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Re: Feast Workout #1

Post by RobRegish »

MSR9889 wrote:first workout today, felt weak and tired at first but once i got going i was impressed with what i was doing.

decline bench- 95x5, 135x5, 155x2, 175x1, static hold 225x8s, 235x10s

dips- 6, 6, 6, 6, 5, 4

db rows- 40x10, 65x6, 65x6, 65x6, 65x6, 65x6, 65x5

military press- static hold 135x10s, 135x7s

incline db curls- 35x5, 35x5, 35x5, 35x5

overhead tricep extensions- 55x4, 55x4, 55x5, 55x4

shoulders arent strong to begin with, but they were dead once i hit the military press. i was happy with the dips though. probably could have done a 6th rep for all the bicep curls but my first set felt heavy so i didnt want to kill my arms too early. stopped after 4 sets because my friend was done.
This is fantastic, Matt!!

Great work. Sometimes, going in these things sneak up on you. What appears to be something less than optimal going in, turns our to be fantastic.

So happy, this was the case for you!!
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goals are 38.33g fat, 345g carbs, 143.75g protein

Post by MSR9889 »

took ebol and 1 tsp peanut butter before breakfast -- 2 2/3g fat, 1g carb, 1g protein
breakfast was 4 slices high fiber bread, 2 tbsp strawberry jam, 1 cup ezeikial cereal, 1 scoop whey -- 10g fat, 193g carbs, 55g protein
took ebol and 2g fish oil before lunch - 2g fat, 0g carb, 0g protein
lunch was 2 1/4 cups granola and 1 scoop whey -- 15.5g fat, 120g carbs, 35g protein
took ebol, slinsane and 1 tsp peanut butter before dinner -- 2 2/3g fat, 1g carbs, 1g protein
dinner was a grilled chicken breast, 2.5 servings mixed peppers and onions, 5 servings spinach, hot sauce and 2 tbsp ranch -- 9g fat, 36g carbs, 53g protein

total -- 39.83g fat, 351g carbs, 145g protein
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goals for workout days -- 46g fat, 414g carb, 172.5g protein

Post by MSR9889 »

took slinsane before breakfast
breakfast was 2 cups kashi cereal, 1 cup unsweeted almond milk, 3 slices high fiber bread, 1 tbsp strawberry jam -- 10.5g fat, 161g carbs, 23g protein
will take slinsane before lunch
lunch will be 2 cups kashi cereal and 1 cup hazenut milk -- 6.5g fat, 102g carbs, 21g protein
took ebol, xfactor and ultima preworkout
drank 1/3 formula preworkout, 1/3 intra, 1/3 post with ebol -- 0g fat, 72g carbs, 36g protein and 30g leucine
dinner was 11.5 oz chicken, 2.5 servings peppers and onions, 5 servings spinach, 4 tbsp ranch and hot sauce, tbsp olive oil, 1/3 and 1/9 cups craisins -- 24g fat, 79g carb, 98g protein

total -- 41g fat, 414g carbs, 177g protein
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Re: goals for workout days -- 46g fat, 414g carb, 172.5g pro

Post by RobRegish »

MSR9889 wrote:took slinsane before breakfast
breakfast was 2 cups kashi cereal, 1 cup unsweeted almond milk, 3 slices high fiber bread, 1 tbsp strawberry jam -- 10.5g fat, 161g carbs, 23g protein
will take slinsane before lunch
lunch will be 2 cups kashi cereal and 1 cup hazenut milk -- 6.5g fat, 102g carbs, 21g protein

total -- 17g fat, 263g carbs, 44g protein
Great work, Matt!!

Do keep us posted on that slinsane. Doing so will help the other Believer's here, insofar as cost/benefit ratio.

Learn, Share and GROW!! :)
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Feast Workout #2

Post by MSR9889 »

was tired for the workout again. still getting used to going to bed early and being up at 530 for work. my back felt good during deadlifts and rack pulls but my legs struggled squatting 225 again. im hoping its only because of doing deadlifts first, but squatting 225 has gotten increasingly difficult since my first cruise workout of my last run. i also need better wraps for the rack pulls since the ones i used didnt help much, if at all.

static hold 1
deadlift- 135x5, 185x5, 225x3, 275x2, 315x2
rack pull- 405x1, 425x4s, 445x6s
wraps slipped real quick otherwise i could have held the weight longer

EDT block 1
squat- 135x5, 185x5, 225x4, 225x4, 225x4, 225x5, 225x3
hamstring curls- 150x6, 170x4, 170x4, 170x5, 170x4

static hold 2
calf press- 90x15, 180x12, 270x8s, 320x6s

romanian deadlift- 185x10, 185x10

cable crunches- 100x6, 110x6, 120x4, 120x4
ab extensions- 6, 6, 6, 6
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goals are 38.33g fat, 345g carbs, 143.75g protein

Post by MSR9889 »

took ebol and slinsane with 1 tsp peanut butter before breakfast -- 2 2/3g fat, 1g carb, 1g protein
breakfast was 2 eggs, 1 cup ezekiel cereal, 1 cup unsweeted almond milk, 1 tbsp agave, 1 cup V8 -- 17g fat, 107g carb, 31g protein
will take ebol and slinsane before lunch with 2g fish oil -- 2g fat
lunch will be 2 servings frosted mini wheats, 2 scoop whey, 1/3 cup craisins -- 8g fat, 134g carb, 56g protein
took ebol and 1 tsp peanut butter before dinner -- 2 2/3g fat, 1g carb, 1g protein
dinner was 6.5oz chicken, 6 servings spinach, 3 tbsp orange sauce, 1 serving mini wheats, 1 cup unsweeted almond milk -- 5.5g fat, 110g carb, 57g protein

total -- 37.83g fat, 349g carb, 146g protein
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Re: Feast Workout #2

Post by RobRegish »

MSR9889 wrote:was tired for the workout again. still getting used to going to bed early and being up at 530 for work. my back felt good during deadlifts and rack pulls but my legs struggled squatting 225 again. im hoping its only because of doing deadlifts first, but squatting 225 has gotten increasingly difficult since my first cruise workout of my last run. i also need better wraps for the rack pulls since the ones i used didnt help much, if at all.

static hold 1
deadlift- 135x5, 185x5, 225x3, 275x2, 315x2
rack pull- 405x1, 425x4s, 445x6s
wraps slipped real quick otherwise i could have held the weight longer

EDT block 1
squat- 135x5, 185x5, 225x4, 225x4, 225x4, 225x5, 225x3
hamstring curls- 150x6, 170x4, 170x4, 170x5, 170x4

static hold 2
calf press- 90x15, 180x12, 270x8s, 320x6s

romanian deadlift- 185x10, 185x10

cable crunches- 100x6, 110x6, 120x4, 120x4
ab extensions- 6, 6, 6, 6
"My back felt good during deadlifts and rack pulls but my legs struggled squatting 225 again. im hoping its only because of doing deadlifts first, but squatting 225 has gotten increasingly difficult since my first cruise workout of my last run..."

It's here Matt, where the hip belt shines... :)

If not so inclined (you never know.. !?!? :):)), consider the following remedy:

1.) Perform EITHER the SQ or DL, every other session
2.) Arrange for a heavy/light session for each. Meaning assign a higher rep range for the ancillary lift of choice, given your priority for that session (quads or hips/hamstrings).

Doing so is perfectly acceptable, as they work many of the same muscle groups. The SQ is obviously a quad dominant movement, the DL a hip dominant one.

Hope that helps. If you need other suggestions, by all means let me know!!
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Re: Feast Workout #2

Post by RobRegish »

MSR9889 wrote:was tired for the workout again. still getting used to going to bed early and being up at 530 for work. my back felt good during deadlifts and rack pulls but my legs struggled squatting 225 again. im hoping its only because of doing deadlifts first, but squatting 225 has gotten increasingly difficult since my first cruise workout of my last run. i also need better wraps for the rack pulls since the ones i used didnt help much, if at all.

static hold 1
deadlift- 135x5, 185x5, 225x3, 275x2, 315x2
rack pull- 405x1, 425x4s, 445x6s
wraps slipped real quick otherwise i could have held the weight longer

EDT block 1
squat- 135x5, 185x5, 225x4, 225x4, 225x4, 225x5, 225x3
hamstring curls- 150x6, 170x4, 170x4, 170x5, 170x4

static hold 2
calf press- 90x15, 180x12, 270x8s, 320x6s

romanian deadlift- 185x10, 185x10

cable crunches- 100x6, 110x6, 120x4, 120x4
ab extensions- 6, 6, 6, 6
"My back felt good during deadlifts and rack pulls but my legs struggled squatting 225 again. im hoping its only because of doing deadlifts first, but squatting 225 has gotten increasingly difficult since my first cruise workout of my last run..."

It's here Matt, where the hip belt shines... :)

If not so inclined (you never know.. !?!? :):)), consider the following remedy:

1.) Perform EITHER the SQ or DL, every other session
2.) Arrange for a heavy/light session for each. Meaning assign a higher rep range for the ancillary lift of choice, given your priority for that session (quads or hips/hamstrings).

Doing so is perfectly acceptable, as they work many of the same muscle groups. The SQ is obviously a quad dominant movement, the DL a hip dominant one.

Hope that helps. If you need other suggestions, by all means let me know!!
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Post by MSR9889 »

i think ill just stick it out for now as long as my back holds up, but i might end up switching to 1 day deadlift and 1 day squatting. its just mentally bothering me that doing the same weight isnt getting easier.
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goals are 38.33g fat, 345g carbs, 143.75g protein

Post by MSR9889 »

weighed myself twice this morning, once when i first woke up after drinking 20 oz of water and 20 minutes later after using the bathroom. weighed in at 200.8 and 200.4, so relatively the same, but bf both times was 15.8%. i know bf varies a lot during the day and i weighed myself about 3-4 hours earlier than last time, but thats a 2.3% difference from last week would be crazy if it was correct.

pushing todays workout to tomorrow because i couldnt sleep last night. something was hurting me that woke me up multiple times in the middle of the night and i probably lost 2 hours of sleep. had focus xt this morning so id stay awake.

took focus xt, ebol, slinsane and 1 tsp peanut butter before breakfast -- 2 2/3g fat, 1g carb, 1g protein
breakfast was 3 servings ezekeil cereal, 1 scoop whey, 1 tbsp agave -- 11g fat, 133g carb, 47g protein
will take ebol and xfator before lunch
lunch will be 1 scoop whey and 2 servings chocolate mini wheats --
will take ebol and 1 tsp peanut butter before dinner -- 2 2/3g fat, 1g carb, 1g protein
starving when i got home so i have some mixed nuts
will take ebol and slinsane before dinner
surprise dinner party for a friend at bertuccis so idk what ill be eating or how many calories
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Re: goals are 38.33g fat, 345g carbs, 143.75g protein

Post by RobRegish »

MSR9889 wrote:weighed myself twice this morning, once when i first woke up after drinking 20 oz of water and 20 minutes later after using the bathroom. weighed in at 200.8 and 200.4, so relatively the same, but bf both times was 15.8%. i know bf varies a lot during the day and i weighed myself about 3-4 hours earlier than last time, but thats a 2.3% difference from last week would be crazy if it was correct.

pushing todays workout to tomorrow because i couldnt sleep last night. something was hurting me that woke me up multiple times in the middle of the night and i probably lost 2 hours of sleep. had focus xt this morning so id stay awake.

took focus xt, ebol ecdy, slinsane and 1 tsp peanut butter before breakfast -- 2 2/3g fat, 1g carb, 1g protein
breakfast was 3 servings ezekeil cereal, 1 scoop whey, 1 tbsp agave -- 11g fat, 133g carb, 47g protein
will take ebol ecdy and xfator before lunch
lunch will be 1 scoop whey and 2 servings chocolate mini wheats --
will take ebol ecdy and 1 tsp peanut butter before dinner -- 2 2/3g fat, 1g carb, 1g protein
starving when i got home so i have some mixed nuts
will take ebol ecdy and slinsane before dinner
surprise dinner party for a friend at bertuccis so idk what ill be eating or how many calories

"Thats a 2.3% difference from last week would be crazy if it was correct..."

Egg-cellent work, Matt... :)
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Post by MSR9889 »

did my 3rd workout today. got called in to cover a shift at my old job so i put lifting off until today. didnt get much sleep the night before anyways since i was out too late. diet yesterday was also off due to me planning on lifting in the afternoon and will be off today since im going to dinner with the family.

took ultima, ebol, xfactor, EC, and reduction pm preworkout
drank formula 1/3 pre, 1/3 intra, 1/3 post with ebol
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Feast Workout #3

Post by MSR9889 »

awesome workout today, got maybe a little more than 8 hours sleep last night after about 4-5 the night before. also started EC again today so im sure that helped a little. saw improvements almost everywhere.

decline bench- 95x5, 135x5, 175x2, 195x1, 255x10s, 275x7s

dips- 6, 6, 6, 6, 5, 4

superset with 1 arm db rows- 60x8, 60x8, 60x8, 60x8, 60x8, 60x6

military press hold- 135x5s, 135x8s

incline db curls- 35x6, 35x6, 35x4 and 30x2, 30x6, 30x6

overhead tricep extensions- 55x6, 55x6, 55x6, 55x5, 50x6

hit the same number of dips as last workout with 1 minute less rest between sets and hit 1 more second on my second military press hold. also did much more weight in the decline bench. struggled to warm up lifting 175x1 last week and got 175x2 no problem this week.
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Re: Feast Workout #3

Post by RobRegish »

MSR9889 wrote:awesome workout today, got maybe a little more than 8 hours sleep last night after about 4-5 the night before. also started EC again today so im sure that helped a little. saw improvements almost everywhere.

decline bench- 95x5, 135x5, 175x2, 195x1, 255x10s, 275x7s

dips- 6, 6, 6, 6, 5, 4

superset with 1 arm db rows- 60x8, 60x8, 60x8, 60x8, 60x8, 60x6

military press hold- 135x5s, 135x8s

incline db curls- 35x6, 35x6, 35x4 and 30x2, 30x6, 30x6

overhead tricep extensions- 55x6, 55x6, 55x6, 55x5, 50x6

hit the same number of dips as last workout with 1 minute less rest between sets and hit 1 more second on my second military press hold. also did much more weight in the decline bench. struggled to warm up lifting 175x1 last week and got 175x2 no problem this week.
Terrific to hear, Matt!

The 8+ hours of sleep/awesome workout, is likely no coincidence. Old Russian proverb...

"The rest of your days, depends upon the REST of your nights..."

So true... :)
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