Feast phase 1-5 workouts?

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Feast phase 1-5 workouts?

Post by gymrat53 »

The first 5 workouts you have drawn out during the Feast phase are those to be completed consecutively like 1-5 in a five day period?

During those workout do you have a warm-up set or just jump right into the one working set to failure?
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Post by RobRegish »

No, they should not be performed on consecutive days. Suggest a one on/one off or one on/two off format.

Absolutely warm up to that target weight before the work set. It's best for your nervous system to "see" that weight (or even a heavier one) prior to the work set...
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Post by gymrat53 »

I understand it is probably flexible and user dependent but any recommendations on how many sets/rep ranges prior to the work set?

Sorry for all the questions....
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Post by RobRegish »

OK on the questions. That's why we have this board!

I prefer singles or doubles with weights leading up to your target weight. Here was my exact bench warmup yesterday:

GOAL: 4 sets of 5 with 350lbs

Band extensions for elbows, 1 set of 40
Dumbell presses (5) right into dumbell shoulder rotations (5) right into dumbell flyes (5) with the last one held in a stretch to the floor with 45lb powerblocks.

Bench 225lbs x1, 255x1, 275x1, 295x1, 305x1, 320x1, 340x1, 350x1

Begin work set.

Now what you have here is a warmup consisting of light, loaded stretches in an exaggerated range of motion. Proven to increase strength where static stretching decreases it. Then you have gradual increments on the movement you're training such that the nervous system "sees" increasing weights, including the one you'll be working with.

Yes, it takes some time to warm up but....(knock on wood) I can truthfully say in 25 years - not one shoulder injury. Remember to balance each pushing movement with a pull movement for like reps.
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Post by gymrat53 »

Are those 5 reps for shoulder press and flyes a light weight to just get a good stretch or a somewhat challenging weight?

Any good loaded stretches/warm up you recommend before squats?
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Post by RobRegish »

Lighter weights soley for stretching purposes..

EDIT: I see you were asking about stretching before squats.

I prefer the squat movement itself, perhaps performed with a wider than usual stance. Doing so takes things out of the groove so to speak while improving the stretch reflex.

Alternatively, box squats with a wide stance build great flexibility, the stretch reflex and explosiveness out of the hole.

The key is you want to closely mimic the main movement, bar weight for your target set without expending too much energy. You also want to prime the CNS to fire optimally for your work sets with target weight.
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Post by gymrat53 »

Thanks for the tips Rob.

One last question I have for you is do recommend any good routines besides the EDT that is more hypertrophy based?

I'd appreciate it if you could help me come up with a solid hypertrophy based routine for my first run about a month from now.
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Post by RobRegish »

For pure hypertrophy, it's tough to beat EDT. However, I do have some pointers on how to go about making it more effective.

First, EDT focuses a bit too much on isolation exercises IMO. I know what Charles is getting at there as managing fatigue over time can cause form to slip a bit. On compound exercises, this can be dangerous.

What I like to do is arrange for the following spin on EDT:

PR ZONE 1 Total of 10-12 minutes

Set 1: Set of barbell dips for as many reps as possible within a 30 sec window. Immediately into
Set 2: Set of dumbell pullovers on a slight incline bench (very slight) for as many reps in a 30 sec timeframe as you can get

Rest about 2 minutes between sets. Repeat until the clock runs down to zero. You should be able to squeeze in 4 sets of each in this fashion, preserving a high workload on compound lifts. It's short enough to keep your focus, manage fatigue and deliver max overload. You'll be pretty spent so you need to do this first in the workout where it makes sense - you have the most energy out of the gate

PR ZONE 2 Total of 20 minutes

Traditional Staley PR Zone with less demanding (seated) movements where only the weight moves through space (not the weight plus the body as with dips/squats). Since you're working all upper body this workout I'd recommend:

Shoulder press (seated) for 5 reps or thereabouts immediately into skullcrushers/tricep extensions.

Rest 2 minutes between sets

The alternate workout would focus on legs and back/bis. For this workout I'd structure as follows:

PR ZONE 1: Total of 10-12 minutes

Squats for as many reps as possible within 30 second window immediately into seated cable rows, as many reps as possible within a 30 sec window.

Rest 2 minutes between sets. Rinse, wash and repeat.

PR ZONE 2: Total of 20 minutes in traditional EDT fashion

Leg sled for 5 or so reps immediately into Tbar rows for 5 or so reps.

Rest 2 minutes between sets. Continue until the 20 min are exhausted

I don't include dedicated bicep work as I feel they get adequate overload from the heavy rowing movements. I haven't done a curl in over 5 years.

This workout delivers the same Staley density overload so effective for hypertrophy, adds more efficient compound movements thereby ratcheting up the #'s (read, overload) and does so with adequate volume needed to stimulate hypertrophy.

The one variable to keep your eye on is frequency. As you grow stronger the stresses on your body grow greater and it will take you a bit longer to recover workout to workout. The solution is to insert an extra rest day when you observe strength gains slowing. I'd start with a 1 on/1 off format and likely quickly move to a 1 on/2 off from there. Perhaps 1 on 3 off if the situation warrants.

Give it a shot. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised (and winded) after the first few sesstions.
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Post by gymrat53 »

Thanks man I'll give that a go for my 1st BP run in a month after my sponsored log. I'll definitely log this to track my progress and get help along the way if I have any questions.

On a side note I'm logging a product called Mass Addiction by Anabolic Addiction the formula is unique but also a prop. blend but supposedly uses Rhaponticum Carthamoides. Check out the formula if you get the chance and let me know what you think. Maybe it has a place in the BP with the ecdy, nutrient partitioners, divanil, ect.

Would a one week break into famine after using this be enough of a break from ecdy to jump into the BP?
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Post by scoooter »

Have used this: Mass Addiction by Anabolic Addiction

I found the product to be a great T-booster. I didn't notice muscle hardening effect though which is what I was after since it had the RC in the formula.

Any results ?
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Post by gymrat53 »

scoooter wrote:Have used this: Mass Addiction by Anabolic Addiction

I found the product to be a great T-booster. I didn't notice muscle hardening effect though which is what I was after since it had the RC in the formula.

Any results ?
I start my sponsored log this Thursday so I'll let you know how it goes. Sucks it is a prop. blend but the ingredients look solid.
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Post by RobRegish »

A one week break should be fine, then Famine then off to the Feast..

First I've heard of this product. Let's break it down:

20-Hydroxyecdysterone (95%), Trans-Resveratrol, Tribulus (80% Saponins, 40% Protodioscin) 3,4-Divanillyltetrahydrofuran (95%)

I'm not entirely against prop blends but the issue I have with this is....where does it state the 20-H is from RCE? I'd think they'd want to crow about that on the label. Also, to focus just on 20-H would be a mistake as it's but one of MANY ecysterones in RCE (albeit a major one). Personally, I consider 20-H as a standalone quite inferior to full spectrum RCE which among other things, contains almost 25% Turk in nature's perfect proportions.

Now Trans-Rev is fine, although I personally think its life extension merits outweigh any anti-E, test elevation. Trib is great stuff but again, overly focusing on protodioscin during extraction can ruin nature's balance. I won't even touch the 3,4 given the latest debacle...

I'm sure it's a good product for what it is. Would just like to see source materials referenced (RCE, Bulgarian Trib, 3,4 really 95%?).

Again, not throwing cold water on it. If it works for you, wonderful. Just an unknown for me at this point. Looking forward to your log for sure...
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Post by gymrat53 »

RobRegish wrote:A one week break should be fine, then Famine then off to the Feast..

First I've heard of this product. Let's break it down:

20-Hydroxyecdysterone (95%), Trans-Resveratrol, Tribulus (80% Saponins, 40% Protodioscin) 3,4-Divanillyltetrahydrofuran (95%)

I'm not entirely against prop blends but the issue I have with this is....where does it state the 20-H is from RCE? I'd think they'd want to crow about that on the label. Also, to focus just on 20-H would be a mistake as it's but one of MANY ecysterones in RCE (albeit a major one). Personally, I consider 20-H as a standalone quite inferior to full spectrum RCE which among other things, contains almost 25% Turk in nature's perfect proportions.

Now Trans-Rev is fine, although I personally think its life extension merits outweigh any anti-E, test elevation. Trib is great stuff but again, overly focusing on protodioscin during extraction can ruin nature's balance. I won't even touch the 3,4 given the latest debacle...

I'm sure it's a good product for what it is. Would just like to see source materials referenced (RCE, Bulgarian Trib, 3,4 really 95%?).

Again, not throwing cold water on it. If it works for you, wonderful. Just an unknown for me at this point. Looking forward to your log for sure...
I questioned the ecdy source with the reps online they couldn't get me an answer which led them to giving me a free bottle to log. I did some searching and found they do use RCE. I asked exactly the same question about why they wouldn't put that out there for marketing purposes.

Completely agree with you on t-res in regards to a significant test boost but it is a good anti-oxidant. Don't know to much about tribulus besides it is good for a libido boost. nolinksplease.com trashes the stuff but nolinksplease.com has a lot of broscientists.

Divanil yes I'm aware of the situation going on there but it still seems to do its job as a full spectrum complex instead of 95% evidence of bloodwork.

I like the addition of the lagerstroemia speciosa for nutrient partitioning effects though.
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Post by RobRegish »

The whole free bottle/refusing to confirm thing bothers me. Almost like they were trying to placate you.

In any case, if it's just 20H you're looking for the cheap route is Cyanotis Vaga. And most companies take the cheap route. I sincerely hope that isn't the case here but again, would be nice if they were more up front about things.

Anyway, good research on your part. Asking companies these questions is a good thing.
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