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Post by MSR9889 »

RobRegish wrote:The attention to detail seen here (planning), is a BIG part of your continued success Matt.

Nice work... :)
ill be honest, the low protein has me concerned, but ill stick it out until i stop seeing improvements.
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Post by RobRegish »

MSR9889 wrote:
RobRegish wrote:The attention to detail seen here (planning), is a BIG part of your continued success Matt.

Nice work... :)
ill be honest, the low protein has me concerned, but ill stick it out until i stop seeing improvements.
Yeah, I just caught this.

Why so low? Just an oversight?? Curious...
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Post by MSR9889 »

RobRegish wrote:
MSR9889 wrote:
RobRegish wrote:The attention to detail seen here (planning), is a BIG part of your continued success Matt.

Nice work... :)
ill be honest, the low protein has me concerned, but ill stick it out until i stop seeing improvements.
Yeah, I just caught this.

Why so low? Just an oversight?? Curious...
ive been doing the 60% carb, 25% protein, 15% fat that the book says. and at 70% of my maintenance calories being 1610 or so, thats only 101g protein. what should i do?

also, assuming this is due to the low protein, but i havent seen any improved recovery from the formula or ebol this run.
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goals are 26.83g fat, 241.5g carbs, 100.625g protein

Post by MSR9889 »

took ec, ebol and 1 tsp peanut butter before breakfast -- 2.66g fat, 1g carbs, 1g protein
breakfast was 2 slices ancient grains bread, 3 egg whites, 1 scoop superfoods, 1 tbsp raw honey, 2 tbsp sugar free jam -- 3.5g fat, 79g carbs, 32g protein
will take ec mid morning
will take ebol and 2g fish oil before lunch -- 2g fat
lunch will be 1 cup dark chocolate granola, 3/4 scoop trutein -- 13g fat, 76, 28g protein
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Post by RobRegish »

MSR9889 wrote:
RobRegish wrote:
MSR9889 wrote: ill be honest, the low protein has me concerned, but ill stick it out until i stop seeing improvements.
Yeah, I just caught this.

Why so low? Just an oversight?? Curious...
ive been doing the 60% carb, 25% protein, 15% fat that the book says. and at 70% of my maintenance calories being 1610 or so, thats only 101g protein. what should i do?

Per our phone conversation, unless you've noticed PERFORMANCE decrements, proceed as you have been. If you'd like to bump up the protein to experiment, by all means...
also, assuming this is due to the low protein, but i havent seen any improved recovery from the formula or ebol ecdy this run.
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Post by MSR9889 »

RobRegish wrote:
MSR9889 wrote:
RobRegish wrote: Yeah, I just caught this.

Why so low? Just an oversight?? Curious...
ive been doing the 60% carb, 25% protein, 15% fat that the book says. and at 70% of my maintenance calories being 1610 or so, thats only 101g protein. what should i do?

Per our phone conversation, unless you've noticed PERFORMANCE decrements, proceed as you have been. If you'd like to bump up the protein to experiment, by all means...
also, assuming this is due to the low protein, but i havent seen any improved recovery from the formula or ebol ecdy ecdy this run.
well yesterdays workout wasnt so stellar. id feel more comfortable bumping protein up to atleast 180g
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Feast Workout #8

Post by MSR9889 »

lifts from yesterday. not great, but not terrible all things considered.

T-Bar Wors- 45x5, 70x3, 90x3, 120x2, 135x1, hold 180x5s, 205x5s

deadlift- 135x5, 185x5, 225x3, 275x2, 315x4, 315x4, 315x4, 315x5, 315x4

superset with leg extensions- 170x6, 190x6, 210x6, 210x6, 230x5

used straps for deadlift after the 3rd set. my left grip was holding me back. felt much better using straps and double overhand grip.

seated calf press- 90x10, 180x5, hold 270x10s, 320x7s

skipped stiff leg deadlifts because my abs and back didnt feel so great after deadlifts. my back was already stiff to begin with, legs were slightly sore from cardio a few days earlier and my abs had felt a little off since yesterday morning.

not a bad workout, but i just didnt feel strong today. maybe its a combination of being tired and not enough days off. im going to add an extra day again before these last 2 workouts and do what i can to get my sleep in.
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Post by RobRegish »

You nailed it man, time to insert an extra rest day (or two!)... :)
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goals are 26.83g fat, 241.5g carbs, 120.625g protein

Post by MSR9889 »

had dinner with a friend last night but back on track today. decided i want to bump protein to 120g. keeps a 2:1 carb/protein ratio and ill feel more comfortable with it. its only an extra 80 calories/day.

took ec, ebol and 1 tsp peanut butter before breakfast -- 2.66g fat, 1g carbs, 1g protein
breakfast is 2 slices ancient grains bread, 4 egg whites, 1 scoop pure synergy superfoods, 2 tbsp sugar free jam, 1 tbsp raw honey -- 3.5g fat, 80 carbs, 38g protein
post-mowing drank 3.5 scoops ONE, 1 scoop whey, 1 scoop pure synergy superfoods with ebol -- 2.5g fat, 52g carbs, 27g protein, 17g leucine
lunch was 1 scoop whey, 1 cup greek yogurt, 2 egg whites, 2.5 servings mini wheats, 1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk -- 13g fat, 153g carbs, 67g protein

total -- 21.66g fat, 286g carbs, 132g protein
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Post by MSR9889 »

about to mow the lawn. treating this as lit/mit cardio since ive got a push mower, grass is very tall, yard is bumpy, and its hot outside. will take 1.5-2 hours.

took 1 serving green mag, focus xt, reduction pm, 20mg E, 1 scoop ultima replenisher electrolytes, and 2 caps xfactor before mowing.

lawn mowing took a little over 2 hours and killed my hamstrings, traps and delts with all the pushing. gonna wait till monday or tuesday for my next workout.
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goals are 26.83g fat, 241.5g carbs, 120.625g protein

Post by MSR9889 »

back is extremely sore and sunburned today, as well as my shoulders and hamstrings.

took ebol, ec and 1 tsp peanut butter before breakfast -- 2.66g fat, 1g carbs, 1g protein
breakfast is 5 egg whites, 2 servings mini wheats, half cup almond milk -- 6g fat, 96g carbs, 41g protein
took ebol and 1 tsp almond butter before lunch -- 2.66g fat, 1g carbs, 1g protein
lunch was 1 scoop UP 2.0, 1 cup greek yogurt, 1 scoop pure synergy superfoods, and 1 tbsp raw honey -- 13.5g fat, 65g carbs, 40g protein
took ebol and 1 tsp almond butter before dinner -- 2.66g fat, 1g carbs, 1g protein
dinner was 6 egg whites, 2 tbsp raw honey, 8oz cranberry pomegranate juice, 1 tbsp psyllium powder -- 0g fat, 82g carbs, 36g protein

total -- 27.5g fat, 245g carbs, 120g protein
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goals are 26.83g fat, 241.5g carbs, 120.625g protein

Post by MSR9889 »

did some stretching last night after showering. still going to wait 1 more day to lift. i actually feel like lifting today so im assuming thats a good sign that im not as close to overtraining as i thought.

took ec, ebol and 2 caps xfactor before breakfast
breakfast was 3 egg whites, 1 egg, 2 slices high fiber bread, 2 tbsp jam, 1 scoop pure synergy superfoods -- 7.5g fat, 76g carbs, 38g protein
will take ec mid morning
will take ebol and 2g fish oil before lunch -- 2g fat
lunch will be 1 scoop whey, 2 servings mini wheats -- 4g fat, 91g carbs, 33g protein
tool ebol and 1 tsp almond butter before dinner -- 2.66g fat, 1g carbs, 1g protein
dinner is 6 egg whites, 1 scoop UP 2.0, 1 serving craisins, 1.5 tbsp raw honey -- 9g fat, 73g carbs, 48g protein

total -- 25.16g fat, 241g carbs, 120g protein
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Post by RobRegish »

"Still going to wait 1 more day to lift. i actually feel like lifting today so im assuming thats a good sign that im not as close to overtraining as i thought..."

Ding Ding Ding... :):):)

GREAT work, Matt!
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Post by MSR9889 »

so in an attempt to mix things up, i tried making up a protein bar/brownie recipe tonight so ill see how it turned out tomorrow. tastes good as a batter but i dont know how it will bake. past attempts with whey havent gone so well. macros came out great considering i just mixed things up without knowing the totals ahead of time.

3 scoops xf whey -- 6g fat, 9g carbs, 69g protein
1 egg -- 4g fat, 0g carbs, 6g protein
1/2 cup oats, ground to powder -- 2.5g fat, 27g carbs, 5g protein
1 package sugar free pudding -- 0g fat, 32g carbs, 0g protein
1/2 cup apple butter -- 0g fat, 72g carbs, 0g protein
1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk - 1.75g fat, 1.5g carbs, 1g protein
2 tsp butter flavor
1/2 tsp baking powder

baked at 400 for 15 minutes which was too long. 10 minutes would probably be better. let stand until cool

total -- 14.25g fat, 141.5g carbs, 75g protein

just took a bite after letting the brownies sit. better than the last ones i made but the whey ruins them. gonna try again sometime with more oats, eggs, egg whites and no whey. but anyways, still pretty decent. almost taste like chocolate bread. gonna try them with honey and sugar free chocolate syrup.

3.5g fat, 35g carbs, 19g protein per brownie
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