Quick question

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Quick question

Post by lmaonade123 »

If I haven't been in feast 30-42 days and I've finished the 5 day routine am I supposed to do the routine again or go straight to cruise?
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Post by ielite »

Did you do the loading patterns? (I'm assuming the 5 are the bridge, in which case you would do the loading pattern next)
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Post by Hank! »

rephrase please i dont understand your question

You havent been in feast 30-42 days? How long have you been in feast?
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Post by lmaonade123 »

ielite wrote:Did you do the loading patterns? (I'm assuming the 5 are the bridge, in which case you would do the loading pattern next)
Ohhh so I would just move on to the German Loading Pattern?
Hank! wrote:rephrase please i dont understand your question

You havent been in feast 30-42 days? How long have you been in feast?
I've been in feast 14-16(?) days and I've finished the 5 workouts. It says to do feast for 30-42 days. I'm just asking if I should restart the 5 workouts or what i should do.
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Post by Street-dreams »

move onto glp1
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Post by Retrotiger »

Oh. Now I know how the program works.

So, I think this is how it works.

1. Use the given workout.
2. German Loading Pattern I.
3. German Loading Pattern II.
4. And so on.

Correct me if I'm wrong please.
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Post by RyannayR »

Famine (5 days)
-Adhere to diet restrictions
-perform the 3 famine workouts
Feast (up to 42 days)
-First 3 days of feast you just eat and don't lift
-Then you perform the 5 day HIT workouts
-Then with your maxes in hand you perform GLP1
Cruise (about 3 weeks)
-Adhere to calorie restrictions
-Perform the cruise workouts

Then take one week off and Jump into GLP2 with your maxes from GLP1

Don't worry about anything beyond this point because it's months down the road!!!
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Post by lmaonade123 »

Oh okay I kinda messed up and redid feast day 1 last night, I guess I'll just start GLP1 tomorrow.

Thanks everyone!
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Post by JML2011 »

no worries. Better to ask and know then guess and get it wrong :)

Good luck with the GLP!
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Post by lmaonade123 »

One more question... how do I do the GLP part? I mean, I understand the loading pattern, but do I just do what I was already doing? Like:

Exercise 1 (with GLP) -> EDT 1 -> Exercise 2 (with GLP) -> EDT 2 ?

(https://bodybuildingsupplements.com/phpB ... 9&start=14)
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