Shoulder Rehab

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Post by PushingTheLimit »

Haha thats great! There are usually just a couple of old people that walk around the track and just stare at me. They must think I am crazy. I have really grown to love sled training. It has whipped me into shape quick.

So whats your opinion on my return to weight lifting? How long do you think I should wait?

How much do you think the restrictions I have would affect the creation of a solid program? Would it cause muscle imbalances?
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Post by RobRegish »

Another month of what you're doing should do it...

In terms of restrictions, ultimately....none. I don't do restrictions and I don't think you should either. Now when we do start back, we won't be doing 1RM type stuff. But that doesn't mean we don't do overload. I have ideas...
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Post by PushingTheLimit »

Another month is a long time but better safe than sorry. Plus I am having fun with what I am doing. I am really killing bodyfat with the workouts I have been doing even while eating about 3000 calories. I am doing sled work but I am also throwing is all sorts of speed and agility work. At the end of each workout I doing some rough conditioning as well. Trying to get back to my athlete roots.

Any tips on what I can add to my workouts to get more out of them?
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Post by RobRegish »

Nothing at this point..

The fact you're wanting more is a good sign. Scratch that... a GREAT sign. Ethusiasm must be tempered though. Not to reign you in but rather, to prevent a re-occurrence of your injury.

Don't want to take you down that road again. It will be here soon enough. Until then... still waters run deep.
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Post by PushingTheLimit »

Sounds good. I will stick with what I am doing. Its working so why change it
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Post by RobRegish »

I felt something in my shoulder during the last workout. Tomorrow tells the tale so I may be in deeper on this rehab thing with you shortly..

If so, I couldn't be in better company :)
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Post by PushingTheLimit »

Lets hope its nothing. Shoulders are just naturally really prone to injury. So many ligaments converge at one point and the shoulder itself can move in so many different planes. I knew I was bound to have some kind of shoulder injury eventually because I played baseball for 8 years.
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Post by RobRegish »

Me too. Played right through college.

I was a pitcher. Got wild at the end so it was at least entertaining. I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow morning..

Back to you. How are you feeling?
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Post by PushingTheLimit »

I am feeling great. Been working a lot but I have my nutrition down right and am getting in some great workouts
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Post by PushingTheLimit »



Not bad for 6 workouts :)
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Post by RobRegish »

AWESOME! What's that, +20lbs?

Man I love coming here and hearing about how well you guys are doing. I get beat up all day at work and you really lifted my spirits.

SOOOO happy for you!
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Post by RobRegish »

Here's what I'd like you to do next with respect to the squat..

Take a week off from lower body training. Continue of course with the shoulder rehab course I've outlined but dis-continue lower body work.

When you resume the following week, do so with German Loading Pattern #2 as per The Blueprint Periodic - For Strength.

I really want to keep this rolling!
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Post by PushingTheLimit » does that include sled dragging for legs as well or just lifting?
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Post by RobRegish »

Just lifting.

Keep draggin' :)
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