ZB126's results to date

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ZB126's results to date

Post by RobRegish »

Although he hasn't posted this log here, I wanted to illustrate yet another BP success story.

LG rolled out a "pilot" Sublingual Ecdy product not long ago on another board, selected testers and it was off to the races. Despite my imploring, none of the testers took me up on BP. LG even promised me some product to test but never came through. Shame on both counts.

The first logs weren't exactly spectacular. This is a sublingual 20-H product from Cyanotis Vaga (not the best choice) so take that for what it's worth.

Predictably, these guys were using adaptogens in the typical fashion and just as predictably, the feedback was along the lines you usually see...... "might be a good recomp agent, seemed to lean me out a little. I think I recovered faster..".

Except this guy. He ran it largely within the context of BP and his results are below:

LG's subECDY: Day 16

-4 pumps, 8 times a day since yesterday was 1RM day
-Orange Triad Multi: 2 caps 3x per day
-LG BC+EAA 3 scoops, intra workout

Summary of Progress in 2 Weeks:

Squats: 270lbs to 283lbs
Deadlifts: 231lbs to 265lbs
Military Press: 85lbs to 100lbs
Bench: 185lbs to 195lbs
Row: 115lbs to 125lbs

Weight: 174lbs to 178lbs

A fluke? Hardly. I'm happy to say that this is the rule, not the exception. His gains perfectly parallel most BP users.

OK, I'm crowing a bit. But I'm damn frustrated at all the guys who balk at $34 for The Blueprint but happily drop $100's on "MuscleTech" every month.

I know this isn't ZB126 and it certainly isn't you guys so please don't take offense. Collectively, we are leading the way back to significant, meaningful and consistent gains for the drug free trainee!
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Post by askmass »

I'd love to see this guy use real Kre-Anabolyn for his 2nd go around, because I'd attribute the bulk (pun intended) of his gains above to BP training and diet. Cyanotis Vaga is weak as water, I don't care what/how much you extract it down to.
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Post by RobRegish »

A nice review ZB126 just posted over on nolinksplease.com:

Review of Mixelflick's Blueprint 2.0

So I thought I would take a minute here to write up a little review of Mixelflick's Blueprint 2.0 workout program. With all the attention it and ecdysterone products have been getting on the boards recently, I figure this would be pretty relevant.

The Blueprint is a great new way to approach the use of ecdysterone products and forcing your body to adapt with or without ecdy. In my opinion, it is the way ecdy products should be used to really get the most of them. The BP is well thought out, contains numerous studies and interviews, and while being a possibly radical approach, truly is effective. Rob was also there along the way to provide support and answers to questions and really does back his product well.

This is all nice but what matters the most is results. In my first BP run I gained 7lbs in 30 days with the BP and LG's subECDY product, increased my strength on average 10% for most lifts and did it all with just a few hundred calories over maintenance. I never thought I could get those types of gains with a non-hormonal product. I'd give the BP a solid A.

So What is the Blueprint? An Overview:
The Blueprint is not just an eBook, or a workout plan, its a lot more than that. The Blueprint offers is a new way of approaching your bodybuilding or athletic goals; a new way of teaching your body to adapt. You always hear people talking about shocking their muscles in order to grow and this takes this concept of adapting to another level. Because of this, the Blueprint is perfect for use with ecdysterone products. If you aren't using an ecdy product, that doesn't mean that it won't work for you. The ideas and concepts within the Blueprint (which from now on I will refer to as BP) will work without ecdysterone products and either way will help you get more impressive gains and from other reviews will get you a lot further than you may have otherwise.

Does it work?
In short, yes, it does. Will it work for everyone? If you follow the BP well, I can't imagine it not working for somebody. The most important part about making this program work is understanding that while this may possibly may be considered a radical approach, you can't half-ass it if you want it to work.

Its going to be different than you have thought of workout plans in the past, but it will work. I started hitting PR's within two weeks of the start of program and with the help of subECDY from LG Sciences and the BP, I kept getting strength gains throughout the last 30 days. I'll stress that if you do run the BP, you really need to take the preparation week seriously, it is essential to success with the BP. I tailored the second phase to my lifting style and still had great success.

Can't I find this info elsewhere?
Sure, some of the studies presented in the BP are available if you are at a university with access to journal databases, but pulling all this information together is going to be pretty difficult for those not too gifted with scientific research. Also, the personal accounts, advice and interviews really add a lot to understanding the ideas essential to the BP.

Is it worth the money?
I can think of a lot of worse ways to spend 25-35 bucks. I purchased the BP for $25 before the price went up but with the new price comes the updated version. For about the same price as another supplement, you can get some knowledge that will help and be applicable for years to come.

Am I happy I purchased it? Yes, I am and I wish I had done it sooner.

Overall rating: 9/10
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Post by dracotdrgn »

NICE! And well written too. Sorry I couldn't write something like that, I just wait and reply .......
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Post by RobRegish »

You too, wrote an excellent piece. Most importantly, it was honest. You can run away from alot of things but people can't run away from the truth.

And I sincerely appreciate it. Not for the $ either. BP had just turned a profit this week. Then MA sent me a whopper of a bill for LLC's in MA to "register" them with the state as as LLC's under "new guidelines".

Read: "We're hemmoraghing $ and losing jobs left and right. The state needs more money.."
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