Carb timing

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Carb timing

Post by Justin »

Hey guys I've been wondering a lot on carbohydrates lately related to a cut and was wondering what your standpoint was on when to digest them?!?
I do find I sleep better when I digest them at night however t I've read that it impairs your GH release which I don't want so when is the optimal, and how much is optimal amount of carbs to consume during a cut?!?
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Post by DaCookie »

Its varies from person to person-optimal carb intake.I like to take as less as possible carbs on my last meal and none in the morning to maximize results from the low blood glucose levels.
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Re: Carb timing

Post by RobRegish »

Justin wrote:Hey guys I've been wondering a lot on carbohydrates lately related to a cut and was wondering what your standpoint was on when to digest them?!?
I do find I sleep better when I digest them at night however t I've read that it impairs your GH release which I don't want so when is the optimal, and how much is optimal amount of carbs to consume during a cut?!?
Large amounts of carbs, are contra-indicated both early AM and prior to bed.

REASON: Taking in large amounts of carbs period (especially prior to exercise, AM), can limit fat being used for fuel. Now yes, you'll still be in a caloric deficit while cutting, by why take the chance?

Taking large amounts of carbs in prior to bed/sleep, blunts GH release.

Therefore, I/we very much like "bracketing" their intake prior to, during and up to 2 hours after the workout.

Doing so ensures the majority of the carbs are stored as glycogen, vs. stored as adipose tissue.

IN ENGLISH: Less carbs go to fat, more into the muscle... :)
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Post by xxtotuxx »

What about during off-days?
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Post by Justin »

oh a high protein/moderate fat/low carb, how often do you recommend re-carb meals or days? right now im following 1 high carb, than 2 low
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Post by RobRegish »

Off days, I/we follow the same guidelines.

With respect to how often to re-feed, many schools of thought.

My school: On training days... :)
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Post by BrainSquirt »

Justin, Often I miss seeing new ones so fyi Sent you a PM re this late last week.
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Post by Justin »

Thanks a lot guys Rob another thing I was wondering is that in the formula we have a large amount of carbs but wouldn't this "blunt GH" release during/after our workouts?!? If so if their any way around this?!?
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Re: Carb timing

Post by RobRegish »

Justin wrote:Hey guys I've been wondering a lot on carbohydrates lately related to a cut and was wondering what your standpoint was on when to digest them?!?
I do find I sleep better when I digest them at night however t I've read that it impairs your GH release which I don't want so when is the optimal, and how much is optimal amount of carbs to consume during a cut?!?
Truthfully, this varies depending upon individual tolerance to carbs, insulin sensitivity etc..

Here's how I do it, and how I approach. I see two "safe" periods where carbs are more likely to be stored as glycogen, and thus focus my intake for the day there.

The first is intra workout, and it's here where I load them in via the amylyopectins in "The Formula". I'll use between 70 and 100g, depending upon the volume of lifting during that session. Now you have up to a 2 hour window after the workout within which insulin sensitivity is heightened, so it makes sense to take some in there, via solid food.

Finally, on your "off" days where you're performing some sort of fasted stated cardio in the A.M. (or should try to be), post workout would be ideal.

Otherwise, your insulin sensitivity at other time is going to be "blunted", so to speak. If you MUST indulge, I find it handy to have some R-ALA on hand and/or Kre-Anabolyn. If you think about it, KA is ideal here.


Because if you have to have a sugary snack that spikes insulin, a simple 1 or 2 cap serving of Kre-Anabolyn contains glucose disposal agents (4-hydroxy-L-isoleucine/L-dopa), as well as creatine in the form of Kre-Alkalyn.

It's well known that creatine uptake is facilitated by insulin release, so if you're going to indulge in satan sugars outside the workout, at least have creatine go along for the ride!
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Post by RobRegish »

Justin wrote:Thanks a lot guys Rob another thing I was wondering is that in the formula we have a large amount of carbs but wouldn't this "blunt GH" release during/after our workouts?!? If so if their any way around this?!?
You would think so, but the research says otherwise!

It seems the perfect concert of elevated GH, Insulin, testosterone and other growth factors is present.

The ONE downside, is that cortisol is released in higher amounts. However, Insulin blunts cortisol, which is why I include the fast acting/insulin raising amylyopectins/carbs in "The Formula".

Do make sure you get the amylyopectin/hydrolyzed whey ratio RIGHT. Doing so is going to be key to this effect...
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Post by Justin »

Thanks a lot Rob, I'm going to have my carbs intra workout for the most part than :) also how about breakfast isn't your insulin sensitivity higher upon waking along with cortisol so carbs in morning and intra workout would also be optimal?!?

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Post by RobRegish »

Justin wrote:Thanks a lot Rob, I'm going to have my carbs intra workout for the most part than :) also how about breakfast isn't your insulin sensitivity higher upon waking along with cortisol so carbs in morning and intra workout would also be optimal?!?

This is true, although if you're going to perform cardio on that day it'll mitigate fat burning, if not in a caloric deficit.

I like saving them for post HIIT/GPP sessions. Then I KNOW, where they're going... :)
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Post by Justin »

HAHA Thanks, On my cardio days I'm planning on keeping it paleo style eating and having a deficit and while on workout days I plan on eating breakfast and Intra ( on maintenance calories) with Carbs something similar to the blueprint however without the carbs on OFF days (cardio days)

also what amylyopectin/hydrolyzed whey ratio would you recomend during a cut?!?

also does it matter id I consume carbs in larger amounts in bigger meals so I'm not constantly raising insulin besides the times I really want: morning/pre/intra
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Post by RobRegish »

Justin wrote:HAHA Thanks, On my cardio days I'm planning on keeping it paleo style eating and having a deficit and while on workout days I plan on eating breakfast and Intra ( on maintenance calories) with Carbs something similar to the blueprint however without the carbs on OFF days (cardio days)

also what amylyopectin/hydrolyzed whey ratio would you recomend during a cut?!?

You can go down to 1:1, but I'd prefer 1.5 or 2:1 to be "safe".

REASON: You want the body to use the amylopectins for fuel, NOT the protein/amino acids. Feed your body primarily protein and it gets real good - at burning protein... :(.

SIDEBAR: This includes muscle tissue, if the deficit is severe enough!

also does it matter id I consume carbs in larger amounts in bigger meals so I'm not constantly raising insulin besides the times I really want: morning/pre/intra
A. Great question. I'd rather you steer clear of this practice, given LOTS of carbs usually = LOTS of calories, = LOTS of Insulin = fat storage.

So, unless you're running/lifting/active during these mega-carb frenzies, best to approach in moderation.

Did I just say that?... :)
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