Famine to Feast Timeframe

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Famine to Feast Timeframe

Post by matter2003 »

I just had a quick question regarding the time frame from famine to feast. I read where you are supposed to be at least 8 BPM higher and that would likely occur after 5 days or so.

What happens if this occurs in a shorter/longer time frame? Do I continue with famine for say 7 or 8 days? Or what if it happens in 3 days instead of 5? Do I jump right into feast and skip the other famine workout(s)?

Just want to make sure I do it the most effective way to maximize results.
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Post by tufluk »

if you feel you are ready, start feast phase, this may mean missing famine workout 3 as this can sometimes be too taxing on some people.

5 days should be enough i would not recommend going any longer as this leads to excessive unessential break down of muscle tissue/substrate.

hope this helps
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Post by RobRegish »

tufluk wrote:if you feel you are ready, start feast phase, this may mean missing famine workout 3 as this can sometimes be too taxing on some people.

5 days should be enough i would not recommend going any longer as this leads to excessive unessential break down of muscle tissue/substrate.

hope this helps

God bless you, Tufluk!!

Right here... this would have been my/our advice!!
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