KE GLP#2 Journal

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KE GLP#2 Journal

Post by KE »

I promised Rob I would do my best to journal my progress. I have not posted before due to I was not sure if I was doing the Blueprint (BP) correctly, and did not want to embarrass myself. Also, I'm really slow at typing. I've been following a few journals, and used them to guide me.
Long story short, I initially started about mid-November, (restarted famine phase due to Thanksgiving:-), and since then I've completed Famine Phase#1, GLP#1, and 1/2 way thru GLP#2. During Famine Phase, I thought I was really not going to survive, (I did not know how much I'm driven by food!) At this point I wish I had been journalizing it because it was almost an out of the body experience for me. No protien, #2 oranges, or pears prior to training at 5:00PM (which was my first meal of the day), and then only steamed green veggies after training, and all the water I could chug through the day. I do remember my first "Feast meal" and as much as I was lookin forward to eating...I got nauses and almost vomited!
Anyway, a brief background-48 yo male, lifted through highschool and for 6-7 years after. I got bored after not making any gains in the last few years, so I took up racquetball and started to play competatively and gave up lifting, (the two don't mix). Now that I'm having right shoulder and hip "issues" and can't play at the level I used to, I decided to return to "Pumping Iron." (That's what they called it 2 decades ago, it's funny to me even as I write it).
I'll start posting wgt/reps ect. as well as my "diet." You'll get a kick out of that, and I won't mind any pointers along the way.
Lastly, I want to say, Another rider on the 'Pain train to Gainsville"

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Post by 321bh »

Good luck brother! I'll be diving straight into GLP#2 in my third run.. will look forward to your progress!
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Post by bigpelo »

have you revised your famine diet? It seems to me you weren't eating enough on your first run.
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Post by KE »

Hey I'm new to posting and stuff, but just went to send todays post and it asked me to sign back in and my post got deleted. Got took me 1/2 hour (I'm a slooow typer)!

Thanks to 321bh and bigpelo (I'm going to call you BIGpelo cause I saw your pic) for the welcome! I have not posted my prior workouts because I'm still not sure if I'm doing everything correctly?
Anyway, I get a VIP pass/key to the employee enterance at my gym if I teach/play I play racquetball every Thursday night 6:15-8:45, and Sunday 1:00-3:00 (sometimes). Usually sore as he11 for a day or so after.
So, tonight was racquetball and thus my appologizes for a late entry, but I also had to rewrite it too :oops:
Fridays are usually reserved for dinner and a movie with the lady of the house "LOTH", and rest after racquetball (right hip and shouilder issues).
Saturday thru Wednesday are now "pain train to Gainsville!"
Lets get to business...
6:30-1/4 protien shake (per Rob Von Mix master recipie)-txs Rob! (on lifting days 1/2 oatmeal w/ raisins bar)
9:00-1/4 shake (on lifting days second of 1/2 oatmeal w/ raisins bar
11:45 1/2 pulled pork, black bean, white rice with green hot sause and fresh squeezed lime juice on each and every bite! (makes my mouth water just typing it!!)
3:30 Second 1/2 burrito and 1/4 protien shake
9:00 Last of shake (about 1/4)
9:15 Some frozen dinner consisting of a green pepper filled with ground beef, rice and another frozen dish-lasagna- thank God tomorrow is garbage day. Listen the "LOTH" does all the cooking, I can't sleep with both eyes open! so...I'm not complaining, (she may 'accidently" read this some time). Luv u long time baby!
Anyway back to business-
Supps: Mass Pro Whey, Mass Pro amino (need help in directions...I've been doing 3 days on and then 3 off?), Adaptogen 2 or 3 at bedtime, Kre Anabolyn (with fish oil and /or extra virgin olive oil when at home) twice a day.
BIGpelo you"re correct about my Famine diet, at the time I thought it was recommended to avoid any/all protein?
321bh I'll be reviewing your post to learn, and see if I can help. You are going to be starting GLP#2 (need to understand what you mean by 3rd run).
Any advise is welcome, I promise to get more organized with my posts and type faster.
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Post by RobRegish »

Great job Kevin!!

Looking forward to this trip to Gainsville. GLP 2 is a nice loading pattern and yet another that'll get you to the corner of Main St. and PR Drive fast.

You need any help... I'm right here. In fact, check your PM's. My cell phone # will be there. Since you invested in me, feel free to use it.

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Post by bigpelo »

For the famine diet, the name of this phase mean you will be hungry for most part of the day but it doesn't mean to only have water and 1-2 servings of fruits.

-Calories to 8 x body weight in lb
-Protein under 30g / day
-Mostly fruits and veges for detox
-Have your biggest meal late in the day, it helps fall asleep

On my first run I thought: the bigger the alarm, the bigger the gains! but eating to low calories during famine will delay "traction", meaning it will take a long time to get back to where you were before famine and then gaining mass/strength. By the time I reach gains, my feast phase was over...
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Post by RobRegish »

bigpelo wrote:For the famine diet, the name of this phase mean you will be hungry for most part of the day but it doesn't mean to only have water and 1-2 servings of fruits.

-Calories to 8 x body weight in lb
-Protein under 30g / day
-Mostly fruits and veges for detox
-Have your biggest meal late in the day, it helps fall asleep

On my first run I thought: the bigger the alarm, the bigger the gains! but eating to low calories during famine will delay "traction", meaning it will take a long time to get back to where you were before famine and then gaining mass/strength. By the time I reach gains, my feast phase was over...
Couldn't have said it better myself.

Thanks for the assist bigpelo!! :)
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Post by KE »

It's Friday night (dinner and a movie) time for a quick note and I gotta go. Rob, again really sorry I missed you! I got your # and we have time to get organized (~3 weeks) before my second Famine Phase (thanks for the info BIGpelo!). Back on the Adaptogen tonight for Saturday training GLP#2 bench#8 (lite one) and Squat #5 (heavy one). I know it's not the greatest plan to do both on the same day, but behind on my schedule and I have the time tomorrow...Yeah looking back at my 1st Famine I felt like I was crawling out of a abyss! With the new info, I'm looking at Famine #2 with a little more positive attitude!
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Post by RobRegish »

Good man.

Anything I can do help, I will.. :)
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Post by KE »

Breakfast-1 cup oatmeal, w/ 1/3 hand full raisins, same almonds, cinnamon, and 1/2 hand full frozen blue berries. #3 poached eggs topped with red peppers and coffee.
7:55 #1 son called and needed help finishing replacing his brakes on his truck.
1:30 Back in town-straight to gym
quick stretching in rack
bent over lateral shoulder raises w/ db (2 set 20lbs)
Flat bench
" " (no wgt) (20 reps)
" " 50 lbs (1 set 10)
" " 135 lbs (1 set 10)
" " 225 lbs ( 4 sets 5)
over head db stretch
" " 65 lbs (1 set 10)
" " 70 lbs (1 set 10)
" " 80 lbs (4 sets 10)
Decline db
45 lbs (1 set 10)
60 lbs(1 set 10)
70 lbs (1 set 8, 6, 6, 6)
Seated over-head cable lat pull downs (narrow grip)
100 lbs ( 1 set 10)
160 lbs (1 set 7)
14 lbs (9, 6, 6, 5)

seated (Aronald S.) db over-head press
35 lbs (1 set 10)
50 lbs (10, 8, 6, 6)
Seated cable row with wide grip
80 lbs (1 set 10)
100 lbs (1 set 10)
120 lbs (8, 6, 4)
I honestly did not hot much gas in the tank walking into the gym, and without a pre wo meal or shake I was really toast walking out. Saturday is usually my best wo day. Missed the goal today.

2:45 head for home to call Rob at 3:00 (I thought that was 2:00 EST, I may have my times wrong :oops: . After talking with Rob I noticed I had gotten a email at 2:30? Rob I'M SORRY if I did...(He never said anythig to the liking, he is a very cool cat by the way). With all his recent travels and tribulations it's amazing he standing up and seeing straight.

3:45 Massive headach and starving
Sandwich (2 pieces multi grain bread, thin sliced roast beef (alot), miracle whip on both pieces of bread (mayo suks), Heinz ketchup (there is no substitute), thin sliced chedder cheese to cover 1 piece of bread, and bananna peppers. Too many chips and a glass of almond milk.

4:15 Crash and burn nap.

5:30 Up feeling some what better? House stuff to do.

6:15 1 bowl of homemade chili, (I really married out of my league!)
2 p-butter and strawberry jelly samiches, 1 glass of almond milk, and too many potatoe chips. ( I'm carb loading for tomorrows GLP @ squat # 5 wo). I wanted to get it in today but no way! No raqcuetball scheduled for tomorrow so I can focus on weight training.

Again, this is my second version of this PM. I went to send the first one and it got deleted :twisted:
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Post by JML2011 »

Kevin EIck wrote:
Again, this is my second version of this PM. I went to send the first one and it got deleted :twisted:
Save yourself some time next time... sounds like you are timing out :)

After you type everything up, highlight it and copy it before you click submit... so that if it clears out, you can just paste it back instead of retyping it!! :)

Or write it in word and copy and paste it :)

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Post by KE »

Squat wo #5
warm up
stretching (R hip issues)
bar w/ no wgt x10
135 x 6
4-sets of #252 x 5
Over-heal lat pull downs (wide grip)
80 x 10
100 x 8
120 x 6,6,6,5

SLDL-(always on rack to protect my back)
warm up 70 x 10, 10
4-sets of 160 x 10, 9, 10, 6
Leg press
180 x 10
360 x 5
630 x 6,6,6,6
Single leg extensions
60 x 6,6,6
50 x 9
leg curls
25 x 10
40 x 6,6
50 x 4
(got bumped off), so I did 45 db in each hand and (lunges)-two steps at a time (up and down twice) for 2 sets (aprox 34 steps total for each set).

Finished with some ab work and HIIT (not enough to mention...ran out steam).

11:30-Breakfast was same as yesterdays oatmeal, poached eggs and coffee. Supps (Kre Anabolyn and Tbsp. of extra vergin olive oil).

1:30-Hit the gym started my peri wo drink (water bottle with 24 Gm Mass Pro Amino and 4 oz pineapple juice topped with water.

3:15-Finished main portion of training. (got a few guys asking questions on the last 25 minutes, plus I was pretty well spent, so I did abs and some HIIT and split around 4:00.

4:05-pre made my shake (same as yesterdays except no raw eggs) before heading to the gym, so I enjoyed 1/2 (about 14 oz) of it on the way home. DE-LISH. 1-Kre Anabolyn and 1-Tbsp extra virgin olive oil.
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Post by RobRegish »

Lookin' solid!!!

Keep up the great work :)
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Post by KE »

Thanks for the tip JML2011 on posting!
warm up/stretch
Flat bench
260 x 3,3,3,3 (needed assist on my 3rd rep with each set :roll:
Over head db
85 x 10,10,10,10

decline bench
135 x 10
225 x 6,6,5,5
bent over row w/ barbell in corner
160 x 6,6,6,6
(got bumped off)

incline db
45 x 10
75 x 6,6,6,4
1-arm bd row
85 x 6,6
75 x 6,6,4

5:15-10 oz shake w/ 1/3 cup ground up oatmeal mixed in it.
8:00-10:00 3-4 cups coffee
10:15-10 oz shake
11:30-BBQ pork sandwich and fries, medium rootbeer
Supps KA, fish oil cap
3:30-10 oz shake
5:00-wo drink (4 oz pineapple juice, 24 gm Mass Pro Amino, 8 oz water)
5:15 train as above
8:30-bowl homemade chili
supp-ka and tbsp olive oil
10:30- 1/2 cup cottage cheese
Legs are still sore/swollen from yesterday, felt about 90% healthy/rested going into the gym, but not hitting my bench like I'd like. First two reps were solid (all me), but the 3rd rep was 65% me with spotter. My spotter pointed out, it was still more that I was doing just a few months ago.
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