lbs, a 30 lb gain

Dips: went from BW - 30(assisted dips) to BW + 50 lbs, gain of 80 lbs

all in all, I have basically obliterated by PR's all over the board, feel free to read my log for more details...never have felt like more of a beast in the gym as I have on this---almost like no weight is too heavy and the gains between workouts are almost unbelievable...
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Post by EctoBuilder »

That's a start!!! (awesome job by the way).. Keep the testimonials coming people!!!
(I know that some journals contain gain info, but it's tough to read through them alll, to find the ones that do mention gains)

So keep them coming! More testimonials please!!!
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Post by beefcake66 »

Female blueprinter.

Following the Blueprint and using a GST (Growth Stimulus Training) Program, in 6 weeks, while on a moderate cut:

+35lbs to Deadlift 1RM
+28lbs to Squat 1RM

Had a shoulder issue so I didn't get to really test my Shoulder Press properly (strength stayed the same despite the issue though), and my other main lift was a Chinup, Started with 0 and ended up with 1. Also was having knee problems (permanent issue) so that impedes my progressing.

I had a few other runs I managed to botch but this one went mostly smooth.
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Post by EctoBuilder »

Thanks for the post beefcake66,

Although to be honest, I'm more concerned about before and after pictures as opposed to how much someone can lift after using the program.......I think the pictures tell a better story, because let's face it, are ultimate goal is that we are all trying to look better....

Even though I bought the program a few months ago, I'm going to probably wait until I start seeing more results posted in this forum before I attempt to start the program and that's because of it being an ntense program and I'd have to sacrifice quite a bit of money every few months in supplements it seems(based upon the journals I'm reading), in order to do really well.... (one can correct me if I'm wrong).

So I just want to make sure the rate of return is worth the sacrifice before I take the plunge....

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Post by tufluk »

I wouldn't say everyone's ultimate goal is to look better, I believe many people train with the blueprint for athletic performance purposes. strength and size does not have a strong correlation as most people think, therefore pictures are not the best method to judge the program. Rob even caters for this at the bottom of the BP 2.0

I would say most people would have had a successful run on this forum, but it takes multiple runs to elicit the best responses for your body. My advice would be to try a standard run, try to identify what worked best/what didn't and talk to rob or buy one of his custom programs to concentrate your blueprint runs.

I think I speak for a lot of people when I say, trust me, it works.
what do you have to lose? :)

good luck with your run!
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Post by RobRegish »

As you can imagine, I have a short list... :)

I don't like putting words in people's mouths though, so please see these reviews:

Originally Posted by Frank-Castle
"Ive used ALOT of different training methods over the years but nothing compared to the results I saw with this".

Turboflex: Results in 7 weeks:
https://forum.bodybuildingsupplements.com/showthrea ... =124590841

"Bench max..
start 265x1
end 295x1

Squat max..

start 330x1
end 405x3!!!! (WOW)"

By sovabrat on the BP forums:

"I am still trying to wrap my head around the progress I have made. My bodyfat is literally melting away. I surprised myself yet again and am proud to say I destroyed all my previous PR's".

Originally Posted by canIhas on the Thermolife Forum:

"But yeah the strength gains so far are sick. I had high expectations but so far The Blueprint has surpassed them".

In the words of Thermolife "you can't go wrong with it". And no, they aren't paid to endorse it. In fact, I don't even recommend their products in the course! Floored me and speaks volumes about them as a company..

TheBig3's nolinksplease.com 1st Blueprint Run

"20lbs in just over a month. I am once again speechless at the power of this program. This program not only gives incredible knowledge but also is one of the few out there that deliver results. I literally had all of my expectations exceeded about the BP and couldn't be happier".

Originally Posted by JDK420
"The most effective muscle building plan in circulation to date combined with the best customer support of all-time, makes purchasing the blueprint the best 35 bucks I have ever spent. Keep up the great work!"

Dracomuscle - A certified personal trainer:
"The Blueprint along with coaching from Rob helped me gain again and taught me to listen to my body. I thought I new it all, I'm well read and will soon be a certified personal trainer. Rob has shed a new light on what I do, and will do for the rest of my life. I have run this program three times and have seen gains in some way shape or form each time".

Sloop's feedback, upon initially reading The Blueprint:

"I've always been curious as to what all the hype is about, just how much information is included, what information is included, etc.

Even if my lifts don't improve by 1 pound, the amount of information to learn from in 1 document is staggering and worth the money. Hell, I've spent 5x the price for college textbooks that weren't this helpful".

By Dr. P. - Thermolife Scientific Advisor

"With regards to blueprint: It is definitely not just another program. It is very different from everything I have seen from the 'popular programs' crowd because it tuned and tweaked to lead into repeated states of borderline-overtraining and then to cut back on training stress just in the right moment in order to have the optimal growth stimulus. The addition of a strong adaptogen then fortifies and speeds up recuperation and regeneration tremendously, allowing for some insane gains within relatively short periods of time."


There is MUCH information not found in The BP. Information that is shared with you once you're part of our family. One of the first things you'll get is "The Formula" - a combination of ingredients found here and elsewhere. When consumed in a very specific ratio, it leads to feedback like this:

"So far the Formula has been workn so well for me, i havent even had to think bout breakn out my Eagle...but i may have to cuz my next few workouts are fixn to get heavier!!"


"I thought I would be sore for a few days after the lower body workout (even with the secret recovery drink). Especially since I was sore for a week last time. But... that drink did the trick. Almost can't tell I worked out yesterday! Just the slightest bit of soreness. HUGE improvement.
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Post by EctoBuilder »

tufluk wrote:I wouldn't say everyone's ultimate goal is to look better, I believe many people train with the blueprint for athletic performance purposes. strength and size does not have a strong correlation as most people think, therefore pictures are not the best method to judge the program.

Thanks Rob and Tufluk for your responses. Also, based upon your response Tufluk, I'm not sure if running the blueprint is for me then... , because I'm looking more for a program where you can "See" a big difference and really looking to add on a good amount of "size" and then later get "cut"... Strength gains are great and everything, but I don't perform atheltics of any kind, so getting stronger doesn't matter to me too much if it means that I"m not going to look quite a bit better(ie before and after pictures).... But as they say, not every program fits everyone.......I think baseball/basketball players would benefit quite a bit from this program though, because they depend on being athletic...

I'm still really glad I paid for the program though as it's good info to have, and it does have some great ideas in the manual that I might be able to pull from later, especially if I get stuck at a strength plateau.

Thanks everyone for your replies and best of luck in the program....
Rob is great and has put alot of time, money and research into his program.

I'm a skinny guy :(, so I think I need to find a program that focuses specifically on skinny pencil neck folks like me that want to make a "visual" physical transformation....
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Post by tufluk »

You can/will get a visual difference with running the program if your goal is to bulk. I was just saying it isn't everyone's goal to bulk, hence the pages at the end of BP 2.0 where rob caters for people who want strength gain with minimum weight gain.

Many people have and im sure you will see a visual difference if you run the program. :)
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Post by RobRegish »

EctoBuilder wrote:
tufluk wrote:I wouldn't say everyone's ultimate goal is to look better, I believe many people train with the blueprint for athletic performance purposes. strength and size does not have a strong correlation as most people think, therefore pictures are not the best method to judge the program.

Thanks Rob and Tufluk for your responses. Also, based upon your response Tufluk, I'm not sure if running the blueprint is for me then... , because I'm looking more for a program where you can "See" a big difference and really looking to add on a good amount of "size" and then later get "cut"... Strength gains are great and everything, but I don't perform atheltics of any kind, so getting stronger doesn't matter to me too much if it means that I"m not going to look quite a bit better(ie before and after pictures).... But as they say, not every program fits everyone.......I think baseball/basketball players would benefit quite a bit from this program though, because they depend on being athletic...

I'm still really glad I paid for the program though as it's good info to have, and it does have some great ideas in the manual that I might be able to pull from later, especially if I get stuck at a strength plateau.

Thanks everyone for your replies and best of luck in the program....
Rob is great and has put alot of time, money and research into his program.

I'm a skinny guy :(, so I think I need to find a program that focuses specifically on skinny pencil neck folks like me that want to make a "visual" physical transformation....
Ectobuilder, The Blueprint Periodic starting on page 60 of 2.0 was CUSTOM MADE - for YOU!!!

When I revised 1.0, I did so with the slant that there were a high percentage of "hard gainers", coming into The Blueprint. For them, an extended run of bulk/power/size was needed. Therefore, I painstakingly engineered an extended run of 4 very specific, complimentary and above all EFFECTIVE loading patterns.

These loading patterns, when run in a specific sequence and adhered to just so have delivered incredible size, power and strength - all the while keeping you lean!

You need look no further than Prototyp3's body building dot com's post "Comprehensive Review of The Blueprint Periodic", in the Product Reviews section to see his before/after stats, pics etc.

If you at all require any assistance, I'm right here for you!!! Please do, give it your consideration. There is NOTHING better... :)
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Post by drtda »

OK Ecto, everyone else has been nice; I'll be blunt.

What do you have to lose? If you've read the program and understand how it works, especially regarding strength progression, there's no downside except that you are going to have to work hard, which I'm starting to believe is something that you don't want to do.

Believe me, the Blueprint is hard work. But if you are skinny, as self-described, you will be the first person ever to significantly gain strength from a skinny base and not gain muscle.

This isn't some BS shape-up contest that you see in Muscle & Fitness. 99% of those pictures are rigged anyway. They are almost all top-level amateur bodybuilder (usually on pharmaceutical supplements) going from an off-season bulk to cutting for a contest or even coming off an injury where they couldn't lift for months. Of course they are going to completely change their physique in a couple of months. You would too if you started lifted hard and started taking enough Dianabol to choke a horse.

Look at any other respectable type programs; Bill Starr's 5 x 5, Supersquats, German Volume Training 10 X 10, etc. These are legit programs and they are damn hard work.

There is no free lunch.
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Post by nigh70wl »

Ecto, I'm right there with you. I'm 6' and I started the BP weighing in at 145lbs - unless someone steps forward to take the title, I'll claim to be the most ecto BPer to date. I haven't seen any logs to the contrary, at least. On my first run I was up to 160 at my heaviest. Granted some was fat because I was exceeding Rob's caloric recommendations to the point of insanity, but I'll tell you, my quads and hams EXPLODED in size, I'm talking like two inches in a few weeks, and it was pure muscle. I recommend the BP to any ecto lifter who has difficulty gaining weight - it switches on your body's muscle-building machinery - then all you have to do is eat, train, sleep, and check the scale every morning ;)

BP will change your life. no matter what training methods I'm using, I'll use Famine, Feast, and adaptogens until they knock me on the head and plant me in the ground.
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Post by EctoBuilder »

Thanks guys, I'll probably give it a go then...just need to really read and absord the manual before I start.
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Post by RobRegish »

nigh70wl wrote:Ecto, I'm right there with you. I'm 6' and I started the BP weighing in at 145lbs - unless someone steps forward to take the title, I'll claim to be the most ecto BPer to date. I haven't seen any logs to the contrary, at least. On my first run I was up to 160 at my heaviest. Granted some was fat because I was exceeding Rob's caloric recommendations to the point of insanity, but I'll tell you, my quads and hams EXPLODED in size, I'm talking like two inches in a few weeks, and it was pure muscle. I recommend the BP to any ecto lifter who has difficulty gaining weight - it switches on your body's muscle-building machinery - then all you have to do is eat, train, sleep, and check the scale every morning ;)

BP will change your life. no matter what training methods I'm using, I'll use Famine, Feast, and adaptogens until they knock me on the head and plant me in the ground.
Oh my, I wasn't aware!

PLEASE share this exact feedback (and more if you wish!), on body building dot com.

Expect lots of doubters, haters and assclowns. However, the TRUTH has set you free. It just may set someone else free, too... :)

Either way, I'm just happy - you're happy... :):):)
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