These are questions only you can answer. Meaning, your body will tell you exactly what to do. My guess would be this... add those EDT blocks for workouts 2-4 and then taper them back as the 10% solution intensifies. Solid strategy that I've used in the past.restoman45 wrote:So would you consider adding an additional edt block just for workouts 2-4 depending on my current recovery?RobRegish wrote:Terrific!!!
Now, take note of the following: "Red Zone" workouts start during workout #5.
Something to consider as you bite off more on those EDT blocks. Otherwise, absolutely fantastic work thus far!!!
Also, this may be a dumb question, but should I continue the static hold the entire glp2 or will that be too taxing on my nervous system?
Thanks for all your help Rob!
On the static holds... there are no dumb questions Same rule of thumb applies here. Play these by ear. If, after performing your now abbreviated EDT blocks you feel up to it and can recover from it - go for it.
Those are big if's, but if you at all need any assistance in making that call well.... you know who to call
Keep up the great work!!!