Advice on cutting/recomp

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Post by doolee »

1.Naturally stronger than me? Congratulations. I'm in it for size, not strength. Though, I do not mind gains in my lifts. And I'm assuming you are going by my last log for my bench stats? Probably not the most accurate representation of my bench.. at all. The Blueprint was my first strength-type program, and I've made gains ever since (Thank you Rob). Starting at 150, I bulked as fast as possible to 215. I'm currently cutting, and I'm back down to 185.

2. Lighter and leaner? Caring.

3. Yes, your body can only absorb so much protein for muscle protein synthesis at a given time. I have studies. Do you? Learn something: ... quency.pdf
Inb4 350g protein per meal. Let me guess. Will Brinks?

4. You have a blood test validating that your kidneys are better than mine? Are you stalking me, or are you making wild claims with no justification? I will admit that kidney strain is not much to worry about for someone with healthy kidneys (apparently such as yourself), but I wouldn't toss excessively high protein numbers that could cause problems in certain individuals with no benefit.

In response to your insulin comment, insulin + bulk = good? Yes, I believe insulin is very anabolic.

5. Or I'm just not very strong, genetically? Hypertrophy and Strength are two separate words.

6. I would take some stims if i were you. Your mood seems to be shit lately which I'm guessing is your job. The only reason I'm holding any respect for you, despite your attacks.

And finally, please clarify what advice I'm giving out based on opinion. I have facts, articles, and studies. Do you? I've been on this site for maybe 8 months. This may be relatively short compared to your stay. But considering my bench increased 30 pounds on my first BP run, I wouldn't brag about your 200ish pound bench, being a BP "vet".
I'm trying to be helpful and constructive. You're simply destructive, and spreading false information/accusations.

Why do I care about BSN? Shitty company, and shitty products. But nice try in attempting to align me with BroScienceNutrition.

Is this conversation over, or are you going to continue making a mockery of this thread and community? :) :) :)
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Post by RobRegish »

Now now guys... we're family here.

What that means is this... we may fight/get frustrated with each other. But at the end of the day, we love each other.

Why? We're family, and here to help each other through thick and thin. Please keep that in mind before posting.

That's all I/we and the 3Faces of Fear(tm) ask... :) :) :)
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Post by DaCookie »

doolee wrote:1.Naturally stronger than me? Congratulations. I'm in it for size, not strength. Though, I do not mind gains in my lifts. And I'm assuming you are going by my last log for my bench stats? Probably not the most accurate representation of my bench.. at all. The Blueprint was my first strength-type program, and I've made gains ever since (Thank you Rob). Starting at 150, I bulked as fast as possible to 215. I'm currently cutting, and I'm back down to 185.

-Nice rollercoaster fat gains bro, marathon not a race.I guess you 'bulked up' too much with 5 of them blueprint shakes a day?

2. Lighter and leaner? Caring.

-Size but not definition, so basically a blob of something, good luck with that

3. Yes, your body can only absorb so much protein for muscle protein synthesis at a given time. I have studies. Do you? Learn something: ... quency.pdf
Inb4 350g protein per meal. Let me guess. Will Brinks?

-Haha Layne Norton.Awesome.Learn something?Learn to read pillock

is important to note that most of these studies were done on individuals who weighed
approximately 155-165 lbs on average'

So average average people have the same amount of LBM as bbers?Thank you.What does muscle need to grow?Thank you.How much protein dose Layne Norton eat a day?Thank you.What does he consume regularly sipping throughout the day?Thank you.Who has he always done work with who also advocates a high protein diet?Thank you

4. You have a blood test validating that your kidneys are better than mine? Are you stalking me, or are you making wild claims with no justification? I will admit that kidney strain is not much to worry about for someone with healthy kidneys (apparently such as yourself), but I wouldn't toss excessively high protein numbers that could cause problems in certain individuals with no benefit.

-Just calling out your broscience, there is no such thing as too much protein being bad for your kidneys unless your kidneys are already pretty bad

In response to your insulin comment, insulin + bulk = good? Yes, I believe insulin is very anabolic.

-I quite obviously meant bye bye insulin sensitivity

5. Or I'm just not very strong, genetically? Hypertrophy and Strength are two separate words.

-Blame the genetics-good one.Hypertrophy and strength are related and if you think not then look at strength endurance athletes.Tell me how my friend used to be much bigger than me yet weaker and now I am much bigger than him?He always trained for hypertrophy and never strength.In b4 broscience.

6. I would take some stims if i were you. Your mood seems to be shit lately which I'm guessing is your job. The only reason I'm holding any respect for you, despite your attacks.

And finally, please clarify what advice I'm giving out based on opinion. I have facts, articles, and studies. Do you? I've been on this site for maybe 8 months. This may be relatively short compared to your stay. But considering my bench increased 30 pounds on my first BP run, I wouldn't brag about your 200ish pound bench, being a BP "vet".
I'm trying to be helpful and constructive. You're simply destructive, and spreading false information/accusations.

-My bench is shit and im not a vet, you cant say anything seeing as your a spec blending in with the guy doing bicep curls in the squat rack.There is no 'facts' because your article was based on the average person and layne norton himself takes a high amount of protein so you really fell on your own sword there.

Taking stims all the time seems to be whats making you depressed

-Kidney bollox-opinion
-Bad protein advice in general-opinion

Why do I care about BSN? Shitty company, and shitty products. But nice try in attempting to align me with BroScienceNutrition.

Is this conversation over, or are you going to continue making a mockery of this thread and community? :) :) :)

Community?No.I am done anyway
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Post by doolee »

K i'll try to keep this friendly...

It is a marathon not a race. But I wanted to take advantage of my teen years while my test levels are still as high as they will be. I'm also approaching single digit bf within the next month, so I wouldn't say a blob.

In regards to the study, the point of the study (and he ran multiple trials using rats, cells, people, AND himself) was that around 4-5g of leucine, there is a refractory period of Muscle Protein Synthesis. Meaning, you can elevate plasma aa concentration all day long, but you can only initiate so many rounds of muscle protein synthesis. He recommends eating every 4 to 5 hours a high protein meal of around 5g total leucine. He has used this eating protocol, according to his post, for over a year now, and he is looking huge (recently won his first pro competition). He eats approximately 250g of protein a day, and has way more LBM than either of us.

He sips FREE FORM amino acids throughout the day at the mid point between his protein meals, NOT because of catabolism, but because it has shown to temporarily overcome this refractory period mentioned earlier.

Yes I did admit my hastiness in regards to the kidneys. But it was more an emphasis on the excess protein. My apologies, though, on this point.

I use a nutrient partitioner, regardless. And insulin sensitivity remains elevated 24 hours after a workout. Not a huge concern for me. Layne himself takes 30g carb with bcaas on top of larger amounts at meals. He seems to be doing quite well with a high carb diet.

And strength is dependent on muscle fiber types. I've been working on my strength, but I am not naturally strong like some people are able to be.

I don't curl in the squat rack. I do it in an open floor with a barbell. There are several threads where Layne mentions how he has incorporated his research into HIS routine. He lives his science.

And no.. I'm depressed for a bunch of personal reasons.

Hope this was helpful, and not hostile. I still respect you as I see you give great advice all the time on multiple boards. Trying to end on a good note.
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Post by matter2003 »

doolee wrote: In response to your insulin comment, insulin + bulk = good? Yes, I believe insulin is very anabolic.
Insulin is the most anabolic hormone there fact it is 4 times as anabolic as testosterone. Only issue with insulin is it is anabolic in an indiscriminate will add both fat and muscle(why diabetics always seem to gain weight so easily and have a hard time losing it), while testosterone adds muscle not fat.
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Post by matter2003 »

DaCookie wrote: -I quite obviously meant bye bye insulin sensitivity
That can be overcome quite a bit by adding 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon(actually cassia) twice a day...

In fact many diabetics could lessen or stop using insulin by utilizing this instead...and it was found out by mistake.

Researchers were looking at the effects of various foods on blood sugar and they tested apple pie expecting a huge increase in blood sugar and instead found a decrease. They repeated it a few times and got the same result each time. Puzzled, they started checking all the ingredients contained in the apple pie and found that cinnamon was responsible for the huge decrease in blood sugar. Works so well, diabetics are cautioned to not take too much cinnamon when they take insulin as it can lead to not enough blood sugar...

Mechanism of action:

A polyphenol in cinnamon called Methylhydroxy Chalcone Polymer(MHCP) improves glucose metabolism by cells up to 20 times their normal rates

taking 1/4 teaspoon(500 mg) twice a day has been shown to lower blood sugar levels 18 to 29 percent, triglycerides up to 30 percent and total cholesterol 12 to 26 percent after only 40 days...

Yet most doctors would rather prescribe some expensive, side-effect laden drugs that the pharmaceutical companies tell them to push that work half as well. Always remember, there is NO MONEY in finding cures...only in ignoring the root causes of diseases and treating the symptoms, creating long-term income for doctors, drug companies and hospitals.
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Post by RobRegish »

matter2003 wrote:
DaCookie wrote: -I quite obviously meant bye bye insulin sensitivity
That can be overcome quite a bit by adding 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon(actually cassia) twice a day...

In fact many diabetics could lessen or stop using insulin by utilizing this instead...and it was found out by mistake.

Researchers were looking at the effects of various foods on blood sugar and they tested apple pie expecting a huge increase in blood sugar and instead found a decrease. They repeated it a few times and got the same result each time. Puzzled, they started checking all the ingredients contained in the apple pie and found that cinnamon was responsible for the huge decrease in blood sugar. Works so well, diabetics are cautioned to not take too much cinnamon when they take insulin as it can lead to not enough blood sugar...

Mechanism of action:

A polyphenol in cinnamon called Methylhydroxy Chalcone Polymer(MHCP) improves glucose metabolism by cells up to 20 times their normal rates

taking 1/4 teaspoon(500 mg) twice a day has been shown to lower blood sugar levels 18 to 29 percent, triglycerides up to 30 percent and total cholesterol 12 to 26 percent after only 40 days...

Yet most doctors would rather prescribe some expensive, side-effect laden drugs that the pharmaceutical companies tell them to push that work half as well. Always remember, there is NO MONEY in finding cures...only in ignoring the root causes of diseases and treating the symptoms, creating long-term income for doctors, drug companies and hospitals.
ROCK SOLID advice right here!!!
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Post by doolee »

I use a nutrient partitioner, regardless.
Specifically glycobol for my next run. I believe it has cinnamon extract. Interesting that it works so well for diabetics.
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Post by ckeahey76 »

Just got my popcorn and eating while re-reading this thread, man I love it when brothers argue. This is an interesting family we have, anyone want some popcorn. :twisted:
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Post by RobRegish »

We're family so - while we may occassionally argue, we all love each other in the end.

That's the way it should be, IMO...
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Post by sovabrat »

Although it was a little on the flaming end, I think argument is healthy because it forces each side to really prove their point. Thanks for the point on insulin sensitivity too, thinking of diabetics and how they gain weight so easily really makes sense to me now.

Is it really worth it to run glycobol on a clean bulk or could I essentially get there the same on ecdy, AN, and a good amount of protein?
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Post by the_buffer »

ckeahey76 wrote:Just got my popcorn and eating while re-reading this thread, man I love it when brothers argue. This is an interesting family we have, anyone want some popcorn. :twisted:
Personally I prefer when chicks fight... with pillows... in the mud...
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Post by ckeahey76 »

I don't know about the mud, it can get kinda thick where you will not be able to see anything, I would suggest some cherry or strawberry jello...just something to think about. :wink:
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