Emdriven's first run

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Emdriven's first run

Post by Emdriven »

Hey guys,

Been lifting on and off for about 15years. Mountain bike on the weekends for cardio. Goal will be to try to put on 8-9 lbs. This is my first run so if I'm doing things wrong feel free to jump in and correct me. Chatted to Rob a few times via email with all sorts of questions and just gotta say thanks to him for his amazing response.

Age: 45
Weight: 176
Goal: 185
Waking pulse rate: 64

cbol creatine
Mass Pro Vanilla Whey
All ingredients for the formula

Started famine yesterday:


2 sets of hack squat warmups
Hack squat 270 x 7 X 8 X 7
Seated cable row 170 x 6; 200 X 6 X 6

2 min rest

2 light sets of barbell curls as warmups
Barbell curl 100 X 7
Inclined dumbell curls 40 X 6
Preacher curls 100 X 7

Workout wasnt too bad but did sweat alot and was pretty tired at the end.
Keeping calories at 1450 thru famine will be hard since I normally eat twice that amount; but I will give it my best shot.
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Post by y0lked »

Cant wait to hear what you think about the e-bol during your feast! I have my bottle ready for my next run.

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Post by Emdriven »

Famine Workout 2

Widegrip Bench Press 135 X 12
Shoulder press 45 x 10

Closegrip Bench 115 x 10
Shoulder Press 50 x 8

Incline Bench 135 x 10
Shoulder Press 45 x 8

Decline Bench 135 x 10
Shoulder Press 45 x 8

Decline Closegrip 115 x 10

Skull crushers 75 x 12

Tricep pushdowns 80 x 12 x 10

Roman chair situps 3 sets of 20 reps

Felt sluggish all day long and specially thru the workout but tried to push as hard as I could.
Resting pulse was +4.
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Post by Emdriven »

Famine last workout. :D

Hack Squats 180 x 12 x 12 x 12 x 12 x 12
Seated Cable Rows 150 x 15 x 12 x 12 x 12 x 12

Barbell Curls 70 x 14
Inclined Dumbbell Curls 30 x 12
Preacher Curls 65 x 15 x 12

Roman chair situps 3 sets of 15-20 reps

That was my workout yesterday and have to admit I felt drained afterwards; but felt good that it was over. Woke up this morning and pulse was +8 finally. Onward to feast!
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Post by Emdriven »

Quick question: Getting ready for first feast workout in a few days, am I suppose to do 2 EDT blocks or just 1?
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Post by RobRegish »

Emdriven wrote:Quick question: Getting ready for first feast workout in a few days, am I suppose to do 2 EDT blocks or just 1?
Hey man, great question and welcome aboard!!

The first workout, if memory serves is upper body. Here, you want to perform 2 EDT Blocks.

REASON: Given it's upper body and calls upon LESS muscle mass than lower, you're afforded the luxury or being able to perform/be able to recover from more work.

On lower body days, the combination of a static hold + 2 compounds is MORE than enough, to deliver the goods. To keep digging a hole after that requirement is satisfied... is risking over-training for most!

Hope that helps!!!
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Post by Emdriven »

Thanks Rob. Appreciate your response. Will do upper body tomorrow.
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Post by RobRegish »


So happy I could help... :)
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Post by Emdriven »

Yesterday's workout:

Static Hold Bench 185 - 20 seconds x 2

EDT Block 1
Barbell Curls 80 x 8 x 7 x 6 x 6 x6 x 6
Skull Crushers 75 x 8 x 8 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6

EDT Block 2
Seated Cable Rows 160 x 8 x 8 x 6 x 6 x 6
Dumbell Press 40 x 8 x 8 x 7 x 6 x 6

ABS static hold 180 - 20 seconds x 2
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Post by Emdriven »

Feast Workout 2

Static Hold Rack Pull 315 - 20 seconds x 2

EDT Block 1
Hack Squats 290 x 8, 320 x 8 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6
Hamstring curls 90 x 8, 100 x 8, 110 x 6 x 6 x 6

Static Hold calf raises 405 - 20 seconds, 495 - 15 seconds

Dead lifts 145 x 8 x 8

EDT Block 2
Weighted Cable Crunches 80 x 8 x 8 x 6 x 6 x 6
Hyperextention w 25lb plate x 15

Ran out of time. Had to return to work.
Weight: 178 :D
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Post by RobRegish »

GREAT work!!

Any of these, PR's... ?

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Post by Emdriven »

Yup. Hack Squats using 320 is a PR for me. Felt pretty strong. Thanks Rob.
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Post by Emdriven »

Feast Workout 3

Decline Bench Static Holds 185 - 20 seconds x 2

EDT Block 1
Dip Machine 260 x 8, 280 x 8 x 6 x 6
1 Arm dummbell rows 80 x 8 x 8 x 8 x 8

Static Hold Presses 185 - 20 seconds, 495 - 15 seconds

EDT Block 2
Incline one arm dumbbells 40 x 8 x 8 x 8 x 8
Pulley overhead tricep ext. 110 x 8, 120 x 8 x 6 x 6
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Post by RobRegish »

Emdriven wrote:Yup. Hack Squats using 320 is a PR for me. Felt pretty strong. Thanks Rob.
Fantastic, man!!!

PR's are a regular occurrence here, though many still doubt. OK by me, more for us!!

When I created Gainsville, nobody believed it was a place you could stay.

Well, they need to talk to the mayor (a.k.a. Big.Jazalyri)... because he's been living there quite awhile, and shows no signs of leaving... :)

So happy for you man, you don't even know!!! :):):)
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