Bigpelo's 3rd run = Blueprint 3.0 + warrior diet
Bigpelo's 3rd run = Blueprint 3.0 + warrior diet
So here we go again! This time for a cut. Again, it's a customize program from Rob/Mix/corporate him/them self/selves.
Preparation: April 11 to April 16 2011
Famine: April 17 to April 21 2011
Feast: April 22 to ?
Cruise: following feast
I don't want to fix a time frame for feast this time, I will let my recovery decide on rest days etc.
I started warrior dieting this very morning. During famine, I will cut proteins from the warrior diet and then during the 3 first day of feast, I will eat like a freak for 3 days then resume my typical warrior days. On weight lifting days, the formula will be taken as prescribe, this run I have all the ingredients. On cardio days, BCAAs will be the main peri workout components.
Typical warrior diet day:
6:00am: 1 cup of water with lemon juice + 175g (6 oz) Greek yogourt or kefir
9:45am: raw veges
noon: salad with 2 boiled eggs or whey protein shake
early afternoon: cup of berries or raw fruits
late afternoon: handful of raw almonds
5pm: workout --> the formula on weight training or 40-50g of Xtend if cardio days
6:30pm: Main meal, following WD principals
9pm: if still hungry, whey protein shake or peanut butter with milk
9:30pm to 6am: sleep
alkaplex green+ : 1 cap at noon, 2 caps before main meal
Multi life: 1 cap at 6am, 1 before working out, 1-2 with main meal
Omega 3 from fish oil (nordic naturals): 1 gels with each kre-anabolyn caps
Mass pro whey: see diet up here
Kre anabolyn: following BP 3.0 guide lines
Adaptogen N: 2 caps before going to bed
Test freak: 2 caps before going to bed
GammaGH: 2-3g before working out and 4-5g before bed
Yohimbe supreme: 5 drops before workouts
Thyrolyn: 2 caps per day for the first 30 days of feast (when?)
Xtend: see diet up here
Creatine mono: only during cruise around workouts at 5g
Burn it up!: during cruise 3 caps / day
"the formula": around weight lifting sessions
Adaptogen N has: tribulus, DHEA, melatonin and long jack
test freak has: testofen, trigotest, ZMA, saw palmetto, nettle extract and anti-estrogen.
I believe both will enhance each other and are not competing, that's why I will take both at the same time. Also, test freak at 4 caps/day makes my joints sensible, I suspect it's from the anti-estrogen...
Today after work will be a light cardio session on a empty stomach. During preparation, I supplement with multi vitamins, fish oil, whey and Gaba only.
A lot more to come!
Preparation: April 11 to April 16 2011
Famine: April 17 to April 21 2011
Feast: April 22 to ?
Cruise: following feast
I don't want to fix a time frame for feast this time, I will let my recovery decide on rest days etc.
I started warrior dieting this very morning. During famine, I will cut proteins from the warrior diet and then during the 3 first day of feast, I will eat like a freak for 3 days then resume my typical warrior days. On weight lifting days, the formula will be taken as prescribe, this run I have all the ingredients. On cardio days, BCAAs will be the main peri workout components.
Typical warrior diet day:
6:00am: 1 cup of water with lemon juice + 175g (6 oz) Greek yogourt or kefir
9:45am: raw veges
noon: salad with 2 boiled eggs or whey protein shake
early afternoon: cup of berries or raw fruits
late afternoon: handful of raw almonds
5pm: workout --> the formula on weight training or 40-50g of Xtend if cardio days
6:30pm: Main meal, following WD principals
9pm: if still hungry, whey protein shake or peanut butter with milk
9:30pm to 6am: sleep
alkaplex green+ : 1 cap at noon, 2 caps before main meal
Multi life: 1 cap at 6am, 1 before working out, 1-2 with main meal
Omega 3 from fish oil (nordic naturals): 1 gels with each kre-anabolyn caps
Mass pro whey: see diet up here
Kre anabolyn: following BP 3.0 guide lines
Adaptogen N: 2 caps before going to bed
Test freak: 2 caps before going to bed
GammaGH: 2-3g before working out and 4-5g before bed
Yohimbe supreme: 5 drops before workouts
Thyrolyn: 2 caps per day for the first 30 days of feast (when?)
Xtend: see diet up here
Creatine mono: only during cruise around workouts at 5g
Burn it up!: during cruise 3 caps / day
"the formula": around weight lifting sessions
Adaptogen N has: tribulus, DHEA, melatonin and long jack
test freak has: testofen, trigotest, ZMA, saw palmetto, nettle extract and anti-estrogen.
I believe both will enhance each other and are not competing, that's why I will take both at the same time. Also, test freak at 4 caps/day makes my joints sensible, I suspect it's from the anti-estrogen...
Today after work will be a light cardio session on a empty stomach. During preparation, I supplement with multi vitamins, fish oil, whey and Gaba only.
A lot more to come!
Preparation day 1 - April 11 2011
So I had 460 calories during the under eating phase and 2440 during the over eating for a total of 2900 calories.
66g fat (20%)
196g protein (27%)
388g carbs (53%)
Carbs composition:
290g complex (75%)
75g sugar (19%)
23g fibre (6%)
Never thought it would be that easy to down 2000 calories in a single meal... and then another 400+ 2 hours later!
Did 25 minutes of medium intensity cardio at 5pm with some abs work then pig out!
Preparation day 2 - April 12 2011
Forgot to take my rest heart rate again this morning to set my average base line before famine
Already feel extra energized from the WD and not so hungry during the day. This is going to be good; at least I have a good feeling about it
No training today, need to sell my 2 doors coupe car to buy a 4 doors...
So I had 460 calories during the under eating phase and 2440 during the over eating for a total of 2900 calories.
66g fat (20%)
196g protein (27%)
388g carbs (53%)
Carbs composition:
290g complex (75%)
75g sugar (19%)
23g fibre (6%)
Never thought it would be that easy to down 2000 calories in a single meal... and then another 400+ 2 hours later!
Did 25 minutes of medium intensity cardio at 5pm with some abs work then pig out!
Preparation day 2 - April 12 2011
Forgot to take my rest heart rate again this morning to set my average base line before famine
Already feel extra energized from the WD and not so hungry during the day. This is going to be good; at least I have a good feeling about it
No training today, need to sell my 2 doors coupe car to buy a 4 doors...
Preparation day 2 - April 12 2011
No training, total of 2354 calories (1877 overeating, 477 under eating)
103g fat (35%)
226g protein (34%)
198g carbs (31%)
Carbs composition:
91g sugar (46%)
69g complex (35%)
38g fiber (19%)
Felt super energized all day long! Maybe it's already the diet, or the spring sun?
Preparation day 3 - April 13 2011
Slept 7 hours (10pm to 5am) and then woke up, again super energized. Guess I didn't need more sleep than that... Rest heart rate was 62 bpm this morning.
I will perform some cardio after work with some light abs exercises on a under eating phase stomach (read almost empty).
Edit: realized this morning that I am already using the other belt hole. Waist is tighter!
No training, total of 2354 calories (1877 overeating, 477 under eating)
103g fat (35%)
226g protein (34%)
198g carbs (31%)
Carbs composition:
91g sugar (46%)
69g complex (35%)
38g fiber (19%)
Felt super energized all day long! Maybe it's already the diet, or the spring sun?
Preparation day 3 - April 13 2011
Slept 7 hours (10pm to 5am) and then woke up, again super energized. Guess I didn't need more sleep than that... Rest heart rate was 62 bpm this morning.
I will perform some cardio after work with some light abs exercises on a under eating phase stomach (read almost empty).
Edit: realized this morning that I am already using the other belt hole. Waist is tighter!
Preparation day 3 - April 13 2011
Did 25 minutes of cardio at 150 bpm with two peak of 45 seconds at 170 bpm. I realized that training on a empty stomach gets my heart rate higher even if the effort is not. Add some very light abs work at the end.
Body weight after workout: 238 lbs --> probably 3-4 more after overeating phase though...
2885 calories total, 2513 during over eating, so 372 during controlled fasting.
84g fat (26%)
215g protein (30%)
323g carbs (44%)
carbs composition:
201g complex (62%)
68g sugar (21%)
54g fibre (17%)
Felt really good all day.
Preparation day 4 - April 14 2011
Slept very well last night, form 9:30pm to 6am. Woke up super energized. Rest heart rate at 6am: 58 bpm.
No training today, need to put the 18'' wheel with summer tire tonight after pigging out! Can't wait to take off those snow tires with super soft and large tire wall.
Did 25 minutes of cardio at 150 bpm with two peak of 45 seconds at 170 bpm. I realized that training on a empty stomach gets my heart rate higher even if the effort is not. Add some very light abs work at the end.
Body weight after workout: 238 lbs --> probably 3-4 more after overeating phase though...
2885 calories total, 2513 during over eating, so 372 during controlled fasting.
84g fat (26%)
215g protein (30%)
323g carbs (44%)
carbs composition:
201g complex (62%)
68g sugar (21%)
54g fibre (17%)
Felt really good all day.
Preparation day 4 - April 14 2011
Slept very well last night, form 9:30pm to 6am. Woke up super energized. Rest heart rate at 6am: 58 bpm.
No training today, need to put the 18'' wheel with summer tire tonight after pigging out! Can't wait to take off those snow tires with super soft and large tire wall.
Thanks Rob!
Preparation day 4 - April 14 2011
2483 calories, 1825 during over eating
86g fat (31%)
184g protein (29%)
252g carbs (40%)
67g sugar (27%)
142g complex (56%)
43g fibre (17%)
no training.
I had a hard time not eating yesterday. It's a first since beginning the warrior diet four days ago. Felt super hungry all day, energized but in a bad mood. And I had a bad new right when I has feasting...
Montreal defeat Boston, went to bed late, had 3 beers
Preparation day 5 - April 15 2011
I will do cardio after work today. Don't feel energize today compare to last 4 days. I am just not in the mood or whatever.
My father invited my for lunch so I will deflect slightly from the WD. Family first! I don't see my dad often these time so I jumped on the opportunity.
I will try Warrior Whey after my cardio session. It's a cold process whey from Ori Hofmekler, the warrior diet guy, thus the name of the whey. I will report my thoughts and findings here.
Preparation day 4 - April 14 2011
2483 calories, 1825 during over eating
86g fat (31%)
184g protein (29%)
252g carbs (40%)
67g sugar (27%)
142g complex (56%)
43g fibre (17%)
no training.
I had a hard time not eating yesterday. It's a first since beginning the warrior diet four days ago. Felt super hungry all day, energized but in a bad mood. And I had a bad new right when I has feasting...
Montreal defeat Boston, went to bed late, had 3 beers
Preparation day 5 - April 15 2011
I will do cardio after work today. Don't feel energize today compare to last 4 days. I am just not in the mood or whatever.
My father invited my for lunch so I will deflect slightly from the WD. Family first! I don't see my dad often these time so I jumped on the opportunity.
I will try Warrior Whey after my cardio session. It's a cold process whey from Ori Hofmekler, the warrior diet guy, thus the name of the whey. I will report my thoughts and findings here.
Preparation day 5 - April 15 2011
I didn't made it to the gym on Friday, I wasn't feeling like it. I went home and power nap for an hour instead. I had my main meal at 8pm and went to bed at 11pm. Slept well. Didn't count food but I am almost sure it was a little bit high in fat content.
Preparation day 6 - April 16 2011
Girlfriend birthday so I wasn't allowed to go to the gym
Went in Montreal in a steakhouse for her anniversary dinner. Very happy father in law paid the bill! Didn't count calories nor macros but I believed I was inline with WD.
Preparation day 7 - April 17 2011
I was supposed to begin famine Sunday but it was my mom birthday and we went at the "cabane à sucre" (could be translate to: sugar shack) with my sister, her family, my mom, step father and my girlfriend for breakfast/lunch.
The typical "sugar shack" meal is ham with maple syrup, eggs with maple syrup, pancakes with maple syrup... you get the maple point? One of the spring fun up north!
So, I basically screw up warrior diet AND famine guidelines.
Average rest heart rate for preparation phase: 60 BPM
Famine day 1 - April 18 2011
I will eat 75% of my non-protein food between 6pm and 10pm during famine, trying to keep following the WD principles but without the proteins. I try to restrain myself to 1900 calories and 30g of proteins.
Tonight will be the 1st famine workout, on an empty stomach.
Supplementing with fish oil and multi-vitamins only. Maybe come greens.
Forgot to take my rest heart rate this morning but looking back at my previous cycle, it only started to slightly change at famine day 4 and at day 5: BOOM +8! Also, I don't have a personal scale at home so my famine starting weight will be taken at the gym around 5pm today.
I didn't made it to the gym on Friday, I wasn't feeling like it. I went home and power nap for an hour instead. I had my main meal at 8pm and went to bed at 11pm. Slept well. Didn't count food but I am almost sure it was a little bit high in fat content.
Preparation day 6 - April 16 2011
Girlfriend birthday so I wasn't allowed to go to the gym
Went in Montreal in a steakhouse for her anniversary dinner. Very happy father in law paid the bill! Didn't count calories nor macros but I believed I was inline with WD.
Preparation day 7 - April 17 2011
I was supposed to begin famine Sunday but it was my mom birthday and we went at the "cabane à sucre" (could be translate to: sugar shack) with my sister, her family, my mom, step father and my girlfriend for breakfast/lunch.
The typical "sugar shack" meal is ham with maple syrup, eggs with maple syrup, pancakes with maple syrup... you get the maple point? One of the spring fun up north!
So, I basically screw up warrior diet AND famine guidelines.
Average rest heart rate for preparation phase: 60 BPM
Famine day 1 - April 18 2011
I will eat 75% of my non-protein food between 6pm and 10pm during famine, trying to keep following the WD principles but without the proteins. I try to restrain myself to 1900 calories and 30g of proteins.
Tonight will be the 1st famine workout, on an empty stomach.
Supplementing with fish oil and multi-vitamins only. Maybe come greens.
Forgot to take my rest heart rate this morning but looking back at my previous cycle, it only started to slightly change at famine day 4 and at day 5: BOOM +8! Also, I don't have a personal scale at home so my famine starting weight will be taken at the gym around 5pm today.
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- Joined: Tue Nov 02, 2010 8:51 am
Famine day 1 - April 18 2011
1687 calories (-213 from goal, but protein max was reached)
77g fat (39%)
31g protein (7%)
237g carbs (54%)
1261 calories eaten after 6pm (74.7%, close enough to my goal)
Famine workout #1:
Squat super set with one arm dumbbell row:
315 x 6, 6, 4 --> could have done 5 on last but didn't try
81 x 6 --> too easy upped the weight for next set
89 x 6, 7 --> could probably have done 8 on all 3 sets. Weird because last famine I barely done 6 with those 81...
Seated cable row close grip super set with chin up
225 x 6, 6, 6 --> easy at the beginning, hard on last but still very good improvement from last famine
body weight x 6, 4, 3 --> first set was a breeze, last 2 where very hard!
Barbell curl: 85 lbs x 6 --> ok
Incline dumbbells curl: 51 lbs x 6 --> limit
Preacher curl EZ bar: 70 lbs x 7 --> maybe 8
Total workout time: 40 minutes
Body weight after workout: 239 lbs (current run base line weight)
Training on an empty stomach was way easier than I thought! All lift where heavier and easier than last run too. Really happy! Felt great all day with lots of energy. The 1200+ calories dinner makes an happy ending too.
Famine day 2 - April 19 2011
Morning rest heart rate: 63 bpm (+3)
Diet should be pretty close to yesterday. Also, I won't be able to go to gym tomorrow so today will be the 2nd famine workout. I will either do cardio on Thursday and famine workout #3 on Friday or vice versa.
Didn't sleep very well last night. The pregnant women laying next to me in the bed had a hard time sleeping, so do I :s Still, I feel great this morning.
1687 calories (-213 from goal, but protein max was reached)
77g fat (39%)
31g protein (7%)
237g carbs (54%)
1261 calories eaten after 6pm (74.7%, close enough to my goal)
Famine workout #1:
Squat super set with one arm dumbbell row:
315 x 6, 6, 4 --> could have done 5 on last but didn't try
81 x 6 --> too easy upped the weight for next set
89 x 6, 7 --> could probably have done 8 on all 3 sets. Weird because last famine I barely done 6 with those 81...
Seated cable row close grip super set with chin up
225 x 6, 6, 6 --> easy at the beginning, hard on last but still very good improvement from last famine
body weight x 6, 4, 3 --> first set was a breeze, last 2 where very hard!
Barbell curl: 85 lbs x 6 --> ok
Incline dumbbells curl: 51 lbs x 6 --> limit
Preacher curl EZ bar: 70 lbs x 7 --> maybe 8
Total workout time: 40 minutes
Body weight after workout: 239 lbs (current run base line weight)
Training on an empty stomach was way easier than I thought! All lift where heavier and easier than last run too. Really happy! Felt great all day with lots of energy. The 1200+ calories dinner makes an happy ending too.
Famine day 2 - April 19 2011
Morning rest heart rate: 63 bpm (+3)
Diet should be pretty close to yesterday. Also, I won't be able to go to gym tomorrow so today will be the 2nd famine workout. I will either do cardio on Thursday and famine workout #3 on Friday or vice versa.
Didn't sleep very well last night. The pregnant women laying next to me in the bed had a hard time sleeping, so do I :s Still, I feel great this morning.