Supplements are in, it's time for Warrior's 1st run at BP

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Post by warrior »

My new 1RM for SQ - 320lbs

GLP# 1- Workout # 6- BP ( Completed all 6 sets successfully )
147x 10

EDT Block

Hack Squat - 270lbs
Calf Raises - 420lbs

Static hold - Ab Crunch - 185lbs x 2

I felt great after squatting 310lbs so I threw another 10lbs on and sqeezed in another 1 rep for my new 1RM :D. Time to take a day or two off and jmp into cruise!!!
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Post by RobRegish »


So happy for you, you don't even know... :)
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Post by warrior »

First Cruise workout today for Upper Body. My workout felt really short, did everything possible not do devert from BP and go heavier or do more excersies.

BP - 235 X 5 REPS X 5SET

Shoulder Press - 110+bar x 5 reps x 5 sets

Tricep close grip static hold - Didn't feel like I got anything from this static hold using power rack I put 275lbs on for weight. Think I will try tri push downs next time for my hold. Any thoughts on this would be appreciated?
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Post by RobRegish »

On the static hold, consider doing declines in the power rack.

REASON: With the decline, you can handle more weight. It logically follows that the overload and thus, muscle growth should follow.

Consider 2 such 5 sec or so holds, with a maximal weight. About 3-5 minutes between sets (at least), is right!

Hope that helps...
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Post by warrior »

Cruise workout # 2

SQ - 255LBS X 5 X 5

Leg Press - 270lbs static hold

DB Rows - 80lbs x 5 x 5

Preacher curl static hold - 125lbs

Calf raises static hold - 500lbs

Ab Crunch static hold - 195lbs
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Post by warrior »

Finished my last day of cruise today, I'm now going to take a week off and prep for the big up coming famine Run # 2. I will start a new journal for my second run so that it will be easier for tracking and comparison of my first run. Can't wait to get back on KE/AN!!! Logging back in in a week.
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